White House, Black Market.

White House, Black Market.

A Book by Nora Grey

The new president isn't as all as he seems. And when Prisilla investigates, she doesn't like what she will find.


© 2010 Nora Grey

Author's Note

Nora Grey
I'll take all the pain you throw at me. Tell all you feel about the idea. Is it too unoriginal?

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it may be unoriginal, but if its written well i wouldnt mind readin it ^-^ if you think about it, a lot of stories are unoriginal, but yet they are still loved because they are written well... anyways, if you write it, I'll read it!


Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 25, 2010
Last Updated on August 29, 2010
Tags: america, mexico, china, drugs, trade, terrorist, border, president, multimillion, nation, debt


Nora Grey
Nora Grey

Charlotte, NC

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