The Case of the Black Daimond

The Case of the Black Daimond

A Story by Tavionna

Tae is one of the best detectives o New york. Along with her sidekick Mary. When,they recieve a case about a black diamond missing. Tae springs into action, and meets the Marisol family.


Tae, one of the best detectives of New York City sits at her desk. She had to admit she was bored, and tired of waiting for another case to solve. Suddenly, her luck began to change. Her great assistant Mary walked into her office.

“Detective I have another case for you to solve.” exclaimed Mary.

“Oh, finally,” replied Tae “I can actually do something! What’s the case?” Mary set a file down on Tae’s desk.

“Well, the Marisol family looks like they need help,” replied Mary “it’s pretty extreme!” Tae began to study the papers then said “A black diamond I heard those were worth a fortune!”

“Yes,” responded Mary “I just can’t believe it went missing!” Tae looked at the papers some more. Then, she went to her computer to add the case in one her files.

“Okay,” Tae exclaimed “When do I have to visit this family?” Mary looked at her golden watch that hung on her wrist.

“In an hour,” replied Mary “Well, I have to go on a lunch break. I will meet you at the manor in one hour sharp!” Tae watched Mary walk out of her office.

“This is time to put my thinking cap on!” Tae thought excitedly as she slipped on her favorite black investigators hat. 

Meanwhile, the hour has passed Tae drove her small black car to the manor. Tae parked her car then met Mary outside the door of the large manor. Tae smoothed her long black coat then knocked on the door. They waited for about a minute, or two.

“Do you think they’re home?” asked Mary playing with one of the strands of her lavender colored hair. Tae shrugged and sat on the old steps of the manor.

“Not sure,” Tae replied “but, I can tell you something this manor looks a bit old school.” Tae, of course, was right. The manor was gray with rusty pointed metal gates. The manor looked as if was from the renaissance time period. The dead plant vines scattered the walls of the manor as if they were claws. Suddenly, the doors to the manor busted open. A young looking man with dark curly hair stood in the entrance. Tae felt her heart fluttered a little bit she was a little nervous.

“Greetings,” said the man “My name is Michael the butler of this house” Tae could see that on his tag stated his name “Michael Jackson”.

“Um…..hello,” Mary replied softly “we’re ….. Um here to meet the family” Tae smiled a little.

“I have a strong feeling that the family is old schooled themselves,” Tae thought glumly. She looked at her shoes this could be hard. If this family was old school she didn’t want to disrespect them.

“Oh, yes of course,” Michael replied “They are waiting for you” Michael took Tae’s hand, and kissed it. Tae felt tingles shiver all the way up her delicate arm.

“Well, I kind of like old schooled ways,” thought Tae as she walked inside. Tae and Mary followed Michael down a majority of elegant halls. Some had many colorful flowers, and lots of amazing pictures. Michael stopped at a large gold door.      

“They should be ready by now,” Michael said as he opened the door to a ballroom. Tae was surprised to see three girls lined up in a neat order. A short man with a black beard approached Tae along with a woman. The woman had a bun in her hair pinned with many colorful hair pins.

“This is scary,” Tae thought “This family dresses as if it was the renaissance time period.”

“Greetings,” greeted the man “Michael you are dismissed.” Tae watched the butler bow then exits the room.

“Oh,” one of the girls in pink dress exclaims “What funny clothes this girl has.” The other two girls began to giggle.

“Marsa!” the woman gave a firm voice. The girls stop laughing, and gave nothing but absolute silence. The woman gave off an apologetic smile.

“You must be the detective?” the man exclaimed “Oh, thank goodness you have come. My name is Bill, and this is my wife Kassandra”.

“Um…. Nice to meet you,” Tae replied shyly “and these must be your daughters?”

“Well, yes of course,” Bill said walking to the three girls. The girls looked exactly like each other.

“These are the triplets,” Bill introduced “Clara, Marsa, and Kara”. The girls bowed at the same time. Tae looked at Mary with a creeped out smile. Mary managed to give off a comfortable smile.

Bill turned to his daughters and said “I have hired a detective to help us find the black diamond”. Marsa looked up her face was a bright red.

“But, father,” exclaimed Marsa “We don’t need a detective. I said that I would find the diamond”. Tae could tell she was hiding something by the way her voice sounded. Tae sighed and thought for a moment.

“I need to ask the daughters if they have seen anything,” Tae thought “Marsa looks like she has some answers.”

“Do you mind showing us were this gem was located?” Tae asked “but, do you also mind if we stay here until this case is solved?” Mary looked at Tae in complete surprise. Tae looked back at Mary, and she could tell that Mary did not want to stay in the house.

“Why, yes of course stay as long as you need to,” Kassandra replied “Michael will lead you where the diamond was.” Kassandra walked up to a string, and pulled it a ringing noise ripped through the air. Michael walked through the gold doors with his happy smile.

“Well, that was fast,” Tae thought “I didn’t think he would get through all those halls that quick!”

“Michael, could you please lead them to the diamond’s chamber?” Bill asked

“Yes, of course master,” Michael answered sweetly with the same smile on his face “please come this way.” Michael led Tae and Mary out the door. Eventually, they make it to the diamond’s chamber. The chamber wasn’t too big it was small with one gold pedestal. It was the size of a Japanese bedroom. The pedestal shined and sparkled wonderfully on the steps, but Tae knew it was missing something. Of course, she knew it was the diamond that was too easy to guess.

“Well, here is the diamond’s chamber,” Michael explained “just ring the bell if you need me.” So with that, Michael left the room. Tae took a deep breath, and began to look around.

“Well, then lets get started,” Tae exclaimed. Tae took out her black magnifying glass. Tae looked at every inch of the room while Mary took notes.

“What did you find so far?” asked Mary looking up from her notepad.

“Well, I finally managed to find fingerprints,” Tae answered from behind the pedestal “Furthermore, these fingerprints do not look like male fingerprints.” Mary walked over to where Tae was standing. Tae gave Mary the magnifying glass to look through.

“Hmmm…… you are right about that,” Mary explained “these fingerprints look way too feminine to be a man’s fingerprints.” Mary looked up at Tae she saw Tae’s expression. Tae had that twinkle shining in her bright gold eyes. Tae’s little smile said “I think we found something.”

“Do you know what that means?” Tae exclaimed “That means that all females in this house are suspects.” Mary gave Tae a smile then continued examining the fingerprints. Tae began to look around for more clues. Suddenly, that is when she found many, and another one of her smiles slipped onto her face.

“Aha!” Tae screamed Mary jumped from her post, and looked at Tae in surprise.

“Mary, can I have my magnifier back?”Tae asked.

Yeah, sure,” Mary answered handing back the magnifying glass. Tae looked at the lining of the gold colored walls. There were fingerprints that led all the way to a heart pattern on the wall. She showed Mary the fingerprints Mary gave off a surprised look.

“I think there is a hidden compartment or something!” Tae exclaimed as she pressed the heart pattern. The wall began to shake then it began to sink down. Tae stared with surprise, so did Mary. There, stood a secret passage way it was dark and cold.

“Well, what are we waiting for lets check this out!” Tae exclaimed. Mary sighed and followed Tae down the cold, stony steps.

“Wow, I’m pretty sure there is a whole lot of evidence down here!” Tae exclaimed. An hour has passed; Mary and Tae reached the bottom of the stairs. Tae looked around the small stony room. The light was dim from one small candle on the wall. Tae looked at the candle in surprise.

“Mary,” Tae said “look at that candle; I wouldn’t think that candle would burn forever would it?” Mary looked at the candle with one of her suspicious looks.

“Tae, you are right about the candle,” Mary replied “this looks like somebody just lit the candle.” 

“Hey, look footprints!” Tae exclaimed “let’s find out where they began.” Tae and Mary followed the footsteps backwards. The footsteps stopped at a wall. Surprisingly, there was nothing but stone wall.

“What? How could this be?” Mary asked “There is nothing but wall here.” Tae stared at the wall for a moment. Then, she began push against the wall, but it didn’t budge.

“Hmmmm…… I think it’s an exit,” Tae answered “from another secret passage located somewhere else. Then, Tae heard creaking noises coming from a tunnel in the small stone room.

“Let’s follow these footprints,” Mary insisted “but, before we leave lets study these prints.”

“Correct,” Tae agreed “We must figure out whose prints they are.” Tae eyes began to hurt, so she took out her pocket flashlight. She gave the flashlight to Mary. Then, Mary shined the flashlight onto one of the footprints. Tae put her magnifying glass over the footprint, and studied it for a moment. Then, Tae looked up at Mary with a look Mary could not understand.

“These prints are high heel prints!” Tae announced “This could be obvious that the thief is female.” Mary nodded her head in agreement.

“Well, let’s follow these footprints,” Tae said taking the flashlight away from Mary. They both followed the footprints down the tunnel. Suddenly, Tae stopped Mary bumped right into Tae. 

“What are you doing?” Mary whispered frantically.

“Sorry, but do you hear that?” Tae asked looking at Mary intently.

“Hear what?” Mary asked, but then she knew what Tae was talking about. Mary heard voices of girlish laughter. Tae began to walk toward the laughter. Mary followed after Tae with a worried look on her face. Tae and Mary hid behind a rock. Tae peeked from behind the rock, and to her surprise she saw the triplet’s shadows. Tae looked back and forth to see if no one was watching. Then, she gestured Mary to follow her. They both hid behind a wall from the entrance of the small room the triplet’s were in.

“We are definitely going to make a huge profit out of this!” Marsa’s voice rang out in its high pitched manner. More girly giggles ran out of the entrance of the room. Tae listened some more to the conversation.

“Yes, I’m pretty sure they would want this kind of diamond,” Kara’s voice echoed “I mean I don’t like this kind.” Tae looked at Mary with a surprised expression. Mary looked back at Tae with shock.

“Oh dear!”  Clara’s voice exclaimed “look at the time we have to get back for dinner!” Suddenly, there was a loud rumble from the room, and then footsteps sounded on the stone floor. Tae covered her ears again from the loud rumble.

“Do you think they’re gone?” asked Mary looking at Tae with fear.

“I don’t know,” Tae replied “it’s quiet now let’s go check out the room.” Tae and Mary silently crept into the small room. Tae surveyed the small stone room, and to her surprise she found the room full of wooden chests.

“Mary, come help me look through these chest,” Tae called as she opened as chest and began searching through it. Mary had no time to hesitate she pulled open another chest, and began to shift through it. Tae looked frantically through the deep pools of gold, pearls, and sapphires.

“That’s great no diamond,” Tae sighed plopping down on one of the chest. Mary looked up from the chest covered in a lace of pearls.

“Well, I didn’t find anything in here,” Mary answered taking the long pearl lace off her head. Tae opened another chest and looked through it.

“This is completely ridiculous!” Tae raged “This is nothing but old tacky jewelry! I thought I was on a role too! I am very disappointed in myself right now!” Mary looked at Tae with sorrowful expression. Mary watched Tae plop down on another chest. Tae had her arms crossed, and her face showed nothing but disappointment. Mary walked over to the chest and sat next to Tae.

“Hey, don’t pull on yourself like this,” Mary reasoned “We have a case to solve.” Tae turned away from Mary. Tae was blushing, she felt embarrassed because she led her partner into a false condition.

“Why did I even say yes to this case?” Tae replied sadly “I feel stupid I led you into the wrong information.” A tear rolled down Tae’s cheek Tae quickly wiped it away. Tae did not want Mary to know she was crying.

“Tae look at me,” Mary said softly. Tae didn’t look up she was too ashamed to even look at Mary.

“Please Tae,” Mary pleaded she thought and stopped for a moment then said “Tae you remember your great motto.” Tae didn’t respond she just stared down at her boots.

“Keep your head up,” Mary recited “that is the number one rule.” Tae then looked up with her gold eyes sparkling with encouragement. A huge grin slid on Tae’s face, and Mary knew what that meant, Tae was her normal self again.

“You are right I can’t give up now,” Tae beamed “because I have a plan.” Mary looked at Tae in a shocked manner.

“What is it?” Mary asked still looking shocked at Tae.

“I have decided that I would not interview, but watch the family,” Tae answered getting up from the chest then began searching the wall for a switch. Tae’s hand fell on a loose rock. Tae pulled on a rock then the wall began to rumble and shake. The wall once again sunk to the ground revealing another hidden stony staircase.

“What do you mean like watch their reactions?” Mary asked starting up the staircase. Tae followed Mary up the stairs.

“Correct!” Tae beamed “Now let’s go to dinner!”

Meanwhile, Tae and Mary sat down in a fancy dining room chairs. Marsa looked at Tae with hostility. Tae just stared at her napkin with her blank tired expression.

“Sorry, we were late to dinner,” Mary apologized to Kassandra and Bill. They both smiled brightly, and began to eat their soup.

“So how is the investigation going?” Bill asked intently “Did you find the diamond?” Tae nodded to Mary to answer his questions.

“No, not exactly, but we found some evidence,” Mary replied. Tae watched Marsa carefully and steadily. Marsa shifted in her chair uncomfortably, and cleared her throat.

“We also found out that the fingerprints are female,” Mary continued. Tae watched Marsa cringe at the word “female” and then scratch her head.  Marsa’s face was turning a bright red, and Tae knew she had something.

“My Goodness, is it me or the room just got hotter?” Marsa asked frantically fanning herself. Kassandra gave Marsa a stern look for being impolite.

 “Trying to change the subject,” Tae thought “too easy to predict.” Tae gave off a smirk while leaning back in her chair.

“Therefore, we have girls in this house,” Mary continued “it would not be you Kassandra, but one of your daughters.” Marsa huffed, her face was coated in complete rage.

“CAN’T WE TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE?” raged Marsa “I’M SICK OF HEARING ABOUT THIS INVESTAGATION!” Mary looked at Marsa in surprise and shock. Tae sat with a calm look on her face which slipped into a smirk. Kassandra and Bill looked white as snow, and their expressions frozen into a blank stare.

“Umm…… excuse me,” Marsa replied quickly then dashed out the dining room doors. Mary looked at Tae, and she could see that Tae still had that smirk on her face.

“We are very sorry about our daughter Marsa,” Bill blurted out “but ever since the diamond went missing she has been acting odd lately.”

“Odd indeed,” Tae thought “very odd.”

“Well, dinner is dismissed,” Bill concluded “time for bath and bed. “Kara and Clara straighten their dresses then walked out the dining room.

Later on, before Tae and Mary went to bed they had a talk.

“Are you sure she’s the one who stole the diamond?” asked Mary using Tae’s mirror to brush her long lavender hair that flowed down her back. Tae finished brushing her pitch black shiny hair that flowed past her thighs.

“Well, if you see someone who rages on a subject that they don’t want to hear,” Tae replied. Mary nodded in agreement she knew Tae was right about that.

“Well, you better go to bed Mary,” Tae suggested “we have a tough day ahead of us.” Mary nodded and straightened her night gown then walked across the hall to her room.

“I can’t believe we have to stay in this horrid manor,” Mary thought as she sunk into her mattress. Mary easily fell fast asleep the bed felt like she was lying on clouds. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps woke her up. Mary crept out of bed and walked out into the dark hall. A figure in a dark cloak scurried out a door that led to the front of the manor. Mary followed the figure out into the yard. Mary hid behind a bush and watches as the figure approach another tall figure.

“Here is the diamond,” said a female voice “how much will you give me for it?” Marsa almost gasped out loud. She knew it was Marsa’s voice, she now knows Marsa was the culprit. Mary listened carefully to the conversation and watched the other figure intently.

“Wait a minute he’s a merchant,” thought Mary. Mary watched them bargain on the diamond.

“I give you $300,000 for the diamond,” The merchant’s voice bargained. Marsa looked around intently just in case.

“Agreed,” Marsa accepted then began to hand the diamond to the merchant.

“STOP RIGHT THERE!” a voice bellowed out the darkness. Mary smiled as she watched Tae jump out of the rose bushes.

“Hand the diamond over,” Tae spoke firmly. Mary could she was holding her pistol. Marsa and the merchant both began to laugh.

“You and what army?” Marsa laughed so hard where the point she snorted.

“This army,” Mary said as she walked out of her hiding place. Tae looked with complete shock.

“Also this one too,” another voice rang out behind Mary. Mary turned around and saw the rest of the Marisol family in their night clothes. The family had angry expressions on their faces. The family stared at Marsa dead in the soul. Marsa put the diamond on the ground and held her hands up in the air.

The merchant put his hands in the air too. Tae walked behind him and put hand cuffs on his hands. Mary took out her cellphone to call for backup.

“Marsa how could you do this?” Kassandra rage at her daughter “Steal from your own family!” Marsa had running down her face pouring out like a waterfall.

“Mother I am deeply sorry,” Marsa cried “really I am.” Kassandra had a complete look of disgust on her face. Kassandra slapped her daughter so hard were the point Marsa fallen flat on her face. Clara and Kara give off squinty faces. Bill face runs cold with shock as he watched blood pour from Marsa’s nose.

“Kassandra, please stop and control your temper!” Bill cried “You are hurting your daughter!” Kassandra gave Bill a cold look then back down at Marsa.

“Fine, but remember this Marsa you will disgrace me on and forever!” Kassandra raged then stormed back into the manor. Bill nodded his head in sadness Clara and Kara had both looks of shock on their faces.

An hour later, the cops arrive to pick up the merchant and Marsa.

“You have done well detective Tae,” exclaimed Sergeant Blake “tomorrow afternoon you shall win the Medal of Honor.” Tae’s eyes brightened completely in the moonlight, so did her huge grin. Mary walked up next to Tae with a smile on her face.

“Hey, Tae how did you know about the merchant?” Mary asked still wondering.

“Simple, I stayed up just in case, and looked out my window, and saw you hiding behind a bush.” Tae answered “So, then I warned the family and snuck outside with them.” Mary nodded with satisfaction then looked up at the sky. Dawn was beginning to break turning the sky a brilliant purple.

“Dear sweet detective however we can thank you!” exclaimed Bill walking up with his two daughters. Kara and Clara had both warm welcoming smiles on their faces. Tae gave off her smirk that says “You are very welcome.”

“Anytime, here is my numbers just call me if you need anything,” Tae replied handing Bill her business card. Bill took the card and stuck it in his pants pockets.

“Please, stay the rest of the night,” Bill offered “we don’t mind”. Tae looked at Mary, and Mary nodded her head yes.

“Okay, sure,” Tae beamed “does that include breakfast?” Mary shot Tae a dirty look Tae shrugged.

“Yes, of course,” Bill replied “now let’s head back to sleep.” Tae and Mary nodded and returned to their rooms.

The next morning, there was a huge celebration in Times Square for Tae in her honor. Tae had nothing but a bright sunny smile on her face. Furthermore, Tae won the Medal of Honor, and was promoted to head detective of the city. Mary was promoted into Tae’s old position. Therefore, they lived forever happy.  


© 2012 Tavionna

Author's Note

Please read it i hope you enjoy it! I do look for crtisim, but not too hard. I do not wanna see rude comments. If you don't wanna read it then don't. Be careful what you say

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Added on November 14, 2012
Last Updated on November 14, 2012



iwakuni, chubu, Japan

I love music and enjoy fantasy stories. I love Michael Jackson he is my insporation. I currently living in another country which is Iwakuni Japan. I love it here and the people. Im not japanese but i .. more..

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