Echo Tango

Echo Tango

A Story by skratch234

This is my attempt at a Super Hero (or in this case Heroine) story.

Prologue 1:
“Badge Please.” The guard at the post stated flatly as he had every night for the past 6 years. He turned his eyes from the small TV to the two gentlemen in white coats and goggles.
“Hey Ernie, when’re they gonna let you not wear ‘dos goofy goggles?” he joked with the familiar people.
“I’ll stop wearing these,” he points to the goggles “when they’ve fully assessed you as a health risk, how many times have I told you to take a shower?” he chuckled as the guard simply smiled and pressed the button that let them into the lower levels.
“Why do we wear these goggles? I mean we’ve done this same routine for 2 years, you think our results would allow for more freedom dress wise, you know?” The other scientist spoke.
“You‘re just new, I’ve been doing this for 5 years. It’s just precaution, better safe then sorry.” He smiled and they continued walking, clipboards in hand.
They walked until they met up with a gruff looking soldier, highly decorated and clearly high ranking. He saluted stiffly and waited until they had returned his greeting. He quietly turned and led them to the back room. The door had three different security devices that were kept in place so no one hostage could be forced to open the door. The soldier leaned forward as a machine came from the wall and scanned his retina. The older scientist put his hand onto the pad which began to glow green as it scanned his fingerprints. The younger scientist stepped forward and recited the same words as every other night. After finishing a series of clicks and hisses could be heard as the door opened.
“Alright gentlemen, you know the drill. I’ll stand by and you get the information The Director asked for.” The soldier went about his routine checking the room and the security system to make sure all was in working order.
“The Director…” the younger scientist shivered a little at the name. “Just his title gives me the chills. I don’t know what I’d do if I ever met the guy.” He continued checking the vitals on the tubes that sat against the wall, the intricate and complicated system of screens glowed dimly, giving the room a sinister look.
“I met him once for a brief second. He’s a very powerful man, very charismatic. He almost has an air of nobility to him.” The older scientist thought back to that day and shivered as well.
All three jumped as something lightly thudded against one of the tops of the tubes.
“I hate when these things do that.” the younger scientist gasped.
“They aren’t things, they’re people.” The older scientist reprimanded him.
“They’re freaks.” the soldier stated bluntly without turning to face them.
Chapter 1:
The alarm buzzed repeatedly adding to the multitude of noises coming from the apartment. Someone jumped from place to place quieting the noises, turning off the alarm, then her whistling tea pot and finally the TV. She took the boiling water and poured it into a small orange tube which she quickly capped and threw into the freezer.
She laced up her shoes and threw the hood over the top of her head as she rushed out the door. She closed the door and quickly locked it before running down the hall and out of the apartment complex. She knew the city well and ran the streets like one who had built them with her own hands. She jumped fences and climbed walls quickening her travel. She sprang up and somersaulted over a wall into and alleyway and stood before a group of guys.
“Didn’t think you’d show up.” the bigger of the thugs said with a toothy grin.
“Aw, and miss our date.” She smiled her voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Don’t worry baby, this’ll be a night you won’t forget.” His men took some steps back as he stretched his neck and shoulders.
“Be gentle.” she smirked, stretching a little before assuming her normal stance.
She sprang quickly and the fight began, neither giving an inch as they fought ferociously. She saw him began to tire so she started to drive him back with a series of quick kicks at his legs. He fell back and rolled out of the alley springing to his feet, attempting to get his defenses up. The fight continued on the street, both looking worse for wear but the girl smiled and reveled in the pain she felt and caused. She faked a sweeping kick and as he jumped she continued the spin lifting herself into a whirlwind of legs that connected with his side and stomach. He landed hard on the pavement and didn’t get up. She checked his pulse to be dramatic and smiled.
“Damn, didn’t kill him this time. I’ll try again next week.” She smiled
As she turned someone slammed into her, her reaction was the same as always, rearing back she lashed out with her fist landing a solid strike on the persons face. They too fell and she jumped sideways to avoid any further attacks. She waited a moment until she was sure that this person was out cold. She leaned over to check to see who had startled her and realized it was a girl she did not know. She gasped and thought for a moment on what to do. She checked the girl’s pockets but there was nothing to be found. She sighed and picked her up.
“Guess I’m taking you home tonight, you better have a good reason for running into me though.” She grumbled as she began the walk back to her home.
Chapter 2:
She sat bolt upright and gasped and winced as she felt the side of her face throb. She looked around confused wondering where she was.
“Well finally awake I see.” the other girl walked over her hair and face wet and her nose filled with cotton. She tossed her a frozen pill bottle. “That’s for your face. Who are you? Why did you run into me?” she narrowed her eyes glaring at her.
“I’m sorry, my name is Ricochet and.” she stopped and rubbed her face “What happened to me?”
“You ran into me and I punched you. You startled me and I had just finished fighting. My nerves were still tensed and I attacked you by mistake. Where you going in such a hurry?” She sat down and continued drying her hair.
“I’m sorry, I was running from…” her voiced trailed off as she held the frozen bottle to her cheek to stop the pain.
“Frooooom?” she tapped her foot impatiently.
“I was running away.” Ricochet stated flatly. “I’m sorry but who are you?”
“Well since you asked so nicely.” she turned and went into the kitchen.
Ricochet got out and followed her trying to bring the last few events into focus, trying to make them coherent.
“I’m sorry, people were chasing me and I was frightened, I just ran. I’m sorry for scaring you and running into you.” She sat the pill bottle down and smiled.
“…yeah well I’m Tami.” She opened her freezer and grabbed a waffle and began chewing on it.
“It’s nice to meet you Tami.” Ricochet saluted stiffly.
Tami stared at her with one raised eyebrow. “Yeah, yeah nice to meet you too I guess.”
Every night Tami continued to go out and fight while Ricochet stayed at the apartment trying to gather her thoughts. They talked very little but Tami always found time to make Ricochet something to eat before going to sleep or going out. Tami saw Ricochet as very stiff while Ricochet felt Tami was undisciplined and sloppy. They never fought but were tense around the other. After a week Ricochet finally became curious enough to ask Tami some questions.
“Where do you go every night?”
Tami looked at her curiously. “I have friends that I meet and we…spar.”
Ricochet looked at her black eye that was just starting to heal. “What are you sparring for, are you training?”
“Training?” Tami laughed slightly. “No just trying to keep up my strength. Have to stay ready.”
“Ready, for what?.”
“Anything I guess; Zombie apocalypse, cockroach rebellion, kitten Nazi regime, plant’s start a war, government gone crazy. Take your pick.”
“Government gone crazy?” Ricochet raised her eyebrow.
“…out of the list I gave you, you ask about that one?”
“That was the last on your list and you seemed more sincere when you said it. Do you think the government could go crazy?”
“Maybe not large scale, but they could always have rogue agents or something.”
“Or something?” Ricochet prodded.
“Or they could just see certain people as a threat.” Tami began to sound irritated.
Ricochet stifled a laugh. “You? A threat? To what?”
“I DON’T KNOW!” she snapped “You don’t have to believe me, no one does.” Tami turned around.
“I didn’t mean to insult you. I would just assume that the Government and its soldiers would have other …concerns, before wanting to fight with you.”
“Oh and what makes you such an expert?” Tami glared at Ricochet
Ricochet looked about awkwardly for a moment. “You took me into your home and helped me so I am going to share something with you.” She stood and turned letting her shirt slip a little to uncover her shoulders revealing a tattoo like brand.
“Cool ink, why should I care?” Tami rolled her eyes.
“It’s not just ink; it’s the symbol of a military unit run by one who is known as The Director.” She closed her eyes remembering how the scientist used to speak his name in whispers of fear and awe.
“So you’re a soldier?” Tami finished eating her waffle while listening closely to Ricochet.
“Yes and no. I’m trained for combat but not too fight, I can’t really explain how it.” she shifted nervously.
Tami saw her nervousness and sensed her attempt at opening up to someone. “At least you’re talking to me. Well it looks like I should finish up what our half-assed politicians started. If you’re going to live with me then you’re going to fight with me.”
Ricochet smiled and nodded, thankful to have someone who she could finally talk to.
Chapter 3
Tami started out her drilling of Ricochet slowly. Basic forms and stances that she had come up with during her impromptu training in her city. Tami gave her a hard time saying that her previous training made her predictable. She would watch Ricochet for a few seconds before tripping her mid-drill.
“You can’t leave yourself open and you certainly can’t have a pattern. Predictability is a weakness.”
After Tami felt Ricochet was ready she began taking her out to drill her with the people she usually sparred with on the street. They were careful to go easy on her, letting her practice her punches and kicks.
“Man, that girl got some mad sting on those blows. It almost feels like she’s holding something to weight those punches.” The guy smiled while shaking his sore hand.
Tami couldn’t help but smile at the progress of her pupil. She put her arm around Ricochet and they both laughed as they headed back to the apartment.
“Hands up slowly and hand over anything valuable.” a deep voice came from behind them.
“How the f**k are we going to put our hands up and give you our stuff at the same time?” Tami grumbled and put her hands up. The man laughed ominously and Ricochet put her hands up as well. Tami spun quickly and attacked knocking the mugger of his feet. A shot rang out followed by the sound of metal reflecting metal.
Tami jumped as a wall of energy appeared before her as the mugger’s gun went off. The wall went down and Tami struck again knocking the mugger out and kicking the gun away.
“WHAT THE F**K WAS THAT?! Tami yelled sitting down on the sidewalk. “A mugger is one thing but what the hell was that flash!?” she looked at Ricochet who was slowly lowering her hands.
Ricochet was shaking slightly. She gently lowered her hands, her mouth slightly agape.
Tami stood up and looked around quickly, she grabbed Ricochet and she pushed her back toward the apartment. After running a few blocks Ricochet tried to slow down but Tami shoved her onward until they finally made it through their door.
“Ok what kind of soldier were you!” Tami attempted to yell quietly as she ran around closing windows and the blinds.
“I told you I was-” Ricochet started.
“You were trained for combat but not for fighting” Tami mocked “But what does that have to do with what happened earlier!”
“It’s…it’s a long story.” She sat down and looked up at Tami. “It all started when I was 12...”
Chapter 4:
“It all started when I was 12.” Ricochet began. “At least I think that’s when it started. The past few years, don’t make sense in my head, but I know what happened.” She put a hand to the back of her neck. “I…I know that I had run from something but I don’t know what exactly. That’s when I was picked up by a man. He was nice and told me he would take care of me if I helped him with his studies. I wasn’t the only one; there were quite a few of us runaways that were picked up.” She stared off into the distance for a moment and Tami sat down next to hear hanging on her every word.
“Who was the man?” Tami asked after a few moments of quiet.
“Just a recruiter, he wasn’t anyone special. I’m not even sure he knew what he was recruiting for. We were all afraid they would take us to some orphanage or some kind of forced labor camp, but it wasn’t like that…” Her voiced trailed off as she tried to reach into her past for something solid.
“I remember pain at first, a surgery? Something happened and we were all different. Better? That first year is all jumbled, but afterwards we were trained, split into two groups. There were people that had…abilities like me and another group.”
“Wait, there are more like you? Do you know how many?” Tami asked her excitement apparent for this tale of intrigue.
“There were quite a few. They said that they were preparing us for something. That we were going to protect people from something big. There was no official reason for us; we were just protectors against some vague threat that was whispered from person to person.”
“So, how did you get those, abilities? Special training or did they dip all of you in different chemicals?” Tami smirked.
“No, nothing like that.” she touched the back of her neck again. “I think…I think it was the surgery. Some kind of operation.”
“You guys were just some kind of special ops or something?” Tami tried her best to think of things to say, but they only came out as questions.
“Possibly, we weren’t the last group though. Each year they bring in more people. Sometimes we help the new ones after they go through whatever it is we go through, help them train, teach them what we know.”
A knock at the door startled them both. Tami ran to the door and checked the peep hole to see who it was.
“Just the landlord.” she muttered as she opened the door to let the small man in.
“Well hullo Tami.” he smiled warmly as he walked in. “And good morning to you as well young lady.” he turned to Ricochet whose eyes widened.
Ricochet immediately loosed a quick surge of energy against the land lord sending him crashing into a wall. He lay crumpled on the floor unconscious and Tami looked at her horrified.
“What are doing!? He was just here for the rent!” She ran to him but Ricochet got there before Tami.
“Whoever that is it’s not who you think.” She lifted the collar of his shirt and showed her the same tattoo that Ricochet had as well. “They sent him, they know where I am and they know you’ve helped me.” She began looking around trying to plan there escape.
“Gather everything you need but pack light. We won’t be able to come back here. We don’t have a lot of time so hurry.” Ricochet’s voice turned sharp and serious. Tami followed her orders and began gathering clothes and her weapons into a small bag.
Ricochet closed her eyes and spread her fingers; she began focusing, like she was trained to do. “That’s all the time we have, we have to leave now.” she stated slowly opening her eyes.
“Where are we going?” Tami came out where her usual jeans and hoodie.
“Away, they’re after me and they know you’ve helped me.” she raised her hands and created a small wall of energy. “This should by us some time.”
“Follow me, there’s a fire escape around an alley, it’s shadowed by the back of a building, no windows and it’s too close for someone to easily see us from the roof.” She went for the window and carefully unlocked it trying to stay as quiet as possible.
“From here we’ll head the sewer at the end of the alley, it’s small but it opens up and we should stay under the radar there.” Tami looked back to Ricochet who was right behind her. Tami leapt and grabbed the railing hanging for a moment she jumped out and bounced from wall to wall until she reached the ground to make sure it was safe. Ricochet took the ladder to the second floor and then jumped to join her.
“Everything looks clear let’s head to the end.” Tami picked her way carefully, trying to stay in the shadows as the sun rose higher.
It didn’t take them long to make it to the end but when they go there they heard a small commotion coming from Tami’s apartment. With a bit of effort they lifted the cover into the sewer and jumped down.
“They may notice but by then we’ll be long gone.” Tami took the lead and they began hurrying as fast as they could in the cramped space. It wasn’t long before the sewer began to open up enough for them to break into a full run.
“Alright up ahead were going to make a turn and head into the old subway. There tunnels are wider and it’ll be dark all the way to the edge of the city.” Tami told her as they ran.
“Once we get there we can figure out where to go” Ricochet looked behind her to make sure they weren’t being followed.
Tami leaped and tumbled into what used to be the old subway system. Ricochet followed carefully not completely comfortable with this style of free running that Tami loved so much. They both froze as they stood to get their bearings.
“Well well well. Look who finally showed up.” A young man stood before them wearing a long coat and a smirk. “Ricochet, come back, you know what’ll happen if you say no.”
“I can’t go back and you know that.” She held her ground but it was very tentative.
“You know you can’t fight me right?” his face was smug as he took a step toward her.
Chapter 5:
“Who is this chump Ricochet?” After some time of silence Tami turned to see what was wrong. Her eyes widened as she saw Ricochet’s expression of fear and pain. “Ricochet what’s wrong?”
“She knows this is already over.” The man’s smile almost cracked his face.
“Did I talk to you d****e?” Tami spun on the man.
“We, we have to go…now.” Ricochet backed up slowly, her face aghast as she looked upon the man who stood before them.
“You aren’t going anywhere. I’m taking you back Ricochet and I’m arresting your little friend for harboring a fugitive and resisting arrest.” He stretched a little and began removing his coat.
“You can’t…not here.” Ricochet’s face drained of color.
“Well I guess it’s time to kick some soldier a*s.” Tami sat her bag down and readied herself for a fight.
“Don’t, he’ll kill you.” Ricochet stammered.
“Don’t let that stop you, you can even use a weapon if you want.”  He laughed.
“I’m going to walk all over your face.” Tami smiled trying to match his face in mockery.
“Go for it, first hit is free.” He put his arms to his sides and turned his head a little. “Right here sweetie.”
Tami scoffed and ran at him watching for any sign of movement, but seeing no sign of resistance she continued on. She got in close and feigned a punch, continuing into a somersault before finishing with a kick to his shoulder. She felt her foot land solidly into something hard. She spun back to see what happened and was shocked to see a small wall of energy slowly fading from where her kick should have landed. For a moment she stared blankly confused until she looked back to see Ricochet standing with her hands up and face stern.
“She can’t help herself, it’s what she’s been trained to do. Now let me show you what I was trained to do.” The sound of a tearing shirt was heard and now it was Tami’s turn to take a step back in terror.
He stretched, the light from Ricochet’s energy revealing a slick sheen on his skin. His grin became more unnerving when the light revealed his sharpened teeth. His eyes burned with a fierceness that shook Tami to the core. Her heart began to pound as he began to walk forward.
“That was good…but…now it’s my turn.”
Chapter 6:
He was fast, almost a blur. Before Tami could get her arms up he had landed 4 punches squarely in her stomach sending her rolling into the old rails.
Ricochet stared with no emotion as Tami coughed and stood back up trying to get herself ready for the next attack. This time she was ready, or so she thought. She struck twice landing two solid hits on Ricochet’s energy shield that appeared in front of the man who started his attack again. She saw his punches coming and blocked them both, they stood for a second, arms locked together. She smiled thinking she had finally gotten an edge on her opponent. He smiled back as he pushed forward a little testing her grasp.
“Ooooo, look who’s got a strong block.” He laughed mockingly.
“Look who’s stuck in my grapple.” Tami mocked back.
He laughed a little. “Oh no does that mean neither of us have any tactical advantage over the other?”
“Someone’s sharp, glad they’re training well rounded soldiers.”
He smirked and the sound of a ripping shirt was all Tami heard before she was struck and sent back to the floor.
She jumped looking over to Ricochet ready to block another of her attacks. Tami became confused when she saw that Ricochet hadn’t moved an inch. She searched frantically for another opponent.
“Keep your eyes on me! I’m you opponent!” The soldier yelled as the shadows swirled around him. His smile stretched his face again as she attempted some more attacks, again finding only solidified light. Another series of attacks came faster then was possible for two arms. She stepped back and feigned left while sliding around behind the soldier attempting to kick his legs out. Her attacks again were met with Ricochet’s shields of energy that lit up the battle area. Tami was floored again, not by the attacks but by what she saw. Four wriggling tentacles swung at her with an eerie precision. She was forced into the defensive quickly blocking all his appendages.
Every attack was either turned against her by one of his tentacles or struck harmlessly against a solid brick of light. After a few minutes she had began to slow, the adrenaline of the fight beginning to turn to fear as she was struck over and over. Her face and clothes were covered in blood the pain was dizzying. She reeled as another series of blows struck her chest, she could feel the pain as her ribs broke under the force. She crumpled to the ground barely conscious, her face turned to Ricochet as she let out a whimper, a plea for help before finally passing out.
Ricochet screamed in her mind as she watched her only friend fall. Her body would do nothing she told it. She fought and raged and tried to regain control. She saw Tami’s fear and memories began to resurface.
A dark night.
Wrong turn.
Scary people.
Turn around.
More people.
Gotta Run.
Small whimpers.
Ricochet opened her eyes and saw Tami’s pained eyes pleading for help. She had to do something, she could no longer stand by.
“THIS IS WRONG!” Her screamed broke the silence startling everybody.
“We’re supposed to help people!” she felt control returning to her body but she didn’t move. She had a plan.
“And what do you think I’m doing now?” The soldier’s smile stretched his face. His amused chuckled echoed through the forgotten tunnels. “You left us, our ranks are not complete and we are that much weaker because of it. We cannot protect these people if we are weak. YOU LEFT US! YOU LEFT ME!” His tentacles wrapped around his chest and his breathing began to calm. “You broke your promise to be there and now you have to face the consequences and be taught a lesson. No attachment remember? To protect these people we have to be above them. Ignore the individual to protect the whole. We worry about the macro, there are others to worry about the micro.” He smiled at the word micro and gave Tami one more kick as he began walking toward Ricochet who stood quietly.
He stood in front of her and held out his hand. “It’s time to go home.”
She didn’t hesitate, she reached out and grabbed his hand and flipped him the way Tami and her friends had taught her. He didn’t have time to see it coming or catch himself. He lay there for a second as Ricochet made some distance between them. He got up and stared after her.
“That was a nice move, a little sloppy, but not bad. You weren’t trained for fighting though, remember? You were trained to protect.” His tentacles unwrapped as he readied himself for another attack.
“That’s what I’m doing.” her voice came out of the darkness, echoing around him.
Seconds of silence passed as he waited and listened for her, ready to strike into the dark. They’re patience had been trained and perfected. They had been trained together, their strategies attuned to the other, they knew the rhythm of each others breaths and heartbeats.
“Predictability is weakness.” Ricochet said remembering Tami.
He struck out at the darkness and Ricochet was behind him. Two solid strikes to his ribs before he could turn on her. She had struck him, his eyes were wide.
“You hit me.” he said in disbelief.
“Glad to see they’re training well rounded soldiers.” she mimicked Tami.
His eyes narrowed in rage and he lashed out at her. He became a flurry of limbs striking out as he had been taught. Ricochet met everything he could throw with her shields. Each hit thudded loudly as flash after flash lit the tunnels. The soldiers frustration drove him. He sped up his attacks finding no way around her defense.
Ricochet watched knowing what he would do, knowing how long he had to fight before he would tire. She watched his feet and shoulders for the signs that would give away his fatigue. He stepped back pulling his limbs in to start another set of strikes but when he went forward, he wasn’t met with a shield like he expected. Ricochet had ducked and spun behind him.
“Predictable.” Ricochet stated before she kicked at his feet, tripping him off balance. He stumbled and she was on him delivering blow after blow. His blocks were met with light that allowed for her attack to continue. He began to wobble and she had an idea. She took her defensive pose and began slamming him with her shields. She went through the motions of defense but allowed them to land solidly on him. She sent him spinning against the tunnel wall before pelting him with a barrage of light. He picked himself up and glared at her once before a giant wall pinned him against the tunnel. She held him there for a second.
“they’ll…find you…” he couched up his blue-ish blood.
“Good.” she stated coldly before crushing him completely against the wall.
She instantly turned and ran to Tami. She checked her mouth for blood before she turned her onto her back. She had some medical training and was able to see her biggest concern was her broken ribs. Her face would need to be cleaned but no broken jaw, her arms were covered in bruises where she had blocked and some of her fingers began to swell from being sprained but she was lucky.
Tami opened her eyes as she felt Ricochet wiping her face. Tami tried to talk but Ricochet shushed her.
“You’re going to be okay. Just be still so I can bandage up what I can and we’ll limp out of her quietly.”
A sharp sound split the silence and Ricochet jumped and turned ready for a fight. She realized it was a ringing and wondered where it was coming from. She looked about and noticed that one of the soldiers pockets was lighting up. She walked over and picked it up. She recognized the standard issue communication device that could be used for short or long messages between soldier and commander. The ringing stopped and a beep sounded as it received a short message.
“Ricochet I can help” the screen read and the ringing continued. She hesitated for a moment and answered.
“Thank f**k you answered!” the voice yelled at her. “Look we don’t have a lot of time but I can help. I’m a brain and I in charge of security and communication here at the base. Just listen and follow my instructions. I sent the other soldiers to the end of this tunnel to wait for you, I calculated that you may be able to defeat the soldier and I predicated afterwards you would try to sneak out with your injured partner.”
“And you’re supposed to be helping how?” Ricochet snapped.

“Chill women I’m getting to that. Because the fight only had two outcomes I was able to predict if you lost he’d take you both forward to them, if you won you’d continue running forward because of the fire and noise behind you that should start right…”
A loud boom echoed and light flickered behind them in the distance.
“There it is, this was supposed to get you guys running forward. Don’t, those were set on timers and they’re waiting for you.”
“So were trapped?”
“B***h I said set on timers“ he snapped at her,  “go back the way you came. The fire wont be monitored so just use your light to create a path and walk through it. Head back up the tunnel and past the apartment and you’ll be home free.”
“Why should I believe you?”
“Well because I want to get the f**k out of this stupid place too. You either A: follow my directions and get your a*s going or B: you ignore me and get captured. Either way I’ll be contacting you later for a favor. My times up bye.”
The device cut out and Ricochet sat in silence for a moment. If he was lying then most likely both ways were cut off, but if he was telling the truth they had one way to go and she could run to the apartment to get some rags and things to help Tami more when they had some time. She looked at the fire and then into the darkness. She picked Tami up and helped her hobble to the flames. If there was any chance they would take it.

© 2011 skratch234

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Added on July 29, 2011
Last Updated on July 29, 2011




Not much to say really. Just a college student looking for some feedback and the random things i come up with. more..

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