

A Poem by Adam M. Snow

You torment me with your bladed tongue; if only you knew my life is left unsung. Now I am broken; blind, and left unspoken; with my dreams shattered by you; for now I know not what to do.

By: Adam M. Snow

You torment me with your bladed tongue;
if only you knew my life is left unsung.
Now I am broken;
blind, and left unspoken;
with my dreams shattered by you;
for now I know not what to do.

I am left with a voice of silence;
all alone in the distance.
My words I want to say remains unspoken;
for I wonder, 'Will I ever be unbroken?'
Your words still scorn my soul;
for it feels that I am left to rot in this hole.
You showed me your heart of ice;
yet I ask, 'Is my life the price?'

Your bladed tongue pierced my heart;
all because of you, I have fallen apart.
You speak of broken truth;
yet you say I am uncouth.
You push me away and call me a freak;
for all you have done, now silence is what I speak.

I am a ghost with words left unspoken;
standing over my essence, shattered and broken.
Your words are torment;
is this not your intent?
I am tainted by your selfishness;
for my feelings I cannot express.
I am broken because of you;
I only wish you knew.

© 2010 Adam M. Snow

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Amazing! Keep it up :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 5, 2010
Last Updated on May 6, 2010
Tags: pain, unspoken, poetry, dark, love, hate, blade, snow, silent, broken, dreams, song, words, heart, ice, soul, essence, hole, life, ghost, torment, feelings, freak, lonely, truth, alone, tongue


Adam M. Snow
Adam M. Snow

Phoenix , AZ

"The writer’s mind, can surpass even the most intellectual minds." –Adam M. Snow I keep my work clean, I write to inspire others. Some people would even call me a philosopher, but w.. more..
