Dear God,

Dear God,

A Poem by Scarlet Letter

A prayer hoping to be heard.

I know I don't deserve
To pray to you,
Or even speak your name,
But I come to you a shattered shell
Of what I used to be.
I used to be faithful,
Talking to you each and every day,
But the path I once sought
Has come to a crossroad.
I fought so hard to find you,
Yet each road led me nowhere.
How can I find you!
Out there...somewhere, 
You once said you loved me,
I don't know what to believe.
I know it's not your fault,
My wickedness took over,
And my life turned to ash.
The world so full of hate,
Spewing lies from every mouth,
Each person wears a mask,
And accuses you for their troubles.
I don't blame you,
I just want to understand.
Make me whole again, Lord
I cannot continue on alone.
I rest in your peace,
I pray for your love,
I plead for your forgiveness,
I beg for your mercy.

© 2011 Scarlet Letter

Author's Note

Scarlet Letter
Feel free to add comments or ideas to better this.

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Wow, this blew me away.
I really could feel this.

Posted 11 Years Ago

No one is forsaken, you went astray, followed your wicked ways and now you're being heard by someone devoted to a truth we all carry within. Shine your light in the dark and begin to see God already there waiting for you. I see no need to better this, perfection:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I could read your words for an entire lifetime just to explore your ocean of sincerity. I rest my case.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Yes God will always be there for you no doubt. He loves each one of us on this world( even the ones that don't believe-atheists) He is like my best friend and if you find him again then you can experience him being your best friend,too. Good luck! Nice flow and I enjoyed it. (;

Posted 12 Years Ago

God is always listening. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Psalms 51

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

"I rest in your peace,
I pray for your love,
I plead for your forgiveness,
I beg for your mercy."
Such an amazing way to end it. I think its perfect and when i read it the song "God help the outcasts" jumps to my mind. Im not overly religous i dont know where i stand with god, but here i see the a lost girl looking for god to come back to her. "God help the outcasts,t the children of god." Sometimes we just need someone there.
This poem is perfect.

Posted 13 Years Ago

sometimes we just need to is the need to find Him that keeps us within His grace...we may think we are insignificant or we have failed Him...but the truth is...He is always there for us...

I like me thinking

Posted 13 Years Ago

Its intention... as a prayer, a thought, or a stream-of-consciousness, is attained. I really liked these lines and suggest that you use them as jumping stones for new poems... I think that is a neat thing to do, and I thought these were the most powerful, unique and interesting lines... I would love to hear more on them...

But I come to you a shattered shell
Of what I used to be.

The world so full of hate,
Spewing lies from every mouth,

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is beautiful and so sincere!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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14 Reviews
Added on December 30, 2010
Last Updated on December 19, 2011
Tags: dear, god, pray, faith, hope, read, love


Scarlet Letter
Scarlet Letter


I love art of all forms. The types I practice are writing, charcoal/oil pastels, music, photography, and more. Every time I look at something I see if it would be best as a picture, drawing, poem, or .. more..


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