

A Chapter by StarseekerWolf

        "Just another minute, my darling," Khett Reneg murmured, squeezing his wife's hand tightly. "Be brave. Be quick. Be strong."


       Erielle Reneg groaned as the tubes connected to her arm drew more blood, more DNA, more genes, from her body. The tubes ran into the Conceivement Chamber--an airtight lodge with convex glass walls, 1 by 1 foot wide, with dozens of levers and switches that were attended by a trio of tall, gangly men dressed in all black.

        Another set of tubes ran into the Chamber that connected to Khett's arm. Husband and wife gritted their teeth as the machine began beeping faster, until almost no intervals were distinguishable. Then without warning, the tubs retracted from their arms and were sucked back into the Chamber.

        Erielle sighed in relief, but she was pale. Much blood was necessary for a Conceivement, even with the amount they were paying for extra precautions, such as the sterilized needles and painkillers. Still, painkillers only went so far. And that price was on top of the amount they were paying for self--gender selection. They had chosen to Conceive a girl.

        "This had better be worth it," Erielle moaned, feeling dizzy. Her world spun, and she gripped Khett's shoulder for support.

        "It will be," Khett promised. "Our daughter is going to be beautiful and strong." He touched his fingers lovingly to her jawline. "Just like you."

        The tallest of the gangly men spoke. "Alright, begin Conceivement." He flipped a green switch with one spindly finger and the Chamber whirred to life, moving all over the place and placing droplets of blood here and there as the men flipped more switches and eased down levers. The shape rose up to form a child--a little girl with brown and black hair, and stunning gray eyes.

        One of the men unsealed the Chamber and lifted the child up, placing her into Erielle's eager arms. Mother stared at daughter with wary appreciation.

        "What's with the gray eyes?" Erielle asked. "Neither of us has that." She gestured to herself and Khett by flicking her nose up at him, her arms busy holding the baby.

        The tallest man shrugged. "Could be mixed genes," he said. "Or, she could be--"

        The dark night sky exploded into color. Erielle shrieked and fell back onto the grass, feeling her tender skin scrape the small pebbles hiding in the ground. Instantly Khett was at her side, helping her up and steadying her against his chest, inspecting her bleeding arms. "You'll be alright," he predicted. "But this... "

        He raised his head to look at the display of colors that were dancing across the night sky, streaking through the darkness like a beacon of hope and a blade of light. It was a shooting star.

        The tallest man sank to his knees and bowed to Erielle. She didn't understand why until she realized that it wasn't her he was bowing to; it was the child.

        The girl, with her black and brown hair illuminated by the comet, her gray eyes intense and focused. She looked so innocent, and yet... she was Starborn.

        Chosen specially by the stars at birth, to bring joy and hope and prosperity to their planet until she came of age. Then it was her responsibility to lead them into a better life.


       The other two men knelt, their heads bowed. Erielle began to feel embarrassed. "There's no need for that," she said weakly. "But if she's Starborn, won't her Stargift--?"


       "Not necessarily," the tallest man replied immediately, as though he'd known what she was going to say. Erielle curled her lip; was she really that predictable? "Starborn Stargifts don't necessarily develop instantly. She'll be around the same time as everyone else, but perhaps a year or two earlier than the rest."

        "The age of six," Erielle said in disbelief. "How will such a young child be able to bear the weight of a Stargift?"

        The tallest man shook his head. "I do not know. But she must try. For the sake of our planet."

        Khett nodded quietly, pursing his lips. "What shall we name her?"

        Erielle thought for a moment, rocking back and forth on the soles of her feet. She deliberated and thought it out, but came to end's meet after a few minutes.

        "How about... Kayliana?"

© 2017 StarseekerWolf

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Really enjoy your style of writing.
Left me wanting more.

Posted 6 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 21, 2017
Last Updated on July 21, 2017



Hi there! I am a pretty laid back writer who likes Warriors, Percy Jackson, Lorien Legacies, Falling Kingdoms, Spirit Animals, and much more! more..


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