

A Chapter by Katie Flores

she runs, knowing what she is clinging to.

        The sound was still echoing and following her through the little street that was almost an ally. It was all she could hear as she ran through the dampened street, trying her damnedest not to slip and fall to her knees.
       She ran. Her breath came in rushed, hurried. Her dress was clinging to her body, her stockings were ripped and providing minimal warmth, while her shoes gave no comfort nor protection.
       She ran. The street was cold, fog still hanging on the ground. The lamps dimly lit the dark in front of her, not quite as bright as they should have shone.
       She ran, she could not do anything else. There was nothing else. She was stuck in motion and she knew exactly why.

© 2012 Katie Flores

Author's Note

Katie Flores
i know it is short, but how is the imagery? would really appreciate some sound advice in that department. thanks :)

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I like the imagry, but you could stretch it out more...

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 14, 2012
Last Updated on April 15, 2012
Tags: hurry, alley, rain, echo, running


Katie Flores
Katie Flores

I see pine, not palm trees, i see forest and dirt, not sand and beaches, CA

i am starting to find myself. for the longest time i thought i could only be one thing, but im starting to realize... i can't. And well there's not much else to say... I am a pretty plain person, a.. more..
