dinner prayer

dinner prayer

A Poem by m.s.early

Sensing approaching discontentment
I am on the cusp of clutching gospel faith
I add my guts to the prayers
In front of the entire family 
At the dinner table
My desperation 

© 2015 m.s.early

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Blessing from the dinner table are as important as those from the bedside. we are so so human in both!

Posted 9 Years Ago

sometimes it takes extreme discontentment to latch onto religion...
and sometimes we blame him for our tribulations..
some middle grown would be good...maybe those lunch prayers...

really like this piece...always like your minimalist style..
the openness in the lines.

really like "i add my guts to the prayers"--

Posted 9 Years Ago

This is a perfect write in so many ways. 1- the feeling of desperation is never more tangible that when at that encroaching doom we grasp at faith. 2- the dinner table signifies daily bread better than any other word imho, for family and or family concern. 3.) prayer =desperation =call on a friend you know or need, and that is usually the only time it is call on. 4- you can not petition the lord, lol. though when you are ready to believe in something... I think Him, he , It gives us a hard time, will knock us down to the brink of insanity so that when there is no one left to call on, we will turn to him. Reminds me of a time when my friends mother was in the hospital and we all prayed for her when it looked pretty bleak, she turned to the ones who loved her and called on his mercy, man she had a bad year before, weaker women would have broken, her small amount of faith got her through and her mother recovered simply because it wasn't her time, BUT she reached out and that's what it's all about.

Posted 9 Years Ago

In desperate moments when solace is far from home. Great Write!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on January 1, 2015
Last Updated on January 1, 2015




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