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A Chapter by Steven26192

The story unfolds on a vast medieval Western magic continent. In this age of expansion and aggression, money rules everything and conspiracies loom over the entire continent like dark clouds.

The murmuring stream is like a relaxed and spirited round dance, dripping water to go here footsteps stirring up the creek running water issued by the clattering sound, as if the round dance as the embellishment of the trim sound, everything seems so natural and peaceful. From these harmonious and beautiful sounds, Edwards did not feel any danger.

In fact, this is not the first time that I have been woken up like this, but not once has there been any real danger after waking up. Sure enough, from the distance came the sound of girls playing and laughing, as well as the sound of bouncing and trampling on the stream.

What kind of girl would come to play alone in this dark and eerie forest in the middle of the night?

This is too strange, but, for this disturbing little girl, Edward did not think much about it, he turned over and was about to sleep. Suddenly, the tent curtain was opened, a dark figure flashed in without a sound, Edward did not have to look twice to know that it was Kailer came.

In fact, the ability to avoid their own ears in addition to this killer teacher, Edwards has never seen the second person yet. Between killers, there is naturally a silent way of conversation that only they understand. Edwards fully understood the message that Kellar passed to himself in the darkness, he told himself to gather at Mr. Hyde's tent.

The wand and the two bottles of psychedelic powder solvent inside the coat pocket of course also had to be carried on the body. Out of his tent, outside the darkness, only a bright moon hanging high in the branches.

The bright moonlight was not able to bring much light to the dense jungle, but it was enough for Edwards to tell where Mr. Hyde's tent actually was. The largest tent in the middle, which could accommodate five or six people, was obviously where Mr. Hyde lived. Edwards swept across the moonlit ground and quickly dove into Mr. Hyde's tent, the way Kellar had taught his assassin to move.

Since, Kellar called everyone to assemble in this way, there will certainly be something major happening, Edouard certainly did not dare to slow down.

Entering the tent, Edwards was able to see the figure of Mr. Hyde in the darkness, only to see Mr. Hyde sitting up straight, holding a curved bow inside his hand, just like the kind of short bow used by the Thorians almost a bow. Edwards or the first time to see Mr. Hyde use weapons, it seems that this time things are a little bad.

Was thinking about it, outside has sounded footsteps, the door curtain together, a slim figure flashed into the tent, and then sat down on the other side of the leaning door.

That was Draddy, he carried a fine thrusting sword in his hand, the kind used by nobles for dueling. Draddy's swordsmanship was quite superb, and his swordsmanship could even catch up with those professional swordsmen from the West Bay that he saw in Southport.

After a while, Ted and his buddy also came in. Ted held a long gun in his hand, the tip of the gun is thin and long, in the light of the moonlight, flashing cold light, really a good gun.

The fellow was carrying a scimitar, a broad-mouthed scimitar with a large curve, a weapon much favored by the Thor. Edwards had heard of such scimitars forged by the Thor, capable of easily cutting through the long swords crafted by the best craftsmen of the Franks, and wondered if the fellow was holding this fellow, forged by the Thor himself. While Edwards was mulling over these inconsequential matters, Kellar entered the tent.

"What do we find." Mr. Hyde asked, lowering his voice.

"We're surrounded, there are at least sixty guys hiding in the shadows within a mile radius." Kellar whispered in his raspy voice.

"Could it be that we have been discovered?" Drady asked in confusion, he really could not imagine how the news had leaked out? Could it be that the Lord Prelate had betrayed them?

"What's the story with that little girl?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"That woman, is the opposite caravan inside, but I think they are suspicious shape, that woman at this time, run to us, I always feel that there is something fishy." Kellar replied.

"There are so many of them, can you handle them?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"If I were just one person, I would choose to run away." Kellar said bluntly.

"Plus what about us?" Mr. Hyde asked again.

"It's difficult, the target is too big." Kellar replied without even thinking about it.

"Kill them all." Mr. Hyde's tone suddenly became cold and bone-chilling.

The tumultuous murderous aura filled the entire tent, and in the darkness Mr. Hyde's figure looked like a demon character Shen who had climbed out of the nine hells. Edwards froze for a moment, this is the real Mr. Hyde secretly control the vast land south of Frans the head of the thieves, the kind and gentle old man is only an illusion.

As if infected by Mr. Hyde, all of them threw away their usual appearance of ordinary people. In fact, both Ted and his fellow, look exactly like ordinary, honest coachmen. But now, Ted's mouth showed a cold smile, clutching the barrel of the gun in his hand, the collar open, like a cruel butcher.

The fellow grimaced, a mouthful of white teeth looked so harsh, shuddering, the steel knife in his hand kept turning around, as if waiting to cut the flesh of some unfortunate person. Even Draddy, a gentle and elegant man, is now full of cold eyes, he sat motionless, just like Kailer's usual appearance.

Edwards wondered if he was a little different in the eyes of others, if he was a similarly fierce and cold look. However, he knew at least one thing he was extremely nervous in his heart. I do not know why, at this time now, he is not afraid instead, there is no feeling of fear, only nervousness, as if the heart to jump out of the throat inside the same.

The time passed little by little, in a silence passed. Listen carefully, the distant shrubs were rattled branches and leaves touching each other and the sound of feet on the leaves came from the ringing. I can hear that the sneak attackers are very good, the pace is quite light, the movement is also extremely calm, must be used to fight the night.

Edwards gently tightened the bowstring of his crossbow and snapped a crossbow arrow in his hand. The sound was getting closer and closer, already close at hand, when suddenly a horse's neigh broke the silent night sky.

The quiet was completely shattered as a dozen figures scurried out of the woods, quickly pouncing on their respective targets in unison. Every two or three men ran towards a tent, while several others specialized in dealing with the wagons and horses pulling them, never letting the prey have a chance to escape.

Just as the men were organizing themselves effectively into separate groups, a sudden blow appeared behind them. From the large tent in the center, several figures rushed out, and the fatal blow came in just a moment. Ted and the fellow were responsible for dealing with the sneak attackers who sabotaged the wagon.

The sharp spear was like the baton of death, playing the music of death, and the tip of the spear cut a sharp electric light under the moonlight. With countless flashes of lightning, screams of misery rose and fell.

The fellow was likewise a murderous fiend, only to see the scimitar in his hand swinging and sweeping, immediately cutting down his opponent with his weapon along with the man, and there seems to be no doubt that what he was holding inside his hand was indeed a precious sword forged by the Thor.

As for those who attacked the tent, the same fate awaited them. A powerful bow and arrow with a sharp cracking sound nailed through their hearts and took away their lives. This made those who were killed dying were full of questions, in such a dark night, what kind of power guided the arrows to hit their hearts without deviation.

Could it be that the legendary messenger of the gods of the underworld is on their side, holding a bow and arrow to secretly deal with these failed sneak attackers of theirs. In addition to the need to deal with the sky of a hundred shots of arrows, from the darkness suddenly cut out the dagger is also these people's nightmare. It seemed to them that an invisible demon was swiftly and quickly stabbing those of them who were stronger and were able to escape the fatal damage brought to them by the terrible bow and arrow.

The godlike dagger was almost irresistible. What was left for them was nothing but death or death. A dozen sneak attackers were quickly eliminated, but the crisis did not pass.

Suddenly, countless arrows were shot from inside the dense forest, dense arrows pierced through the tents and wagons, and in the darkness, only the miserable neighing of the horses could be heard, and what was even more terrible was that these bows and arrows were interspersed with several rockets, which nailed the tents and wagons and immediately burst into flames.

The burning fire did not threaten them, but the flames illuminated everything around them, and the firelight exposed their figures to the aim of the bows. The next attack would be more violent and precise.

Because Ted acted quickly, although the horses pulling the cart were shot dead three, the others were lucky to survive. Edwards most concerned about the beloved thoroughbred horse, more alert than any horse, it has long since hidden to the arrow can not shoot the place.

But the cover of the two wagons alone could only hide for a while, and the other side had already encircled towards the two sides, and there was no place for concealment in those two directions. For the current situation, Mr. Hyde's magic bow and arrow skills also lost its effect.

The only thing you can rely on is Kellar's unpredictable body. In fact, Kailer had already hidden in the forest, and the screams that came and went also proved his results. However, the man who commanded this sneak attack obviously did not want their prey to escape alive, the bow and arrow did not pause for a moment, one after another set of shooting.

"Head, I'll rush out and fight them." Ted said, clutching his lance.

"There's no rush yet, trust Kellar, he's the expert." No matter what time it is, Mr. Hyde is always confident.

At this time, the sound of footsteps around getting closer and closer, pinned to the trees, the arrows on top of the tents are also getting stronger, several times even penetrated the wagon's board. It seems that those sneak attackers launched a charge.

"Ted you pay attention to the left, here in addition to Kellar on the highest number of your martial arts skills, you and Edwards two people to deal with all the guys coming from the right, you protect Edwards, Edwards, whether you use crossbows or magic, anyway, the left side to you, Drady and Hess, you two people to protect me, the right side of the attack up by my bow and arrow to fight off. " Mr. Hyde methodically arranged everything.

Edouard had long since prepared, he drew his wand and held it out to always cover his wagon. The mysterious wind spell was chanted softly on his lips. Edward did not know if he could succeed, because, this kind of magic, he did not originally master, but through that magical wind resonance, Edward felt as if he had grasped the knack.

To his immense excitement, the magic actually worked. There was no dazzling light, nor was there any earth-shattering sound.

The wand noiselessly released a faint water mist, the wind spirit will these water mist slowly forward gently pushed. The flying fog slowly spread out in front of them, and spread further and further away. Suddenly, a figure rushed out and appeared in front of Edward's eyes, Edward thought nothing of it, and casually shot out a crossbow arrow.

The crossbow arrow was nailed impartially to the man's throat. Edouard felt a tight jerk in his heart as he killed the man.

He had finally killed someone. His mind became blank inside all of a sudden. Suddenly, a big strong hand pulled him down to the ground, and before he could regain consciousness, an arrow swept past his ear and stuck heavily on the ground behind him. A man with a bow and arrow in his hand was standing dumbfounded at a distance of five or six paces, and in his chest a long spear straight accustomed to pass.

"Now is not the time to fret." Ted said in Edvard's ear.

Edwards originally thought Ted should be very angry only, did not expect him to be so calm. However, now is not the time for him to think about the problem. The lance in his hand flew out of his hand, Ted undoubtedly became no ability to defend himself at all, so he had to grab it back no matter what.

"Cover me," Ted barked, leaping into the open, only to see him heel over half a dozen powerful bows that would have been perfectly capable of pinning him to the ground, and roll over next to the body.

The arrows were like flying locusts, Ted did not dare to take the lance and drive back. The corpse made a good shield, but one arrow still pierced Ted's thigh. Dragging the body back behind the hidden wagon, Ted pulled the arrow off with his teeth, blood staining his pants.

Edwards poked his head out and shot several crossbows one after the other, sending several guys who rushed ahead into the ghost. Fortunately, at this time, the magic just gradually played a role. Flying fog in front of a ten-meter-square area. From there the sneak attackers came out one by one and fell over.

"Edwardian, did you do that?" Mr. Hyde said, lowering his voice from a distance. Edwards nodded.

"A few more hits, the further the better." Mr. Hyde continued.

Hearing this command from the head, Ted struggled up from the ground, he took the bow and arrow from the corpse and said, "Edwards do what the head said. I'll cover you, quick."

Edwards knew, of course, that it was a race to the bottom and that any delay would cost them their lives. He once again drew his wand and mouthed the incantation, this time using his last type of magic. This kind of magic, although the incantation is particularly long, but once successfully cast, the effect is obviously much more obvious than the kind just now.

The kind just now is really too slow, but there is no way, after all, they are at the downwind, those sneak attackers choose this direction to attack, obviously also took this into account. A drop of water shot past toward the inside of the forest, falling to the ground without a sound, spreading without a sound.

Another drop. One piece of the sneak attackers fell mysteriously after another - a piece that could not fail to attract the attention of that commander. In fact, he felt a bit puzzled, how could there be a group of such powerful opponents all of a sudden?

The information provided by that person, didn't it say that the guys to be killed were a few guys disguised as merchant-like guys, however, those guys were quite powerful, and there was a magician among them, but that was a prophet and had little attack power. Why now suddenly there are two such powerful magicians.

The magician over here somehow had to let his own men fall one after another, and even rescue was impossible. And there was another magician there who turned out to be an illusionist, and none of his own men could get close to that carriage. What's even more surprising is that they each also have an immensely powerful master.

The one with the long sword, the high skill of the sword is staggering, such a brilliant sword skill, only two or three people in the entire Franshi can fight against it. The other guy is even more terrifying, that is simply an invisible demon, his way of fighting, is frightening, that is simply a one-sided killing. Who are these two people in the end?

However, it looked like the two groups were not all the way. That leader secretly regretted that he shouldn't have provoked the other group just now, apparently only the group of guys who made up as merchants was their target. Now it is good, at once provoked two teams of immensely powerful people, their own losses can not be said to be heavy.

Unfortunately, now it is difficult to retreat, so many of his men are unknown, if you leave them to retreat, in the future, his reputation in this business is finished.

However, not to retreat and continue to fight, for their own only more unfavorable. If the two most powerful opponents did not somehow have to fight with each other, only afraid that their own side would have been wiped out.

Just when the chief was calculating how he should help, suddenly the tip of a long sword emerged from his chest straight out. Until this time, he felt a stab of pain coming from his back, but that was only an extremely brief moment, immediately after, could not feel anything.

"The old man really accurate calculation, here is really hiding a guy, I do not know, the next is correct." Received the sword returned to the sheath to strike is actually the girl.

She searched the body for half a day and finally found a one-inch-long iron pipe. This guy actually put the iron pipe in the back of the buttocks inside the pocket, how disgusting guy. As soon as the girl thought she had to blow this dirty thing with her mouth, she couldn't stop feeling like vomiting.

"Next time you must remember to have the old man predict everything before you come out, and it must never happen again." The girl muttered to herself. She brought the iron pipe to her lips with a stiff smile.

A sharp whistle sounded, and the black figures that wore inside the dense forest in the distance, gradually retreated backwards, and everything returned to the original calm and peaceful appearance. Only in the corner of the dense forest, the fierce battle is still going on.

The trees fell one after another, slicing the place flat and smooth as if it were a mirror. Two figures, like two lightning bolts, danced and collided among the broken trees and dense branches. These two people are equally skillful, but their strikes are simply worlds apart.

One of them is like a heavenly god from the sky above, the long sword in his hand cut out a brighter arc than lightning. Each slash brings up a wild whirlwind, each swing can easily make a tree with two arms can't hug the ground with a bang.

As for the other person is like the ghost of a ghost in and out of hell and earth, every dark corner may be his next location, every fallen tree behind his hidden form. The dull, lusterless sword will not emit any light even under the sun, let alone under this dark moonlight.

The two men wielded swords in their hands, and they had only one purpose that was to thrust their swords into each other's bodies. Moonlight and darkness are undoubtedly more advantageous to Kellar, because he has lived in this darkness for years. Although, his opponent has been through the battlefield for a long time, for the same darkness is not unfamiliar, but how can it compare to the darkness as the home of the king of killers.

Can have such a strong strength, of course, will also have the same vision with it. Kellar knows things, there is no reason that person is not clear at all.

In fact that opponent's heart secretly screamed, at the beginning, he just thought that the other party was the sneak attacker's accomplice, but this apparently couldn't be clearer misunderstanding let the two of them fight bitterly for so long.

His heart began to worry deeply about the fate of his master and companions, at this time when he needed this power the most, he was firmly chained to this place because of a misunderstanding. I don't know if the young master is safe, and I don't know if the respectable elder will be able to resolve this crisis with his incomparable wisdom.

All this is not clear in his mind, and another doubt occupies his mind, this life has encountered the most powerful and terrible opponent why tangled with their own, look at his appearance, as if he is equally protecting what important people, and in his look pick, their side definitely has a very unfavorable attempt to them.

Perhaps this thought was caused because of the lady's actions. He was quite aware that ever since the old man had spoken about that teenager who might become a powerful magician in the future, Miss had made up her mind to take that teenager's life. The lady's risky move undoubtedly succeeded in distracting the attention of the sneak attackers from the group.

Although, it did alleviate the pressure on this aspect of oneself. However, definitely did not expect that the teenager actually had such a strong companion. Entangled with this terrifying opponent, tethered to their own hands and feet, so that the calculation is really a bit more than worth the loss.

However, since this matter is the lady made, then there is no reason to complain, at best, to do their duty and die in battle.

Thinking of this, that person defied life to attack up, because he was quite clear, his side of the move obviously caused the other side's killing intent, once they failed prestige, young master Miss they are afraid that one do not want to escape life, now the only way is to fight for their lives, but also to make this terrible opponent injured.

Just when these two people killed a difficult time, suddenly from the two sides of the open forest each out of a group of people.

Mr. Hyde, Draddy and Edward have never seen Kellar fight with all his might, so they do not know who has the upper hand on the battlefield, but they know Kellar quite well, the night is his best hiding place, in the darkness no one can beat him as the king of killers.

But the other side is completely different, that bodyguard leader and they live together night and day, his strength is obvious to all, therefore, this kind of desperate fight means, I'm afraid no one knows better than them. Because of this, the four bodyguards who had been on the sidelines suddenly darted towards the battlefield.

Seeing such a situation, Ted could not stand aside and watch, he dragged his injured leg and also darted towards the battlefield. As for Draddy and the fellow, they know in their hearts, their own hands and these people simply can not compare. The only one who can intervene is Edwards.

In order to cast magic convenience, the wand is always held in his hand. Without saying a word, Edwards raised his wand and immediately recited the incantation. Edward's identity as a magician, the opposing camp inside those bodyguards are not a clear, therefore, those who pounced on the center of the battlefield shadows change direction towards Edward swept.

At this time no, suddenly, a dazzling light appeared in mid-air. That light is a hundred times brighter than the sun.

Moreover, its appearance was so sudden that everyone present inevitably had a blur in front of their eyes and fell into a state of complete blindness for half a day. The first to recover, in addition to Kellar and Edwards, and the bodyguard leader.

"I must apologize to all of you, just now we did have an attempt to lead the enemy to you, I apologize again for having had such an attempt, thank you very much for your help, fortunately you were not hurt in the slightest, a small token as compensation to express my sincere apologies." The young man said from his arms pulled out a cloth bag gently placed on the top of the stump left by a fallen tree on the roadside.

The master gave the word, those bodyguards, of course, obediently had to retreat. Kailer stood there silently, he waited for Mr. Hyde's command. Mr. Hyde from the beginning to stand expressionless, he seems to be thinking about something, after a long time before pointing to the bag and said: "Ted, go see what that is?"

Ted carefully close to the stump, gingerly to pick up the sack, his heart is quite clear, this is an extremely dangerous thing, perhaps hidden inside a deadly killing machine. Open the sack, everything inside let Ted stunned, that is a whole bag of gems, crystal clear shining with dazzling light of the large pieces of gems, such a sure value of a city ah. Ted was so surprised that he could not speak.

"Is it a gem?" Hyde asked casually.

"How do you know that?" Ted asked, puzzled.

"That young man should be a prince of some country, it is their usual style to prepare a bag of gems beforehand in order to ransom their lives in times of crisis." Draddy said indifferently.

"To kill them?" Kellar asked.

"There's no need, it looks like they have enough trouble of their own, plus someone else waiting to clean them up." Mr. Hyde shook his head and said, "And we have just as much trouble, and for us, less is better without benefit."

"Will they?" Draddy asked.

"I think not, they should already know our strength, moreover, there are terrible enemies in the shadows waiting to ambush them at any time, at this time, it must not be wise to make another strong enemy." Said here Mr. Hyde paused for a moment, he thought about it and continued: "But some caution is still necessary, Kailer you are responsible for the night watch. Ted take a good rest, your wound better heal quickly."

"Chief, what about this?" Ted limped over, and he raised the cloth bag in Jan's hand.

"You choose two pieces, and leave the rest at Draddy's disposal." Mr. Hyde instructed. After saying this, Mr. Hyde led the way back.

Back to the parking place, tents, wagons have been burned, looking at the ruins, Mr. Hyde shook his head, said with a long sigh: "It seems that tonight we can only drive through the night, Ted, now there are enough horses?"

"There are six other horses alive, just one for each." Ted said as he brought the six horses over.

"Let's all pack up as soon as possible and see what important luggage we must carry, we'll be leaving in half an hour, we'll have to travel all night, Ted, what's the earliest we can reach Cherbourg?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"If we hurry, we will be able to arrive tomorrow afternoon." Ted had to say with certainty.

"Understood, Kellar, you search around to see what other living guys, no need to politely kill all, but beware of the fog laid by Edward." Mr. Hyde seems to suddenly think of something and added: "You look again, there is no more valuable characters, to organize such a gang of desperate guys, the leader is certainly not a generalist, but unfortunately, I have no clue about this, maybe those bodies will give us the answer, cut two heads back, I have a use. "

Hearing the head so commanded, Kellar immediately began to move.

"You mean to take the opportunity to make a big deal out of this matter and count this matter, which was originally directed at those people, on our heads?" Drady came forward and asked.

"There is always an opportunity to make proper use of well, these dozens of bodies undoubtedly increase the authenticity of Edward's identity." Mr. Hyde said.

"Will it attract ghosts?" Drady still has palpitations about that life and death struggle just now.

"If this storm really wants to find our head, it is impossible to hide, since we can not hide, it is better to lure those ghosts and snakes to our territory, Hess, you immediately depart back to Lehigh, and let Pym as soon as possible to get to Thurth Castle, I have something to see him." Mr. Hyde ordered with determination.

Will be everything arranged, everyone has to go back to pack their own bags. But by the fire, there was nothing left to keep long ago. For Draddy and Edwards, they have almost no loss. Mr. Hyde, however, felt quite regretful, the two followed him for forty years, to countless countries of the large suitcase, has been turned into a pile of ashes.

From among the ashes turned out one or two objects that did not burn as a souvenir crystal, Mr. Hyde is also considered to have finished packing. Everyone took their horses in hand, and they waited for Kellar to return. After a quarter of an hour or so, Kellar's figure appeared in front of people's eyes, in Kellar's hand also carried a bundle.

"It's Ridocco, the 'Remnant Wind' Ridocco of West Bay. He is famous in the mercenary world, rumor has it that he has washed his hands of the business, but it looks like someone has hired him at great expense to train these guys in secret." Kellar said.

After all, not many people are famous for using bows and arrows, and Ridocco is one of the best.

Mr. Hyde himself is good at bow and arrow, but his bow and arrow is known for its accuracy, and Lidoke is called "wind" because this man shoots arrows with great speed, and his archery is said to be able to break even the wind. It is because of this skill that Lidoke is very respected in Xibai.

"How did he die?" Mr. Hyde more or less some sadness, although once an enemy, but, Ridocco is the bottom is famous for the bow and arrow skills of the character, died so unexplained certainly makes him feel some sadness.

"Took a fatal blow to the back." Kellar said indifferently.

"Hey, the archer's greatest fears all come from behind, who killed him, was it the work of an equally skilled assassin as you?" Hyde asked.

"No, definitely a novice. There were a lot of marks left on the ground. As an assassin, that man was not qualified, but he obviously knew quite well where Ridocco was hiding, and he was heading straight for Ridocco." Kellar said all his findings to Mr. Hyde.

Mr. Hyde pondered for a long time, he did not know what it meant, but now is not the time to hurt your head over such things, he ordered, all on horseback. Everyone but Hess marched toward Cherbourg. When they passed the landing place of the mysterious prince who had gone out in microscopic clothes, it had also been turned into a pile of ruins.

The horses pulling the wagon are all gone as well, and it seems that their choice is exactly the same as their own side. The quiet of the night was completely shattered by the noisy sound of horses' hooves. When dawn came, most people were a little tired.

After all, age is not forgiving, the fierce battle plus a whole night of saddle horse running, so that the old man felt a bit overwhelmed. As for Draddy, as a liar, his hands are undoubtedly quite good, but, when it comes to real life and death struggle, he is not even as useful as Edwards.

Again horseback riding was his specialty, but that didn't include riding in the dark to make the night journey. His untrained eyes were the only ones among these men who were not able to find the right path in the darkness of the night, and if Ted had not been there to help, Draddy would have fallen off his horse.

The most tired of all would have to be Ted, bleeding so much, Ted has long been physically exhausted, and had to pull Drady along the way, all of which is enough for him to bother.

In fact, except for Edwards and Kellar, everyone was so tired that when the sky began to turn white and could dimly see the trees in the distance, Mr. Hyde ordered to stop and rest for a while.

Pouring out some water from the water bladder to clean the dust on the face, Edward, Draddy and Mr. Hyde returned to the image of noble and elegant noblemen, but their dusty clothes look a little more dowdy.

Ted in a side to prepare breakfast, this is his job. Besides, all of them except him and Mr. Hyde, the cooking skills of others is really difficult to compliment, can not let Mr. Hyde himself, eat breakfast, rest a moment, the crowd again set off, the next journey is still a long one.

"Chief, change horses, you ride that thoroughbred, that horse goes smoothly." Ted said.

Mr. Hyde thought about it and finally shook his head and said, "It's not necessary, anyway, we will be able to reach Cherbourg in the afternoon, and when we get there, Edouard is the main character, don't forget, this time we can only succeed and not fail."

"Mr. Hyde, it won't hurt, I think it's better to do what Ted said? It would be better to change the horses." Edwards said.

"No, Edward, listen, you are very clever, but, you are far less experienced than me and Draddy, you can not imagine at all that a very small place can cause a complete failure, any mistake can be fatal, Edward, I want you to keep one thing in mind, you have to do every thing exactly as the real Edward, Tat Nice exactly the same in everything, not the slightest deviation, well, everyone mount up." Mr. Hyde commanded.

Once again, the sound of horses' hooves rang out on the thoroughfare through the county in Bart's Woods, startling a flurry of birds on both sides of the road.

Riding in the daytime is obviously much faster than the night, Kellar first in front of the road, Edward is responsible for the rear, the group now has the most combat power of the two of them.

Mr. Hyde as low as possible, almost prostrate on top of the saddle, for an old man like him, the wind, making him a little breathless, heart beating fast as if immediately to break free of the chest jumped out of the same, tightly clamped to the saddle legs as if completely numb simply do not feel the same, the muscles of the waist also seems to gradually stiffen up.

All this makes this old man feel helpless. He is indeed old. When I was young, riding around all day long, I never had such a feeling of being unable to do anything. Countless long-distance travel, countless difficult course, countless times to escape from death for themselves, is already a distant memory of the past. The years are not forgiving, they are already a dying old man, an old man who can no longer stand the bumpy roads. It's time to retire.

Along the way, the old man endured the bumps and bruises of the road that brought pain to his aging body. Maybe this will be his last long trip, maybe this is also his last adventure.

The road to Cherbourg is not long, but, to a group of weary people, the road is too long, as if it were endlessly long. Although, it does feel like that to a person, the road does not get longer because of the feeling.

As the sun gradually set to the west, the gates of Thurth Castle finally appeared in front of the crowd.

Edvard had never been to Cherbourg. Cherbourg is the capital of the southern part of the Franks and one of the few large cities in the entire Franks kingdom.

For this capital city, Edvard was curious and longing long ago. From a distance, Cherbourg looked like a fortress, a fortress of unparalleled strength. The towering walls were lined with two-meter-wide arrows every few steps, and the fortress was a bit different from the fortress described in the book, there were no firing holes on the outer wall of the fortress, and the entire wall was made of huge green stones. In order to make up for the lack of defensive firepower, five huge three-story towers were built on each wall, and the towers were covered with arrow holes.

Edwards followed Mr. Hyde and the others, riding slowly toward the city gates.

The huge gates are more than three meters high, and the two door panels seem to be made of iron, but, according to the book, that's just wrapped in a thick layer of iron, and the inside is still wood.

Really play a defensive role is the top of the city gate that is completely cast with pig iron fence gate, it looks like that thing at least two tons, no wonder the city tower to place such a large a winch, at the entrance to the city, stood a group of guards, they wear iron helmets on their heads is the only thing they can really let them save their lives, the body of the thick cotton robe I'm afraid the role of decoration is far greater than the role of defense to come.

These guards have the emblem of Cherbourg embroidered on their chests, and for this pattern, Edward is all too familiar. Because that is also the family crest of the Medin family. A shield painted with wolves and elk, two animals that would never calmly stay together in nature. The pattern of the shield is a black and blue diamond pattern, so the soldier wears a cloth robe is also this color.

Edwards felt that those soldiers wearing such a suit, look a bit like the circus clowns, but the clown clothes are generally white and red pattern between it.

Outside the gates of Cherbourg has been quite busy, from the gates of the city has been extended to the edge of the forest on the road neatly built rows of houses. Houses, the appearance does look a little rudimentary, mostly built of wood, rarely see the brick and tile houses.

The side of these houses facing the street, all open to become a store, which is not much different from the South Port, the downstairs must be a warehouse or hired workers live. However, unlike Southport, the stores here are selling everyday items.

Food, oil and salt, pots and pans are the biggest business here. A street away from the place out of a burst of chickens and ducks and pigs grunting, from the street entrance out of the hands of everyone carrying vegetables and fruits, or chicken, duck and fish, it seems that there is a vegetable market.

Perhaps because it is already afternoon, so the marketplace does not appear to be so many people, the store's staff leaning on the counter dozing, the boss is also missing, probably to the back to rest it.

Edward and his party of five dressed in some rags, the night's struggle so that everyone except Kellar was covered in blood, blood and dirt mixed with the dust and mud, patchy piece of eye-catching. Although it was late autumn, the wild ride also made Ted, Draddy and Mr. Hyde sweat.

The three of them are full of exhaustion, Ted is more face white, just now on the road, his thigh wound once again burst mining, blood not only will be completely red breeches, and even the saddle is also covered with blood.

For such a group of people want to enter the city, the guards of course to raise alarm.

Fortunately, Mr. Hyde and Draddy look wretched, but, their do-gooder aura and excellent unconventional manners make the guards, even if they have no more insight, also know that these people are definitely not simple.

When Cherbourg is not at war, there is no need to check in and out of the gates.

However, because the last heir of the Lord of Lords was killed in Southport, and those people's methods were unusually cruel and bloody, which caused panic among the people, plus, in order to attend the memorial ceremony of the young heir, almost all the nobles of the south of Frans gathered in Thurth Castle.

At this time, a little accident, that is no one can afford, therefore, for those who look suspicious, the guards standing guard at the gates must check in detail.

Mr. Hyde and several of them look like this, if it is not considered suspicious shape, then no one can have this title.

However, the guards are not stupid, the group in front of them are old people and children, although covered with dust and blood, but, definitely not like the desperadoes, but more like the rich merchants who were robbed, or a nobleman, these people are not able to offend themselves.

"Dear Sirs, welcome to Cherbourg, what have you encountered along the way that you can tell me about?" A slightly blessed officer came running from the side of the city gate, and he asked as he ran.

Edwards took a look at the officer, a wide round face although not yet called obese, but can no longer find the chin, the brain slightly thankful, puffy eye sacs make him look like an old man. As an officer, he wore a one-piece breastplate and a large brimmed copper basin helmet on his head, topped with fluffy ostrich feathers.

"I am Lord Kevi'elle Egret Hyde, and we were attacked by bandits when we met them on the road." Mr. Hyde said.

"Bandits, oh, you said there are bandits? It seems that the south is indeed not very peaceful anymore, they just killed an heir to the lord and started robbing along the road again, don't worry, I will definitely report it to the military governor, those bandits will definitely be hanged on the gallows." The officer said with a smile on his face, "Lord, where do you intend to go first? Should we go to the Sheriff's Office to report the case, or should we first find an inn to rest?"

"I have to go to the church first. One of my faithful servants was wounded in this attack, and divine caress is the thing we need most now." Mr. Hyde said.

The officer didn't need to be pointed out to know that the wounded man must be Ted, because the bloodless face and the blood dripping down the saddle could prove it all.

"Yes, yes, it is perfectly clear, your brave bodyguard, what you need most now is the treatment of those priests and adequate rest, but I'm afraid that those priests in the church can hardly find the time now, you do not know, today is the last day of the wake, it is a matter of whether our honorable lord heir will be able to ascend to heaven safely, and, the nobles living in Piton They arrived here exactly one hour before you did, and they must be paying their respects now."

"The nobles of Piton? There is a Baron of Lonar, have they arrived already too?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"Baron Lonner? Oh, yes, and his beautiful, beautiful daughter, they came together, more than thirty carriages in all, and the Baron de Lonna's family was the most striking of them all." The officer replied with a smile, "They went straight to the church."

"Well, thanks, can we go into town now?" Mr. Hyde asked.

"Lord Lord, please." The officer saluted respectfully.

Edouard followed Mr. Hyde and rode into Cherbourg.

Through the city gates, in front of the eyes of the open, Thurth Castle is after all a big city, although not necessarily more prosperous than Southport, but, in terms of momentum, Thurth Castle is much more magnificent. There are countless buildings built all around, not the usual two-story, three-story kind that you can see, but really tall buildings.

The square filled with statues is also something rarely seen in Southport. For Southport, where every inch of land is like gold, it would be unimaginable to vacate a large plot of land like that.

Cherbourg has many magnificent buildings made of marble that are not found anywhere else, and the most luxurious estates in Southport and Lehigh are made of masonry, with marble floors at best, like Mr. Hyde's estate.

In addition to the construction of completely different materials, these buildings are surrounded by exquisite carvings, although not called a perfect work of art, however, I am afraid that the value of these sculptures is not below the building itself.

Another distinctive feature of Cherbourg is its long history compared to Southport and Leipzig.

The architectural style of the era of Frans VII or IX can be seen everywhere on both sides of the road. Although it is undeniable that the most powerful period in the history of Frans is the era of Frans V, when Frans almost ruled the world, the wise and powerful Fifth Emperor did not have any cultural achievements.

Frans VI, who is known in the history books as a decadent king, was a genius in many areas, except for not being a good king. This genius led to a cultural high point in the next hundred years. During this hundred years, numerous talented artists emerged, whose achievements have rarely been surpassed.

The architectural art of the Frans VII period has since become extinct, and although numerous styles have been systematically preserved, there have never again been so many magnificent buildings that can be remembered forever.

Walking between these different architectural complexes of different eras and looking at the artistic crystals created by these masters, Edouard seems to have entered a long corridor of history at once. In this corridor gathered the great achievements of various historical periods. Looking at all this, Edward was deeply intoxicated.

Just as Edward was fascinated by all this, their destination, Cherbourg Cathedral, appeared before his eyes. If there is one building in Cherbourg that is the most magnificent, it is undoubtedly the cathedral. More than three thousand columns carved out of white marble surrounded the church, and at the bottom of each marble column was carved an angel statue. The twenty or so marble steps in front of the church stretch out and a square is no different.

The front of the church is a ten-meter-high tower with a giant parquet glass bay window installed on the front side of the tower facing the square. The gate of the church is not as wide as the city gate, but the height is comparable. Both sides of the gate are decorated with numerous statues, which are definitely real works of art.

The most conspicuous part of the cathedral is far from the ten-meter-high tower, the most breathtaking is the magnificent dome. The huge dome shows a perfect arc, that simple shape has no need for any sculpture to decorate it, the huge dome itself is a stunning masterpiece.

Edouard now knows why many architects and artists are attracted to the big dome? Because, this clever design can indeed give people an indescribable feeling of perfection.

Edward was completely captivated by all this, he stood at the entrance of the cathedral lingered, if not Drady pulled him, perhaps he would have been separated from the crowd. Entering the cathedral, everything inside gives a very different feeling and the church's magnificent appearance.

The main feature of the cathedral's exterior is its grandeur yet simplicity and clarity. The first impression one gets when walking inside is that of gold and splendor. The entire nave is plastered with gold leaf, which has been carefully carved into beautiful patterns. Countless marble statues are used to decorate this sacred hall, and all of them are placed here are artistic fine crystals.

Sunlight filtered in through the stained glass windows, giving everything in the hall a beautiful color. From the roof of the room straight down a golden sunlight, this sacred and solemn scene reminds Edwards of the first time he met Ms. Mashik, and the teacher's laboratory inside the green pillar of light compared to.

This golden sunlight lacked that mysterious color, but there was an extra ray of solemn atmosphere. Just when Edward was immersed in this sacred and magnificent scene, suddenly a cry of alarm was heard from afar: "Oh, my dear old friend, what is happening to you? My goodness."

© 2023 Steven26192

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Added on April 15, 2023
Last Updated on April 15, 2023
Tags: magic



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