Compartment 114
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Success In Failure

Success In Failure

A Poem by Teddybearlee

All the pain from the strands of hair to the tips of my toes
Pools together in the center of my bleeding heart
My entire body aches as if drained of all muscle
With so much darkness theres nowhere for light to start

Crippled with fear and the tremors of constant anxiety
Wash back and forth like waves during a brutal storm
As moments of beauty captured burn to the ground
Charred beyond all recognition as if they were never born

A claustrophobic mind cluttered with hurled weapons that penetrated
Broke through a barrier of clouds when thrown from love's lips
Deadened libido as such thoughts twist the knots you tied
My nerve endings respond only the the touch from you like wine sips

Sunk so low I do not recognize the face in the mirror
A husk for false hope is all that remains built on gray dreams
Hollow eyes stare back with no attempt at niceties
All they see is failure without end, everything is as it seems

© 2016 Teddybearlee

My Review

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How depressed condition in which this poem was written, I can guess.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on October 12, 2016
Last Updated on October 12, 2016



Weirton, WV

In July 2015, my wife left me, up until that point, we had a beautiful and wonderful marriage and relationship. We had a beautiful daughter. Our relationship was healthy and happy, then one day, she.. more..
