I care.

I care.

A Poem by Suditi

Wrote this for my best friend when we were screwed up bad.

I care

In this fast paced world,
In these faster changing trends,
As time slips out,
So do friends..
Stories go untold,
Feelings unsaid,
And things start to happen,
Things we dread..
Days, weeks, months go by,
We get so worked up by the routine, 
that we don't even try..
But in the end, we go the bed, with a lonely heart,
Wondering, if only I still had her by my side..
I might not have been so empty,
I might have been alright..
Sometimes, the ego, the silence,
Kills worse than a knife..
Sometimes, a hug, a word, a smile,
Is all takes to save a life..
Sometimes, if the gap can't be bridged by concrete,
We can try swimming to other end..
Because water between two hearts which care,
Can never be that deep..
So here I am, flashing on your cell phone out of nowhere,
Just tell you, babe, I do care.

© 2012 Suditi

My Review

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You can feel the emotion radiating off of this one. This was really nice with so many true facts and feelings that some of us end up going through, and it's those that can tear people apart.
"Because water between two hearts which care,
Can never be that deep.."
That brings a new hope to anyone who wishes things were the way they used to be with someone they love. Keep it up:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I completely agree with Kuhr Gred (except my best friend name is different)lol
Full of emotions are well expressed here..
I loved it!!
People Care..I agree
but why they don't express it..
or just show in some manner..
time never slips out ..its just we take our priorities first..
after some days we realize that we need that person..
and we lost that person long ago..
Keep writing!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

"Sometimes, a hug, a word, a smile,
Is all takes to save a life.." - I love this phrase! it reminds me! my best friend Pauline! she always encourage me and give smile to make my mood happy! haha.. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

the intro of the poem was simple but interesting enough to caught my attention...i love what this poem want to say...this is a poem that is simple yet so wide enough that it can reach many hearts...excellent work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Suditi, of the nine poems on the first page of your blog, this one in my opinion is by far the best. The fifth verse is the best, though they're all good. Lots of feeling here, and it's expressed in a very poetic manner. You're a good writer now, and can only get better as time and life give your poetry more depth and maturity. Good now, and the best is yet to come for you. Best wishes to a promising young writer. David O

Posted 12 Years Ago

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Sometimes, the ego, the silence,
Kills worse than a knife..
Sometimes, a hug, a word, a smile,
Is all takes to save a life..

This is an amazing stanza. The whole poem is amazing, but this stanza in particular strikes a chord with me. The end touches a nerve too.
I wish I could say someone would say that to me. I can't be sure anyone would.
Great, thought-provoking read.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Life allow us to seek forgiveness and to learn from our mistakes. I like the internal thoughts and the very good ending. Kind words of friendship can open the to forgiveness and happiness. Thank you for the excellent poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

its like just watching evry moment with your own eyes...its great

Posted 12 Years Ago

Really tanx 4 sharing this one..its outstanding and somewhat close to me now..everything so real and is relatable too..i could easily feel how close u watch everything.."stories always remain untold yarr"all in all i just loved it...hats off :)ur poems are best and suits my taste and present situation.keep it up:)..it deserves 100/100 rating:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow. This is really good. I could feel my heart get heavy while reading this xx

Posted 12 Years Ago

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11 Reviews
Added on April 11, 2012
Last Updated on April 11, 2012
Tags: friend, love, distance, breakup, lonely, gap




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