Man up

Man up

A Poem by Suditi

Its high time, the girl child killings stop.

Man up

If you can't be a father,

At least be a man.

Don't destroy someone,

Just because, you can.

© 2012 Suditi

Author's Note

Its not a poem, its not a proper quote, its nothing really..
Just a way of expressing something i feel really strongly for.

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Man has no essence of destroying any one.................women also do the same much profoundly and elegantly...........Its not about sexes , its about the heart.........and If some body can't be a father/Mother then there is always a history behind it............................Lets not criticize someone just because we believe that he/she is that way...............................................But i liked last two lines "

Don't destroy someone,

Just because, you can.

Its certainly give a sense of proud and fear inside a heart which is the worst enemy of human race........................................Sorry if I have written something sarcastic...:-).....................But you have written beautiful 4 liner :-)

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


simple, well expressed

Posted 12 Years Ago

I like it! I took a deep breath and expected to read a long poem and instead, I enjoyed a short but power-packed piece. I love the sentiment behind this one, and the rhyme gave it exactly what it needed to make the message strong and clear. I read it out loud to my boyfriend (who's also a writer), and he said, "Hey! That's really good." I agreed. I enjoyed reading.
P.S. Thanks for the reviews before.

Posted 12 Years Ago

simple yet important ..
Perfectly written..
keep writing:)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow! powerful. With power comes responsibility, indeed. I can relate about the father thing too. Fathering has been a very Zen experience for me. After being a father I came to realise that loving kindness and softness has actually made me stronger in ways that I never new possible.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Nicely said.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Great quote!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Don't destroy someone,

Just because, you can.
yeah u ll be wrong when u re not right and u use ur power in the wrong place

Posted 12 Years Ago

a powerful message in four short lines. I admire you. enjoyed.

Posted 12 Years Ago

:) great quote ;) XD

Posted 12 Years Ago

Direct and honest words. A real man will repair his mistakes and do what is right. To be a strong man today. Take education and wise decisions. Thank you for the outstanding poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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16 Reviews
Added on April 15, 2012
Last Updated on April 15, 2012
Tags: girl, child, man, gender, bias




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