

A Chapter by The Water Queen

Would you die for me?
Would you try for me?
Would you fight for me?
I doubt you would!
I've hated you!
Since the day we met!
And if I see your face again!
I'll do something
I won't regret!!
Poem by me.

She stared at the suitcase in utter anger. Her glare wasn't doing anything and all she wished was for the damn thing to burst into flames so she wouldn't have to pack it anymore. She was dreading this trip. She was dreading it with all of her being and she wanted to refuse her father's demands for her to go with them. The wizards! She spat at that and continued her devil's glare at the silver case. Finally she gave up knowing that even with what magic she knew she wouldn't make the suitcase burst into an abrupt  flame. She sighed and fell, back , onto her bed. The massive amount of cushion making her bounce almost off the bed. She wanted to laugh, but her anger overpowered any othe feeling and that thought was gone quickly. She ran her hand through her red hair, her dead mother's trait, and took a deep breath. She was thinking of what her father had told her to do. That the wizard Dumbledoore had told them of the plans of Lord Voldermort and that he could protect Tear. But she would have to go to the school she hated the most. The place where all her memories had been left behind.

"Damn it Longwood I don't want to go there again," she spoke to no one of course.

Longwood was long but dead. He had died at the hands of a killing curse before it had been banned. It had been the war between Elves and wizards and it had been a bloody time in their history. She missed her dear friend and protector. Silver tears pooled in her eyes and ran down her cheeks each side racing each other to see which one was faster. She siped the tears away quickly realizing what she was doing. She was crying, a sign of weakness, and what would have happened if one of them, the wizards her to escort her, had walked in unannounced. Surely death would be swift if she were known to be weak at any momment she felt safe or alone. So she wiped the tears away and went back to being angry at her situation. Dumbledoore had come by fire in the middle of the night, for her father had a good relationship with the headmaster of the school, to warn him of what they had just learned from a death eater that had been cuaght. Voldermort wanted Tear and the ruby so that he could conquer and destroy the world. Dumbledoore had also said that he could protect Tear, but only if she came to Hogwarts. The last place Tear had wanted to go. She had complained asking why she couldn't go to bueaboxtens, the french school? Her father had regretfully decilned to answer her and went back to planning her safe trip to hogwarts.

"Stupid, damn, f*****g, peice of s**t wizard," she spat as she slammed her clothes into the suitcase.

She placed the ruby on her neck and gently coressed it. She was so different with the ruby. She cherised it yet hated it at the same time. It was made of hardened blood that had been shaped to look like a ruby and it's powers were immense. It could increase the beholder's magical abilities ten fold enough to be unstoppable. If it ended up in Voldermort's hands the world would die. She feared that.. So the curse had been set upon it if she died that jewel would follow immeadiatly after her. It would be useless just a chunk of dried blood. She cursed beneath her breath.

"Why did you leave me with all the hard things after betraying me?" she spoke to the air.

"Maybe he did not mean to betray you my daughter," her father spoke from the doorway.

Tear jumped being startled from the deep bass of her father's voice. She felt a slight blush creep to her cheeks and she quickly faced away from him so he could not see that she was embarrassed. She heard him walk into her room. His slight weight making that floor boards creak as he took long strides towards his young daughter. You could feel the hate that she was feeling, the anger at what he was making her do. BUt he loved her and he would not let her be killed by a man he knew nothing about.

"I cannot protect you from this man Tear," he spoke sadly, "It is my only option to keep you alive don't you see this my daughter?"

"It's our place father. The place that I helped build that is named after me. Forgive me if I don't seem like a care that it is because you love me that you do this. I will still detest being there and I will still complain about it in every letter until my return to my kingdom," She spat as she turned from her father's arms. "I do not need a damn hug father!"

He nodded and went to the edge of her bed motion with his pointer finger that he wanted her to come sit next to him. She did and he put his arm around her shoulder.

"I'm giving you your mother's mirror to communicate with me in an emergency," he said. "They are going to teach you a way of transporting yourself in a split second. PLease listen to them they are there to protect you."

© 2009 The Water Queen

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yes it is

Posted 14 Years Ago

question before I keep this book a cross over between harry potter and one of your ideas.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on July 5, 2009


The Water Queen
The Water Queen

Lehi, UT

All of my books and poems are my work excpet the fanfictions. I own my ideas and my characters and will take rightful actions if i find them stolen. I have been brought to this world to bring the .. more..

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A Chapter by The Water Queen