

A Poem by Scarlet Letter

Some dreams just can't be

I stand alone...
Happy faces surround
The sound of laughter echo
The pitter patter of little feet
I gaze out in to the crowd...
Children lovingly gathered
To parents with arms open wide
Taking them home for prayers and good nights
I sink lower in to the abyss...
Unity, love
The joy of little blessings
So much adoration from one little person
Seeping from every look
"I love you"
Tears have turned to dust... 
Mother, mom
The sound of completeness
Watching my dream from behind the glass...

© 2013 Scarlet Letter

Author's Note

Scarlet Letter
Feel free to help it along. I might add to this later on.

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Tears turned into dust' and watching my dream from behind the glass' are really touching.Nice way of arranging the words of your mind.Admiring your works:)

Posted 10 Years Ago

They say that the essence of being a woman is the ability to bring life into this world, but not all women are blessed with such gift. but that does not make them less of a woman. i definitely could feel the yearning and sadness in this peace. very well-written.

Posted 10 Years Ago

I am speechless all I can say is this is a wonderfully written poem!

Posted 10 Years Ago

This was a really interesting piece of poetry; I like how it almost has two thought processes, and you can read the single sentences and they almost create a poem in themselves. Lovely description, a great rhythm and definitely a poem that will keep me wondering. :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

The poem had a lot of hidden story. I believe men are different. I learn to love children with the birth of my first child. They become a permanent part of you. I have 5 sister's and three daughters. Woman look at life with a different view. The poem made me sad. Some woman need children to feel complete. I like the strong ending to the poem. Thank you for sharing the excellent poem.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on January 6, 2013
Last Updated on January 6, 2013
Tags: dream, barren, children, family, kids, love, depression


Scarlet Letter
Scarlet Letter


I love art of all forms. The types I practice are writing, charcoal/oil pastels, music, photography, and more. Every time I look at something I see if it would be best as a picture, drawing, poem, or .. more..


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