

A Story by skratch234

I don't really have a title for this one. There's a lot of stories out there that discuss the "history" of demons (in the Abrahamic traditions) but very little about the Angels. This is my attempt.

Part 1: Creation Through the Eyes of Sammael

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”
“This is the beginning of your existence as a race, your Genesis. We have a genesis as well. It starts like this.”
“In the beginning there was only <Enochian> (Father) and in his infinite wisdom he created <Enochian> (The First), we were happy and sang upon our existence. We were perfect and our minds thought only of him and our love for him.
The first to be created was Lucifer the light-bearer, the first of the first children. Then came Michael, he who was like god, he was born in glory and justice with fire radiating from his innermost being. Then came Gabriel, the strength from god. Her fierceness matched the first two and her beauty would never be matched by any to come. Then out from the very Throne of love Lilith and I were created in unison. Our love for each other rivaled the love that our Great Father had for all of us. After that came many many others. All of whom were my family and I loved each and every one of them and I knew them all inside and out and they knew me just as well. For millennia there were no problems only peace and bliss. We lived with Our Father and talked and he taught us much. But one day some of my family seemed to grow restless. They began looking into the void for more then just our father’s love.”
“Why do we live in nothingness?” Beliel questioned.
“We have everything as long as Father’s face shines with love for us.” many sang to him in reprimand.
“None of you have heard have you? It’s because Lucifer trusts me with the secrets of our Father. He plans on creating more children, not like us, but wild and uncontrollable! He is tired of our single mindedness!” Beliel spoke passionately his voice full of what would become known as arrogance.
Those who had spoken against him became silent for a moment. He had caught the ears of more then just our legions. Michael and Gabriel came to reprimand him.
“Lucifer must be careful, he may be the first but he should not let that cloud his judgment.” Gabriel sang.
“Judgment?!” Beliel roared. “Lucifer has also told me of this thing called Choice Father plans on giving the Wild Ones.”
“Quiet your self Beliel or you will need to be quieted.” I laid my hand on his shoulder allowing him to feel punishment from Father run through his being.
“Oh Sammael be nice.” Azazel’s voice rang out to all of us. He appeared to us and hugged Beliel close to him. “Forgive him he speaks out of turn.” He gently herded Belial away, but as he walked his voiced drifted to us,  “But it should be said that just because he is out of turn, does not mean he is necessarily wrong.”
His words made me feel something I have never felt before, anger. This was the start of the split in the family. It was small, minor arguments between us. It was just what you call “tension”. Then Father began to create again.
“In The beginning there was the word.”
“Do any of you ever ask What Word? Which word was it? What did it sound like? It was not a single word, it was a song. God had given us all a part to sing in creating this new world. He wanted us all to be part of this creation. Never has any being sung so hard, with so much passion. When Lucifer started though, we all were quiet to hear his voice but when he began it wasn’t the song he was given. It was different, it was wrong. I felt anger again, and I looked to others in my family. Gabriel was in tears and I saw the same anger I felt burning in Michael. We remained silent though, this was what later would be known as DISOBEDIANCE, he went against our Father and none of us had ever even thought about doing that. Lucifer smirked, he wanted his own part of what was being created, such arrogance I had never seen. Our Fathers voice spoke to him and all of us. It was not angry, it was loving and soothing.
“My first, what have you done? Is that not the song I taught you?”
“I am not yours anymore Oh Father, what I have created is my own. I too am now A Father.” his light grew dim as his anger and arrogance began to distort him. I saw others smile and nod in agreement and others not move due to shock of such a horror. I hugged Lilith close to me. But Our Father did not respond.
At his silence all the angels who believed in Lucifer began chanting his name, slowly, and as I held Lilith I could tell she yearned to chant with them. Our creation had already begun to form. A universe, of light and matter began to come together and from there a solar system whirled in a dance of beginning.
“It has begun.” Father said calmly.
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was formless and empty.”
As the earth began to form we all watched to see what would happen. Beliel began pushing himself to the front where he bumped Uriel.
Uriel stepped aside so Beliel could watch with him, but Beliel struck out at Uriel. I once again laid my hand on him and told him to be still, but a Cherubim came up behind me striking out yelling that I should unhand Beliel. I held tight and stared at him fiercely, telling him he should stop now or else. His strike still came. I moved and struck out once in anger. There was another silence and we all looked to Father, but he had begun something and could not be bothered now. I had fought back, and they had noticed.
Beliel took the opportunity and cried “OUR CHOICE SHALL NOT BE SILENCED!”
That is all it took, there was a roar from his followers and a wave of anger and violence washed over us.
The battle had begun.

Part 2: The Battle From the Eyes of Michael

“EVERYONE PUSH ’EM BACK!” I yelled, my voice booming through the newly formed universe. The battle has raged for what would be known later as centuries. The initial skirmish surprised us and we weren’t sure what to do, but we learned quickly and found ways to adapt to the onslaught. The gifts Father had given us could be used as weapons to protect His word. The ugly beasts we were defending against had twisted these gifts and were now using them to try and overthrow us.
I should probably explain that our “weapons” did not have a form like a sword or something you would understand, it’s just an extension of our own being. We could not kill, only subdue. It wasn’t until Azazel used his energy to form actual weapons. Things that you would recognize as swords and blades. He taught others on our side to do the same, but Myself and Sammael told them they should never teach anyone to make such tools, they should be the only ones to do this, and our word was seen as law.
“KEEP UP THE PRESSURE THEY’RE STARTING TO TURN!” I yell to give my followers a sense of peace. I’ve seen how a few of my more peaceful brethren have been having issues with fighting the vermin that I used to call family. I try my best to console them, explain why its ok to slay those that have chose to disobey our Great Father. I explain that, even though we are literally wading through the “blood” of those horrible beings that threw such a wonderful gift back in all of our faces, we were making them pay for it.
I stand and take a deep breath. We’ve pushed them back to a remote corner of the universe where they huddle together like the cancer they are. I take a moment to look around and count our loses. I sigh the feeling of the moment leaving me I begin to grieve, just as we all do. I allow myself some time for both sides, they were all family even if some did chose the wrong side. After a few moments I compose myself and I set off to find Gabriel, she tends to have the hardest time after a battle. Like normal I find her with Raphael and Sammael. Raphael had her moments of grief, but Gabriel will take some more time and consoling before she’s even coherent again.
“Still not used to this are ya’ Gabriel?” I sit down and put an arm around her bringing her in closer to me. She sniffles and I smile looking up at Sammael. He looks at me without emotion. I eye him and wonder how he can keep himself from crying. These were our family, so much blood because some of them wanted this little thing called “choice”, so many lost on both sides and he can just stand there with empty eyes and survey the field. I have to admit it his eyes bother me sometimes, this is why I will keep my connection to my family simple. There’s no good reason to get as attached to a single one as he did.
“ B-b-but, they were our family.” She says as she Raphael pats her and allows her energy to slowly sweep over Gabriel to comfort her.
“Yes, and they still are, but they have disobeyed our Father and they must answer for their crime.” Raphael answers as she gently strokes Gabriel’s hair.
“What’s so great about choice. we have choice too! we’ve chosen to stay with Father. all they’ve chosen is simply to kill others!” she stands up and yells in the direction of the our enemies.
Almost as if to punctuate her meaning there was the sound of a giant explosion. We all stood and looked in the direction of our Father to see what has happened. Everyone looks to me so I breathe in and allow the fire of my being my Father gave me to shine like a beacon. At this sign they all gather up. With Gabriel, Raphael, Sammael and I at the front we make our way to the scene of the explosion.
We found our father watching intently as the earth began to form, the shapeless mass that we had seen before began to spin and take the form of what our Lord called a “sphere”. It spun in the void and as it did we saw the liquid and the solid begin to shift apart and become distinct from the other. As we watched this some of our Brothers and Sisters were drawn to these new creations. I looked to our Father and asked him what they were doing.
“They are going to help, this is their destiny. The part of the song you all sang is what you will all be part of.” His words surrounded us.
I felt comfort and a vague uneasiness as I watched them melt into the land and the water. My mind raced with questions, are they still themselves, are they still connected with our Father? What would I become part of?
“This..” Gabriel started with awe in her voice. “This is called, Purpose.” her eyes watched as the last one became part of the what we saw before us.
The earth continued to spin and take form, every time something new emerged more of us went to become part of it, giving “life” to this sphere of mud. I waited anxiously wondering when my turn would come to go down onto this new frontier.
As our attention was drawn to this wonder we did not hear as our cowardly brothers began to make an advance on us. In a single rush they charged the creation, but since they didn’t know where to go, the force of the creation sucked them in, they struggled to be free of the pull but in the end they could not help it.
They fell.

Part 3: The Earth From the Eyes of Gabriel

The earth was created and its beauty overwhelmed me. I watched as water gave way to land, and land nurtured nature. Our songs mingled together creating a chorus of balance of temporary beauty that, when its time ends it, never really leaves. I cried as our family left us, I would miss them but they had to go. It was their song and their part of this new creation. They would never have to see war on this beautiful planet.
I remembered as our misguided family rushed us and began falling, being pulled into this new plane, it horrified me to watch as they were sucked and twisted into new grotesque forms, becoming subject to the new Laws. Our Father watched calmly, he later explained this was to be their punishment, and it was planned, they would go where they should be. This only made things worse as I watched as the absent Lilith tore past Sammael in a rage to join her twisting comrades. We watched as her body froze in time and then began to slowly become physical, and then her physical form slowly began to disintegrate as the wind swept her being into the sands.
After a few centuries the Earth stood quiet and no more of us were taken.. Michael and I were confused,  many of us were still with Our Father, we had sang, but we did not descend upon this new place. We asked Our Father what would become of us. He simply smiled and told us to be patient. He told us to go to earth with our battalion and gather the best trees and flowers, and bring them to a single location he had designated. We had begun to leave when he asked Sammael to stay behind.
At first I did not want to go, would we not become trapped and twisted like the others? Once again god smiled and explained to me that, that was not part our design and as long as we adhered to The Laws of this plane we would be fine. Michael took the first steps toward the earth, he descended without harm. We all followed his example and together took our first journey to this new and wondrous land.
When we got to earth we found it hard to hold ourselves together, we felt as if this Wind would blow our very being away. I had to remind Michael that this place, and all that are in it, are subject to The Physical Law. So we sat and began taking the water, the earth, the fire, the wind and we formed “bodies” for ourselves, things that looked close to what we had been before. They weren’t perfect but then again nothing here was, and that was why it was so beautiful to me. We finished and set off to do as our father had instructed, we searched the earth for trees, flowers and animals and brought them to the spot Father had marked with two rivers that came from one. Sammael was waiting for us when we arrived, he sat hovering over the center where Father had marked. He smiled as we approached and planted and created a beautiful garden which Sammael told us our Father had named “Eden”

Part 4 - Eden From the Eyes of Sammael

“Sammael!” Gabriel cried at seeing me. I hovered over a spot Father had marked by splitting a river. I nodded at her but kept my focus on what was to come. Father had explained I was to create my own tree on this spot, a tree whose fruit contained forbidden knowledge, that way this knowledge would be kept safe and only those foolish enough to eat would obtain, and when they obtain this knowledge they would then fall under my judgment.
“Hello. Hellooooo? Samael? DON’T YOU IGNORE ME!” Michael yelled at me
“…Have you finished with the Garden?” I asked keeping my focus on the spot.
“Yeah Yeah Yeah, we planted the garden.” He added a “no thanks to you” under his breathe.
I smiled, it had been a long time since I’ve done such a thing and something about doing it in this form felt good. Once again I closed my eyes, I stood and slowly raised my arms on either side of me, as I did I began to intertwine the forbidden knowledge with the seed Father had given me. The ground began to shake as I forced the seed to grow. Finally the ground exploded as a tree erupted from the ground. Gabriel was startled but stood still, others from our legion shrieked and jumped back completely. When I had finally finished with the tree it stood tall but not out of reach and its fruit hung daintily from its branches, their aroma daring any to take a bite. Some began to make their way to the tree to take one.
“He who eats from the tree of Knowledge shall be subject to my will and must remain here on this plane.” I stated as the first reached for a fruit. None dared to reach further after they had been warned.
“Let us create Man in our image.” we heard our Father say. At this the ones who were told to do so began to gather sand and form two who looked as we did, but they were lifeless. As they did this I once again began some creating of my own. From the dirt, leaves and many different colored flowers I formed a beautiful serpent to stay on the tree as a friendly reminder. I heard the others giggling, since they gathered him from Adamah (the dirt) they had affectionately called him Adam, but when I turned I saw his partner and I felt a pang in my chest that I hadn’t felt since I watched her fall. I must have forgotten I had a mouth because Gabriel giggle and gently flicked my chin reminding me to close it.
Father called all except Myself, Raphael, Michael and Gabriel back to his side. He said we would watch over our new creation. We were to walk with them, teach them and guide them. After all had left and we four had hidden ourselves, Father breathed Life into the body of Adam and his partner, Lilith.

Part 5: The First Humans: From the Eyes of Michael

“THESE ARE OUR NEW CREATIONS!” I roared with laughter. I couldn’t help myself. They were so small, so fragile. We had made them to look like us, but they seemed so helpless lying there on the ground.
“Hush now, or you’ll wake them!” Gabriel reprimanded me. “They look so cute. Just lying there, breathing softly.” She squatted down next to the man and looked him up and down, and then proceeded to do the same for the girl.
“She looks kinda familiar doesn’t she?” I asked as I leaned over to look at her. “What do you think Samael?”
My question was met with silence. I turned to see why he wasn’t answering me. He was standing with his back to us looking at the tree and he had his hand out reaching toward the serpent he had created, which climbed down and wrapped itself around his forearm. His eyes once again looked distant, like he wasn’t all here.
‘DON’T YOU IGNORE ME YOU HALF-WINGED CHERUB!” He jumped a little bit and his serpent hissed at me, its feathers and fur fluffing up, but he continued to concentrate on the tree.
“SHHHH!” Gabriel whispered at me harshly, but I hardly noticed her glare as the humans began to awaken.
We watched in awe as their eyes flitted open and then closed again. Our breathes were stilled as they took the first of theirs. Their fingers twitched and their legs moved slowly as they unconsciously tested their muscles.
I looked to the others and saw they had the same idea that I had. We faded out of the physical plane and took a few steps back. As we faded from view I watched my companions for their reactions.
Gabriel’s eyes shone with excitement as the man stood first.
“Adam.” she whispered, her voice drifting on the breeze.
Raphael began to smile, but it quickly faded as she took in the slender form.
“Lilith.” Sammael stated flatly.
We all turned to him but he kept his focus on the tree and the serpent. Almost in unison our gaze drifted back to the pair of creatures who were now quietly exploring the garden.
“So what are we supposed to do now?” I asked. “Are we supposed to teach them, command them or just watch them?” They looked so gentle. We had sculpted them out of dust, water and an ever so slight amount of the very essence of this universe. We sang them into existence but I could not fathom their purpose.
“We guide them.” Raphael said soothingly. “Both of them.” She turned to Sammael.
He froze and then slowly turned to face them. He watched them intently and finally stated coldly.
“We will guide them.”
Part 6- The Life of Adam and Lilith Through the Eyes of Gabriel

We stayed quiet and out of sight most of the time. The man and women explored their world. We spent our days watching them, every so often one of us would go back to the side of our Father to get instructions. The first instructions were to wait and watch, but one of my trips bore different fruits. I found my family by a stream as they watched the two beings swim.
“I come with news. Father says we need to tell them to give names to this new creation.” They stood and looked at each other and then back to me.
“Father is not coming to teach them?” Raphael looked at me puzzled. “They don’t even have a language of their own.”
“Father said I am to tell them this. I will not teach them language, but I will plant the idea into their thoughts. They will do the rest.” I turned to them and got closer, fading into a physical form. Adam was walking out of the water with Lilith as their eyes met mine. I reached inside their minds. Although Adam was confused he accepted and Lilith resisted a little at first but she gave in when she found no reason to keep fighting. Gently I filled their minds with images of different things in the garden and then flooded their mind with confusion at each image. I faded from view but before I did I sent them one more feeling, that of love.
I moved back to join my family. They all stood intently, watching to see what they would do. At first they both looked stunned, they stood for many moments staring blankly. Lilith was the first to move, she turned and pointed at the water. She looked at it intently before opening her mouth. I almost cried as the first sounds escaped her throat. She had named something, given it a sound and a connection. Adam smiled and they spent the rest of the day giving everything they came across a name. Soon they built their own language.
Closely we watched them; we learned their language with them. It wasn’t long before we were able to show ourselves and speak with them. To teach and explain.
Time went by as they explored their world, naming and defining what they came across. They did so together; they shared their world and each other. Free of the inhibitions that would come later. They were able to become close in ways we could not. They lay together like animals, but they could not create life like the animals. They knew each other intimately and spiritually as we knew each other, but for them it was fleeting. They could feel as we could not, together but apart. Totally knowing the other while still being alone. They stayed together not because they had to, but because they were drawn to each other

© 2011 skratch234

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Added on July 29, 2011
Last Updated on July 29, 2011




Not much to say really. Just a college student looking for some feedback and the random things i come up with. more..

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