Open door

Open door

A Poem by Dreamer

I can’t stop

The door's wide open but I'm still on the floor

I can’t stop staring… staring at the four

Posts that form the portal he’s been plotting to use.

It’s been forbidden territory but he’s playing dirty


Immobility in the physical, tangled in the constant outflow of uncertainty

But bodies fiercely meshed, heels accenting beats in the unseen realms.  

In mental dominions our mirror movements guard the door in the anticipation…

But until he tunes in I am helpless on the ground, our hold is nothing stronger than whispers in crowds

And he shall pass through our presence like fog images, fading at his dawning.


For now, in the room remains his shadow and a contented starvation on outlines

Quickly hands outstretch, wanting just a tilt of the face in the evening sun

Before the dusk realizes it must come...

But I am weary of such a lonely war against these empty frames and I’d leave before he could but

The struggle is in those unseen realms where the windows are many and the pastel colours of the past flow through but the mirrors are clouded and even those are few. 

© 2015 Dreamer

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This is quite simply beautiful. My first reading was purely watching the words without truly delving into their meaning, but despite that the last stanza stunned me. When I reread it in an attempt to understand, the meaning - which I see at least - made it all the more stunning.

The door is open and he has walked out. I love your description of the door as 'four/Posts' and its transformation into a portal in the eyes of the persona is truly telling of just how far this person leaving has gone by stepping out, they may as well have left this world. The last line of the first stanza brought a smile to my face, one never thinks of it in that way, it makes the break-up seem like an extension on a game of dares which has gone that tad bit too far.

I like the way the second stanza addresses the mental attempts at preventing the person from leaving and how it contrasts with the apparent physical incapability of stopping him, loves 'hold is nothing stronger than whispers', and the mental guards the persona puts up to prevent his departure are passed through 'like fog images, fading at his dawning' which is a simply astounding way of putting it, even while the meaning is most bitter.

Yes, the struggle, once he is gone, is in those 'unseen realms' for the struggle is not with he who left, but between she who is left behind - the persona - and herself, she must fight a war with herself, attempt to banish him from her heart and pick herself up, mentally, spiritually and physically, but the past yet haunts and the battle is long and will not be without great pain.

You have written something extraordinary. Thank you.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Interesting...I see you like to use the phrase "unseen realms". Mysterious, hypnotic, esoteric.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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Added on March 30, 2014
Last Updated on March 14, 2015



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A Poem by Dreamer