Chapter Five: Campfire Conflicts

Chapter Five: Campfire Conflicts

A Chapter by TheBakaKitsune

After Bell asked for the Kappa, Makai immediately picked me up and flew me to some swampy and horrible smelling place. "Ok, so what exactly is a Kappa?" I ask him. "It's a weird frog lookin' thing. It lives in very remote swamps and is extremely difficult to catch if you don't know what you're doing." He replies. "So, how do we catch one?" "I have no clue." I am instantly enraged by this reply. "Oh, you idiot!!! How do you expect us to catch one if you don't know how?!?!" I run to pick up a rock just by the water's edge. "Waaah!!" I scream. I slip and fall into the water. "Master!" Makai exclaims. "Hurry up! I can't swim!!" Makai jumps into the water and grabs me just as I started sinking. He pulls me out of the water and on dry land. Well, the dryest land you can get when you're in a swamp. I roll over and cough up the water I had inhaled. "You're 17 years old and can't swim! That's pathetic!" "Well excuse me for being scared of the water!" "What reason do you have to be scared of the water? Huh, you wanna be a demon and yet you can't even face a little water? Wimp." He says coldly. "You wanna know why I don't like water? It's because my parents drowned when I was 7! You inconsiderate jerk!" Tears begin to swell in my eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry." He replies with a sad look on his face. It was the first time I heard sympathy in his voice. Even though he was supposed to be a cold and heartless demon, he actually sounded sorry for what he said. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a white cotton rag. He wipes away my tears with it and gives it to me. "Come on, it gets really cold at night in swamps. Lets start a fire and make a little camp." He says while smiling. 

Makai carries me to the perfect spot for a camp and makes us a fire and tent. I don't know how he managed to make a fire considering how wet everything is, or how he made a perfectly dry tent, but I didn't bother to question him. He was a demon after all. "I'll be back in a second." He says and disappears. He comes back with a huge tree on his shoulder. "Ok, what is that for?" I ask while pointing at the humongous tree he's carrying. "Well I wouldn't want my master to have to sit on the cold ground, especially since she must already be freezing because of the water incident back there." He replies and gives me a smirk. He snaps the tree in half like it was nothing but a twig, and puts it in front of the fire. "I'm starving! Is there anything to eat around here?" I ask. "Oh crap! I forgot humans need food at least three times a day. How silly of me. Be right back!" He comes back in about five minutes with a turkey already skinned. "Thank you." I say while I grab a twig and stick the turkey on it and puts it over the fire. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Cooking." "That will take far too long. Give it here!" He snatches the turkey off the fire and a flame forms in his hand. "No, you can't do it like that!" I yell. But it's far too late. Once the smoke is gone, I look at what used to be my dinner. Now it's a black thing. It's not even a turkey anymore. I poke it and it instantly turns to ash. "Oops." He says. "Oops? Oops? No!!! You are so stupid! Don't you "oops" me! I tried to tell you to stop, but you didn't listen! Now what am I gonna eat?!" "I'll go get something-" "No! You have ruined it and I don't even want anything anymore!" I interrupt him. 

After I calmed down, we sat by the fire together and began to talk. "So, is that why you live alone? Because your parents died? Don't you have other family who could take care of you? I'm not used to human laws, but I know they put kids without parents in some home with other orphans, correct?" "Yes, but I didn't want to be in an orphanage, so my aunt made a deal with me. I lived with her and her husband until I was 15, and then she figured I was old enough to live on my own. So, her and her husband left me the house they owned in Japan, and they moved to America to have a child and a new life. But she didn't tell anyone she was moving, so no one knows I live by myself." "She just left you by yourself and ran off to another country?! That's cruel!" "She was never really nice to me, but she's the only family I have left and I am thankful that she kept me out of the orphanage." We sat in silence for a while. Makai was the first to speak. "Oh! I forgot you are still soaking wet! Strip before you get hypothermia and die. It would be such a bother having to find another human to contract with." "You pervert!" I yell while throwing a stick at his head. "Huh, what a bother." He says while pulling out a black card. The card begins to glow and so do I. Colorful dust forms around me and it soon disappears. When I look down, I can see I have a red dress on and I am completely dry. "There, happy now?" He asks in a sarcastic tone. I decide to just ignore him and sit back down. We just sat there for a while until a plan formed in my head. "I know how we can catch the Kappa." I say. "You do?" "Yep, all you have to do is take me to the library in Japan. I'm sure they will have some books on it, so we can get an idea of how to catch it." "Perfect! Now, what's a library?" Makai asks. "You'll see when we get there. I'm really tired so I'm going to bed. Where will you sleep? There's only one tent, and I have no intention of sharing a tent with a demon." "I don't sleep. The only remotely close thing I've experienced to sleep is when that angel knocked me into a dormant state." "Ok, well good night. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow, so I hope you're ready!" I say as I run into my tent and get under the blankets. "How in the world did he get blankets?" I ponder. After laying there I begin to hear strange sounds, like animals howling. I get scared, but don't move. "That's it. I'm going to die." I start to think. That is, until I hear a familiar, arrogant voice. "Will you shut up you stupid mongrels!!" I hear Makai yell. "I've got a master over here that I don't want cranky, so shut up or die!!" I laugh to myself and feel safer knowing I have an all powerful demon protecting me. Once I realize I'm not going to die, I feel the effects of exhaustion, and fall into a deep sleep.

© 2013 TheBakaKitsune

Author's Note

i must thank my wonderful beta fancygirl229 for this chapter!

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Added on April 25, 2013
Last Updated on April 25, 2013




I'm an anime loving chick! I'm new to writing, but I really love it! And my best buddy is fancygirl229! more..
