Her Life For Mine

Her Life For Mine

A Poem by The White Rose

The silent sacrifices made by mothers due to their unconditional love for their children.


Her cries were drowned by laughter from a child
      Emerged as streams that ran with unrestraint
Her pleas then muted by the innocent
      Such drought which marred the features, porcelain
Her dreams decayed thus fertilizing mine
      Parched lips that thirsted, nourishment denied
Her lamb was sacrificed to yield me fruit
      Through fog of grey, so ebony the woods

Though one may call it blurring marks of years
Such radiance her beauty shines from love

She laid, with grace and will, her life for mine.

© 2011 The White Rose

Author's Note

The White Rose
In your reviews, please include a sacrifice made by your mothers. I'd love to hear your stories.

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This is such a powerful piece, I enjoyed it very much.
I was born with several lung difficulties and an immediate brain dysfunction that the doctors thought would leave me a slow learner throughout my school years. My mother took two years off of her work to home-school me after we were allowed to go home from the hospital. By the age of four I could read in my first language, Latvian, and was learning English, far ahead of other children my age. Her sacrifice gave me that opportunity and I'm forever grateful to her for it. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This is such a powerful piece, I enjoyed it very much.
I was born with several lung difficulties and an immediate brain dysfunction that the doctors thought would leave me a slow learner throughout my school years. My mother took two years off of her work to home-school me after we were allowed to go home from the hospital. By the age of four I could read in my first language, Latvian, and was learning English, far ahead of other children my age. Her sacrifice gave me that opportunity and I'm forever grateful to her for it. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on April 21, 2011
Last Updated on April 22, 2011
Tags: mothers, sacrifice, life, unconditional love, children, sons, daughters, poem


The White Rose
The White Rose

Wuhan, Hubei, China

17 Chinese-Australian I'm not a serious writer waiting to be discovered. Just a teenage girl with emotions. Just what the world needs ;) more..

mine mine

A Poem by The White Rose