

A Poem by Singing Bird

How do you describe something that was probably never there?

Tis such a shame to say goodbye.
before one begins really to say hello.
You say you don't dance.
but you do, you know.

Never have I seen one
so fast on their feet.
Or did they ever really
move forward or otherwise?

So you've gone out the door,
or have you?
With still the whispers of seemingly
half hearted promises.

Hints of meanderings towards
a future.
Carried on the winds of time.

Oh but I'm so tired, so with hand upheld
in a slow but grateful salute.
I bid thee a poignant farewell.

For tis time to open my doors,
windows and air my cupboards.
Moving my energy forward
and ever onward.

© 2013 Singing Bird

Author's Note

Singing Bird
Ya win some, ya lose some!

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Added on April 1, 2013
Last Updated on April 1, 2013


Singing Bird
Singing Bird

Surat, Maranoa, Australia

57year old Female. Been writing poetry since 1986. Am a jeweler. Work with glass, twisted wire and copper foil to make unique lamps, tea lites etc; Do healing art drawings. Sing for my supper. more..


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