The Archer

The Archer

A Poem by T

restored writing


The day begins with a cast of shadow
despite the morning sun
The woods seem quiet and unalive
as if he had not come. 

He stands alone with bow in hand
to fill the ancient call
of soaring arrow and arc of limb
that enraptures one and all' 

The sagitari today is set for sport
and not a member of his legion
Constantine has yet to call
upon this lonely region.

The empire crumbling around his feet
the mighty and the few
remaining bowman stands unashamed
for the feats that he once knew. 

Today however is his alone
in the quiet of the trees
to stand among the ancient wood
and let his worries free.

Tomorrow he will take up mail and shield
and uphold what mars does best
but the god of war can wait today
and the archer fills his quest

for peace.....


© 2018 T

Author's Note

written last year but restored from previous notes

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The title drew me in, being a Sagittarius and all. Your poem takes the reader on a journey of transformation, and of course, the rightness one feels when life is a quest. And a quest for peace is the most precious of all. Really enjoyed this one :)

Posted 4 Years Ago

Enjoyed singing along !...good stuff Tmiller 100/100

Posted 9 Years Ago

Now...this is my kind of writing. A different topic than one typically sees here or anywhere else. I like that - a departure from the mundane. I can see you have done some homework on the topic as well. I would have only one small critical the second stanza, it seems that the repitition of "bow" in line three from line one kind of clogs the flow a bit. As an archer myself, may I recommend the use of the word "limb" in line 3? This seems as if it would fit very nicely. Very well done...
Your friend,

Posted 16 Years Ago

I've read this poem three times now and it just gets better and better with each reading. I love the way the story unfolds and that at the end we see a man of war seeking, needing to release the arrows of his worry, to find peace but knowing the reprieve is but brief, that there are realities to his calling that will be rendered on the morrow. I love the sense of wisdom this archer has and I envision he has been in many battles; I envision he is a man of few words for he has found words to be of little use, has grown weary of the forked tongue and those who sit back and order others into battle, to spill blood not of their own. Each stanza adds to the wonderful atmosphere with a bit more information, putting our imaginations to work as good poetry does. In other words, excellent work!

Posted 16 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 4, 2008
Last Updated on November 1, 2018




It's a wonderful journey this becoming, It's part letting go of who I was, while releasing the beliefs that sabotage what I want to be, and-knowiing that in order to transform, I can't live in b.. more..

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