Begin of Miracles

Begin of Miracles

A Poem by In Em's Wonderland

When someone asks me about miracles,
it's when I heard her
read poetry for the first time.
Here, in this room,
we're intimately acquainted.
I intimately understand it.
I peel myself away
to make sadness a stranger.
The peace of knowing
descent is an exhale.
It's harder when you don't
know when it will end, so
let this be the way we begin. 

© 2024 In Em's Wonderland

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Beginnings should be what they are supposed to be: perhaps a slight loss of memory mixed with determination, then, off you go, forge ahead, smiling. There are miracles researched and confirmed but the greatest in this day and age is finding a miracle within Self, altering the path, facing the all around even that in the shadows.. reminders perhaps. 'so let this be the way we begin. ' Yes!

Posted 3 Months Ago

like poetry...we take the ride as we write or read it...not knowing where the journey will end.

there is a person on this site who reads...he has read some of my work aloud...
it is transcending....He could make the phone book sound good.
For me, getting to write poetry is a miracle.

Posted 3 Months Ago

Such a beautiful passage of life, of love... of miracles that shape us and transform us into our better selves. So grateful to find more words from you here!

Posted 3 Months Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on April 19, 2024
Last Updated on April 19, 2024


In Em's Wonderland
In Em's Wonderland

Madison, WI

Welcome earthlings to my Wonderland! The name is Svetlana (or Emily) and beginning a new profile on here--old one was I Am Svetlana-- due to never having inspiration for posting on it, plus having .. more..


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