Freedom is an eagle's wings

Freedom is an eagle's wings

A Poem by Tech

The first entry in The setting up for a series. Hope everyone enjoys.


The eagle’s wings spread wide, he is prepared to fly away in the night.

Broken free of his cage the bird soars through the crisp evening air.

Not yet told to return home, he enjoys the feeling of stretching as far as his limbs can reach.

The moon shines over the ocean with beams that dance on the water’s surface.

Waves splash upon his feathered face and drip down his sturdy beak.

A mental reflection of the cage that usually imprisons him flashes through his mind.

Tomorrow he must return to the wired holding place he calls his own.

Never again to see the sky that carries him to a place unknown.

But tonight he is free and closes his eyes to only feel the breeze rushing past.

Resting his weary mind to enjoy liberty at its last.

© 2014 Tech

My Review

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wow .. this is great ... I held the vision of the eagle all the way ... especially when he gave thought to returning to the cage, I saw it, felt it and commiserated with him...

reminds me of the Shawshank Redemption quote 'some birds are not meant to be caged' ... we are much like that too, we imprison ourselves in our own beliefs, our own conditioning, when really all we were ever meant to be was to be free...

Your poem has stirred a mixed bag of emotions and visions, I love it ...

Does he really have to go back to what he calls his own ?

Great words x x

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you I'm happy that you got so much out of this piece I also hope you read the rest of the seri.. read more

9 Years Ago

i will be sure and read ... :D thanks x x

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1 Review
Added on July 4, 2014
Last Updated on July 15, 2014
Tags: Nature



Ventura, CA

College Grad who is just experimenting with writing and seeing were it leads me. Some of the poems posted will be old and naive others will have more thought and care. more..

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A Poem by Tech