Heart of mine

Heart of mine

A Poem by Sindhu selvi

Completely personal poem of mine.Dedicating to my sweet sister,Rathi.... This is my first gift for her marriage Gonna miss her more... Still happy for her new,colorful life...

An angel from the skies
Born in the Universe
Nothing equals her beauty
Silky hair that floats in air
Cute little eyes sparkling
Rosy lips smiles always
Fair and pretty baby 
Swings in a cradle 

With her soft spongy fingers
she touch me
Childish talks still rhymes in my heart.
Small lazy foot tries to walk
Though each step she falls
Holding her tight 
I Never let her to lose any fight 

Days moved on
Together we went every where
When we walk for a while
I never want the road to end
She never left me too 

We are grown now
Time came , Which we didn't expect
Sisters together all time
But now ,want to choose different ways
Only tears left
Hated the LIFE for this
But that's what life !!!!

No one else can reach her place
Missing her more
She too felt the same
No on ewe too explain for this
We are two lives with single soul....

I promise my heart
I will be
Flowers decorating her beautiful new life 
A fence protecting her
A path leading to joy
Morning sun for her brightening good day and
Evening moon for her pleasant good night....

I will be for her
Till my end
Holding her in my heart  

I love her more than
I love me 

© 2013 Sindhu selvi

Author's Note

Sindhu selvi
As English is my second language if i made any mistake please let me know.But i don't want people to write any harsh comments........

My Review

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You last art (Poem). I hope your male, as this happened to me earlier.
Anyways just keeping fun aside and reviewing this piece of art, I would say only 2 words
Simply Amazing!!
You loved her/love her no matter how deeply
But your words still admit. You still miss those olden/golden times which you spend with her.
Loved you style, do share this to her, if you know why.

Vikrantsingh Parmar.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Sindhu selvi

11 Years Ago

Thanks for the comment...I am her elder sis..Hope Got it..Yup I miss those times badly..She too love.. read more

11 Years Ago


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1 Review
Added on May 9, 2013
Last Updated on May 9, 2013
Tags: Personal, Love


Sindhu selvi
Sindhu selvi


This is Sindhu..... Love Poetry more..
