A Chapter by Tyeesha Weatherston

Four little turtles are bought and brought home. They were mutated and turned to mutant turtles. They were then raised by their "Father". I do not own tmnt swag. Hashiree.deviantart.com does.

Chapter 1: "Home"

Four little pet turtles were on their way home with their lovely owner, Lisa. She was so beautiful. And she had wanted pets all her life. She looked down at the container containing ... Three baby turtles? She looked around the container but was no were in sight. He popped out from under his brothers and looked at her she laughed at him happily.

When she got home, she showed her boyfriend Michael the four pet turtles they would take care of. He was delighted and they put them in a giant tank that took up the whole wall.  And then, they went to go and eat.

Lisa and Michael did not know these four baby turtles that she had bought were the key to a mans success. And he needed to find them before everything he knew and had position of fell to ash and dust.

A few months had past and the brothers and their new owners were happily enjoying watching TV. Lisa had never seen turtles so interested in TV before. All of them seemed to have their own likes and dislikes in TV shows.

 Donatello was mostly interested in the science shows. Michelangelo was most interested in skateboarding, park our, and comedy shows. Leonardo was most interested when Lisa followed along with the calming yoga music and often fell asleep to it. Raphael was happy with the WWE, or fighting shows that Michael watched.

Their was a knock at the door.  Michael paused the TV and got up to get it. He opened it and froze. He raised his hands and backed away from the door. A man with a sniper entered the door wearing a mask. Luckily, Michael was a police officer and had a gun not too far away from the door. He grabbed the gun and pointed it at the man.

Lisa walked in and looked at the masked man. She looked around and then back at the two men. "What do you want!?" yelled Michael. The masked man did not answer. He just kept moving forward. Another man came from behind the fist and pointed another gun at Michael.

A while later Michael and Lisa were surrounded by men with weapons. One man walked over to the tank and smashed it open with his padded elbow. Lisa let out a cry of fear. What had they done wrong? The man grabbed the four turtles and put them in his bag. He turned and walked out the door, giving the men the signal to shoot or attack.

The baby turtles, scared as they were, heard many loud noises and screams of pain and fear. They all hid in their shells and didn't come out until everything was quiet. They heard the sound of police sirens. The man started running and turned down an alley way and pushed a brick in the wall. This caused many bricks to move aside for the man to sneak through the passage. It closed silently behind him.

Chapter 2: "Mutated"

When the four finally came out of their shells, they looked around at we're they were. They could not see  Lisa or Michael anywhere. Where were they? The masked man, Axel bowed before his master and then stood. "Sir, my men have worked long and hard to find these four turtles. It is our gift to you." he said, lowering his head.

The man stood and looked down at the four turtle brothers. He picked them up and smiled an evil grin. He walked past Axel and walked into a dark room. Little light shone in the room. None at all except the glowing tank filled with green ooze. 

Then Axel walked after his master and stood silently as he plopped them into the ooze one by one. The man laughed an evil laugh, lightning was all around him while thinking of his plan to take over the world. These four fully grown turtles would be formed into monsters and help him take everyone and everything in the world.

Little did he know, these turtles were just turtle tots. While he was taking his glory and pretending to see lightning everywhere, the four brothers started to mutate into what looked like turtles and humans mixed into one. 

The man smiled and looked at his assassin Axel. "Pull the switch!" he said, looking a little crazed. Axel did as ordered and pulled the lever pulling his master to higher ground. After al, the ooze settled on the floor, the four tots started to rise from the ooze. "Yes! It worked!" yelled the crazed man. 

He stopped at the sight of four turtle tots standing and looking at what they had been turned into. "Their. Their Freaks! Monsters! A Disgrace To All Of God's Humans Of Earth!" he yelled and took out a gun. The brothers froze, not knowing what was happening. All they thought of was home. They backed away and tears filled their eyes. Leonardo, the eldest, pushed them all back and ran with them to go and hide somewhere. They wanted to get out and leave.

The man started shooting everywhere! He was going insane because his plane had failed! Axel tried to stop him but was shot in the process. The man let out a deranged laugh and held the gun to his head and shot. The brothers had never seen so mush blood in their lives. The youngest brother, Michelangelo, started crying and shouting for Lisa. 

Moments of silence passed the four of them after the youngest had fallen asleep. They were cold, hungry and were very scared. They had to get out of there. The third oldest brother, Donatello and the second oldest, Raphael, started looking for a way out while Leonardo stayed with Michelangelo.

They finally found a lever on the wall and pulled it. The wall opened and they helped carry they youngest brother out. They looked around and saw a man walk past. "Umm... Excuse me sir? May you please help us find someplace to stay?" asked Raphael looking up at the man. He stopped and smiled. He looked down and saw monsters in front of him. "MONSTERS! STAY AWAY!" he said and ran off. 

After hours of searching and the same reaction from almost everyone, they thought of going to the dumpster. No one went there. 

They found shelter and fell asleep to the sound of trucks, cars and many over vehicles.

Chapter 3: "Father"

When they awoke, they were someplace new. Not smelly and ugly. Someplace nice and clean. A house? They looked around and the youngest was gone. They all stood and started searching, but we're stopped by the smell of... Food. They all walked to where the smell was coming from.

A giant rat stood there and looked back at them. He smiled and took their little brother. Mikey walked over to his brothers in a swag-ish way thanks to his long turtle necklace. His brothers looked at him up and down. He looked very different. He smiled and laughed a little giggle.

The large rat looked at them and put them all in chairs at the table. Michelangelo was given a shorter name. Mikey. They all enjoyed breakfast and thanked the nice man for letting them stay in this nice house.

A while past and he gave them all shorter names. Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey. He also told them to call him, Father. He saw how tough it was for them to get around to people and thought of when he was first mutated. So, he took them as his own. And taught them... The SWAG way.

Months had passed like the wind and they were all getting along well. Father had given them each a separate room to sleep in and that usually didn't last long. Mikey would always go to sleep with his older brothers. Mainly Raph and would have good dreams for the night. They picked up nicely on how to act swag and all the essentials. 

Chapter 4: "Growing up"

Raph was training with his brothers and learning new things about fighting. For a test, Father made them tease each other and see how well they would react. Mikey was first. It didn't last long before he ran to Father and started to cry. Donnie was next. He took it very well and was smart enough to know his brothers would never say stuff like that about him. Leo was next and stayed very calm and like Donnie, knew his brothers would never say those things.

Now we get to Raph. He was doing well at first and then he heard Leo say something he really didn't like. Leo called Raph a monster. He looked at his older brother with hatred in his pure white eyes. Leo got a little scared and backed away as Raph came at him with a swing of his fist. POW! Leo was down on the ground and scared. Raph's eyes turned back to emerald green and he looked down at his older brother. What had he done wrong?

He clenched his fists and ran up to his room. Like a little elephant, Mikey, followed his big bro up to his room. Donnie ran to Leo and helped him up. Leo shook with fear and cried silently. Father and Donnie took him in the medicine room to see how serious it was. One of Leo's teeth came out and his jaw was a little out of place. Donnie took Leo's jaw. "Be brave. Kay big bro?" he said. Leo nodded a little. Pop. Back in place. Nothing too bad. It would have to heal but Leo would manage.

Mikey stayed with Raph to talk to him. "So... Leo called you a monster and you didn't like that? So you punched him in the jaw? But why? He didn't mean it and you should know that." he said holding his brothers hand. Raph looked at the floor. "I know I shouldn't have done it. But it got me mad. I felt like someone just took over and I couldn't control myself." he said and started to cry on his brothers shoulder. Mikey stayed with him until he fell asleep and then left. 

Over the years, Raph's anger got worse and worse, Leo's calmness and leadership got much more visible, Donnie's smartness and science loving showed much more and Mikey's love for his brothers, energy, happiness and smiled grew more and more withe each given day but got sad when his brothers, Leo and Raph, fought for nothing.

Chapter 5: "The Challenge"

One day, the brothers were doing a challenge. An arm wrestling challenge. "First up! Donnie and Mikey!" yelled the 14 year old, Mikey. Donnie, who was 15, looked at him and smiled. "Lets get this over with then." he said putting his elbow on the table. The two had started and right away... Bam! "Mikey is the winner!!!" he yelled and ran around in circles.

Leo sat down and got ready to beat him. He was now 16 and much stronger than when he was 6 years old. Mikey knew that Leo was strong and was at least happy he wouldn't have to face the ultimate winner. Raph. The brothers started and... Bam! Leo looked at his youngest brother and smiled. 

Mikey stood beside Donnie. Raph, the 16 year old, sat down and watched his older brother. Leo looked at him and smiled. "Good luck." he said happily. Raph looked at him and smashed his elbow in the table to show he's been working hard for this day. Leo took Raph's hand and they began. Minutes past and Raph could see that Leo had worked hard for this day too. 

Finally, after 15 whole minutes of waiting... Raph had given up. So Leo thought. Leo loosened his hand and Raph slammed Leo's hand through the table. He got up, looked at Leo, and smiled. "Thank's for the luck Leo." he said and walked away to go use his weights to get even stronger.

"That gives me 50 points, Mikey 51 points, Leo 100 points and Raph 159 points. Good job everyone." Donnie said and walked away to his lab. Mikey pat Leo's shell and went to his room. Leo smiled and went to Father to meditate.

The next day, Donnie had arranged for them to have an exercises contest. Push ups were first. Whoever stopped before the other, loses and the person who wins or beats their score, gets a point. Raph and Donnie were first. In just minutes, they were at 100 push ups. The brothers were all great at push ups and that's why they did so many. Raph wishes to get to 300 to 1000 push ups some day. 

Donnie collapsed at 120 push ups, more than he's ever done before. "One point for Donnie. And one point for Raph. Ok me next!" Mikey said and ran to compete against his older brother. He could do 150 push ups and was going to get more this time. Raph smiled and they began.

145-146-147-148-149-150-151-152 and Bam! Mikey collapsed to the floor. Raph sat down and drank some water. He was really good at defeating his brothers at stuff. "One point for Mikey and one point for Raph." Donnie said as Leo walked passed and got ready. Leo could do 200 push ups in a row and trained to do 300 to beat Raph.

And they began with a flying start. Each number said had a one second pause in it. 199-200-201-202-203-204? Raph didn't understand. Leo should have stopped by now! But he kept going with flying colors. Like it was nothing. Raph took in deep breaths and started to shake. 

20 minutes later, they reached 300 push ups. Raph's body couldn't take it. He couldn't give up though! Leo looked at Raph and smiled. Mikey sat watching the two and saw Raph was struggling. Donnie counted and looked over at Mikey so he could take over. All this saying numbers made Donnie thirsty. Mikey continued to count. 350-351-352-353-354-355-356... More minutes past and tears ran down Raph's cheeks. Leo started to struggle too. Who was going to quit first. 

Chapter 6: "The winner"

Leo kept going taking steady breaths and looked like he could win against Raph, which had never happened before. Raph started to skip breaths and started to slow down his pace. Then as they reached 450, Leo started to slow as well. Donnie went back in and saw how much they had reached. He held his head and walked over. "Ok. So. Whoever stops or slows downs from here, loses." he said getting bored and very sorry for his older brother Raph.

They both kept pace and Raph did his push ups with one hand to wipe off the tears from his eyes. Leo looked over and smiled. He knew he was going to win. Raph kept strong and kept in the competition. Donnie crossed his arms and waited.

After a couple of minutes, when they reached 650... Bam! Donnie woke up and wiped his eyes. He looked over and Raph was on the floor breating heavily. He looked over at Leo and he was on the floor as well. He looked at Mikey and then back at them. "So who fell first?" he asked. Mikey pointed to his older brother who had fallen one second before the other. Leo.

Donnie sighed and walked over to Raph. He turned him so he faced upward. Mikey walked over and picked up his bro. Donnie roled his eyes and helped Leo. "That's 90 points for me, 95 points for Mikey, 200 points for Leo and lots of extra credit for Raph which gives him... 1000 points" he said to his brothers. 

A while later, Leo had calmed down and could breath normally again. Raph on the other hand had to be very careful for the next couple of days, which he wasn't very happy about. Mikey kept on eye on him though. Leo congratulated his brother for winning and was happy he was okay.

Chapter 7: "The Gold Digger"

Over the last couple of days, Father had sent his sons to get some food from the supermarket. Raph and Mikey went to get food while Donnie and Leo trained and spoke about scientific and important stuff.

"So... Do ya think we'll meet any hotties out today Raphie? I like hotties. Their so hot! Or maybe some swag chicks!" Mikey said and looked at his older brother with curiosity. Raph looked over at his little bro and smiled a "I hope so" kind of smile. Mikey understood that smile and smiled the same smile back.

They reached the supermarket in their perfect disguise. They "wore turtle shell school bags" and "loved to do face paints with green skin involved in it". The two looked like normal people who did face paint for a living. So they thought.

They were walking around getting things for home and then someone looked over at them. They had taken 6 shopping carts (3each)! The girl walked over swaying her hips from side to side. One of those girls. Raph looked over at her and froze to take a good look at this girl. He smiled and nudged his younger bro-bro.

Mikey smiled and stood up straight. The girl walked in front of them and looked at the two turtles. "Do you even have money for all that food?" she asked crossing her arms. The two both nodded. She didn't seem to believe them, so, they each took out a hand full of rolled up money.

The girl smiled and stepped closer to them. "What are you exactly?" she asked rubbing Raph's cheek. He backed away a little scared. Mikey looked at her. "We are face painters! Yeah! F-face painters! Nothin' wrong about that! Nope! Nothing!" he said pulling his shopping carts after him. 

The girl kept Raph were he was and he started to get fed up of this bull poop. He pulled away and she kissed him! Raph's eyes widened with shock. Mikey looked back and gasped. No one kissed his bro accept him! Which he would never do! So no one was allowed to kiss him!

Raph pushed the girl to the ground and wiped off his mouth. "WTH WAS THAT!" he yelled. The girl screamed and pointed at Raph. "Women abuser! Someone help!" Raph rolled his eyes. The girls boyfriend walked over and helped her up. "What the heck is wrong with you man!" he said and they started a fight.

This always happened in movies. The girl goes for the guy. The guy doesn't want the girl. The girl says the guy did something he didn't and then the guy gets in trouble!? Raph grabbed the guy's fist and twisted it behind his back. "Dude! She kissed me! I swear! Turtles honor!" ........ 

Mikey watched his older brother. The girl watched Raph. Everyone watched Raph. Raph let the guy go and walked back to his shopping carts. The girl watched him and then at her boyfriend. "But... They have loads of money. How is that even possible?" she said. Her boyfriend looked at her and then back at Raph. He didn't care if he was a turtle or not. He just wanted the money!

Raph pulled his shopping carts to the cash and so did Mikey. The cashier watched the two turtles and stayed silent. He heard what Raph had said about the turtles honor. He looked at all the food they were putting on the counter. He started swiping the food as fast as he could. "That will be...
$20000. Umm... Please. Not to sound rude or anything... Do you have the money for that?" he asked as they plopped the money they had brought on the counter. His eyes and mouth widened with shock.

Chapter 8: "Accepted For Money? Nah!"

On the way home, Mikey felt sad that they couldn't go back again. And then... They heard someone yell out to them. "Hey! Wait! You left your change." it was the cashier. He ran beside them and have them their change. They had payed $10000 more than they were supposed to.

He didn't run. He didn't scream. He was being generous. Mikey took the money and split it. He gave the half to the cashier and smiled. "If you have a family, use that to help them." he said splitting it again with Raph. The cashier looked at the money.

"Oh I possibly couldn't. This is your money." Raph smiled. "Keep it. For our sake. Were just being kind. Like you. You didn't run away from my bro and I. You took us like any other human in the world. Thank's for that by the way." he said and walked away carrying all the bags. Mikey smiled and pat his head.

The cashier smiled and ran after them. "At least let me take some of the bags for you." he said and took some bags from the turtle. Raph looked over at him and smiled. "Thank you". He said and gave Mikey some other bags.

A while past and they were all talking together. The cashier learned that they lived in a mansion. He also learned their names. Raphael and Michelangelo. They learned he wanted to be a scientist when he got the money and that their "donation" meant a lot to him. They also learned that his name was Travis. 

When they finally reached home... Leo was waiting at the door. Raph and Mikey were laughing at something funny Travis had told them. They all stopped when they saw Leo at the door. He smiled and looked at Travis and back at them. "And who is this?" he asked them, not happy that they brought a stranger home.

Travis smiled. "My name is-" "I wasn't asking you!" Leo said and then looked at Raph. "So? Who is he Raph? A new friend of yours?" he asked walking in front of Travis. He looked down at the human and smiled. He looked over at Raph who seemed to be ver overprotective of this man.

"Travis!" Mikey said really fast. Leo looked at him. Then he smiled and looked at Travis. He took the bags from his hands and stood up straight. "Okay... Travis. You can go back to your little supermarket now. Umm... And maybe never come here again." he smiled and walked past Raph and Mikey. 

When Leo went inside, they both stood beside Travis. "It was fun talking Trav." Mikey said and walked inside with his bags. Raph looked at Travis who was really sad. He smiled and pushed Travis a little. "Cheer up buddy. My bro and I will see ya again." he said happily. Travis liked talking to his new friends. He really did. "Secret handshake." Raph said and showed Travis the handshake Mikey and him made up to signify that you were friends.

After the handshake, Travis had to leave and go back to work. Raph left and went inside. He walked into the kitchen and saw Leo standing there. "So... You like that Travis guy huh? Raph. You just met him. You don't even know if he's good or not. Most of them are bad people." he said and looked at his younger brother in anger.

Raph smiled and chuckled a little. "Who ever said I liked him in the first place? And yeah... So what if I hardly know him! He seemed like a nice guy to be friends with! That's all! And were Lisa and Micheal bad people! Huh?! No! They took care of us when no one else would! So just stay out of my personal life!!!!" he said in anger. Leo, telling him who to be friends with, made him upset. Really upset. And he didn't like Travis! What was his big bro's problem!

Chapter 9: "That Night"

Mikey and Raph kept going to the supermarket to see Travis. And they talked about how they spent their whole lives away from humans and that their formal owners were shot and killed. Travis told them that his parents were killed at a time of war and killing.

At the end of each day, Travis, Raph and Mikey would race around and do many competitions together. One of the competitions Raph hatted was the no blinking challenge. The wind would always go past and into his eyes and he would loose. Other than that, everyone had a good time.

One night, Travis was walking home alone because his friends, Raph and Mikey, had not shown up. He had to walk down a very dark and dangerous street to get home and only felt safe when Raph and Mikey where there.

As he walked, he could sense someone or something behind him. He started to walk faster and faster. A man stepped out from in front of him. A Punk? Uh oh. Punks where bad news. Travis turned to walk the opposite direction, but was trapped at the front, back, left and right. He was scared. He just wanted to go home. Then they started to attack.

Hours past and Travis still lay on the cold pavement, in the shadows. He had been scared and bruised up. He called for help with all his might, but it was night time and everyone would be asleep by then. If only Raph or Mikey were with him. He held his side as he stood and tried to get home to his medical kit. He fell after a few steps. 

Raph and his little bro-bro, we're looking all around for Travis but had no luck at all. They walked down where Travis walked to get home. Then, they both stopped dead in their tracks. Travis!

They each ripped up pieces of their clothing and rapped it around his bleeding side. "What the heck happened!?" Raph said scared for his friend. Mikey looked at Travis and nodded. Travis looked at them and smiled. His friends didn't forget about him. They were here now. "A gang... Attacked me... Took my m-money." he said and coughed out blood. "Just don't force yourself to talk if you can't. You need to rest." Mikey said to his hurt friend.

When they finally got to Travis' house, they lay him down. Raph looked around for a med kit and Mikey kept his side from bleeding. "Your gonna be O.K. Got it? Good." he said and comforted his friend. Raph found the med kit and ran back to Travis. He had no idea what he was doing so he called his other little bro, Donnie. 

"Donnie! We need you to come here now! Someone is hurt and we have no clue what to do!" Raph yelled and looked through the stuff. Donnie held the phone away from his ear. "Raph. You need to be calm. We're is it and I'll be there." he said and stood. He got all of the stuff he needed. Raph told him were it was and Donnie was already on his way.

Donnie finally arrived and went in. He saw all the blood and quickly knew what he was feeling with. He walked in the room were Travis was and stopped dead in his tracks. Blood. Blood everywhere. Donnie hated the sight of blood. But this was hopefully a friend and not just some random person they found on the street. Donnie walked over and sat beside Travis. "Umm... Hello. My name is Donatello and I am here to help you." he said and lifted the red cloth off his wound. He gaged a little and asked Mikey to get a clean one.

© 2016 Tyeesha Weatherston

Author's Note

Tyeesha Weatherston
Ignore grammar problems if there is please. I will try and add chapters every day if you like the story so far.

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Added on July 19, 2016
Last Updated on July 19, 2016