The Night Sky

The Night Sky

A Poem by Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

Its a poem I wrote while i was sitting outside enjoying nighttime


The Night sky

Its the first quarter
The sky is perfect in every way
The air is nice, cool with a slight touch of humidity
Swinging slightly back and forth on the porch swing, the moon comes in and out of view
There are only a few stars out tonight
But the clarity of the moon makes up for it
I lie back and inhale the aroma that surrounds me
 it is the scent of summer warm and clean
Inviting me into a relaxing mood
I hear the steps of small animals scampering in the woods nearby
I listen intently to the song of the insects
All in harmony it seems, as there is never a silence
there are lightning bugs scattered loosely around
One lands on the swing and illuminates the cloth briefly
A cloud obscures a little light from the moon but soon it passes
Beautiful nights such as this often go unnoticed because people are too busy
Too involed in other things to just take a moment and enjoy nature
I am different, I seem to thrive on these kinds of things
If I could find no peace and beauty like this life wouldnt be worthwhile
Running around everyday without having simplicity to appreciate  
Nothing to me is more important than nights like this
Its a sort of meditation to me
A gathering of my thoughts and feelings in a way
A kind of rest that prepares me for the next day
These are the times i love
The night surrounding me with its life and spirit

© 2009 Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi

Author's Note

Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi
ignore spelling and grammar problems

My Review

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Your wonderful descriptions brought the magick of the night sky into my day light hours.. I felt like I was meditating while reading that - so very soothing yet vivid and alive.

Much enjoyed the read.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 30, 2009


Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi
Aiden- Aiko- Kiyomi


This is my updated profile, I've kept all my writings I have published on here. Just because it is in my past doesn't mean it doesn't offer any insight into who I am now. Yes, I have grown and matured.. more..
