My Name Is Samantha

My Name Is Samantha

A Poem by Theodore Dixen

Rejected, Shunned from The World


My name is Samantha i'm 22, I have eyes of red and hair of blue.

I'm not a barbie, i'm not scene, I go up from down and right from mean.

I'm living in a time before mine, I am bright I am free, they are stiff and confined.

The ones with the bags think they know about me, they've been where i've been, they've seen what I see.

The watchers think they can change me, they obvserve me quietly and plot when they think i'm asleep.

My name is Samantha i'm 22, I'm awake when its dark, and I sleep when its bright blue.

I'm not a monster, I do not Kill, I found a time when I can feel.

I'm living in a prison with a miracle whip, unique and different is a cursed that must be snipped.

The ones that'll hear you through the friendly and mild, turns the corner with 911 on speed dial.   

The ballers oh so generous their millions they'll pay, so they can have their way each and everyday.

My name is Samantha i'm 22, I have cuts and bruises in black and blue.

I'm not emo, I am not numb, from these memories I just want to run, run, run.

I'm living in a computerized robot world, I must stay in line, follow my leader, and be a good little girl.

The ones with the guns walk with pride, inforcers and oppressors of the weak, no need to look no need to hide.  

The leaders like me will always be flem, called freaks and creeps, weirdos and geeks, but its okay its not our fault they need rebels to keep the attention off them. 

A day in my shoes is not very pretty theres dirt, theres puddles and splashes of pity, But I will never be who you want me to be, My name is Samantha Gilbert and I am Free.

-Samantha Gilbert

By: -Theo

© 2012 Theodore Dixen

My Review

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You wrote this as a memoir... a dairy of sort... and take us as a reader in a world filled with the thoughts of Samantha G... each notation takes a different turn... and make a conviction with the ending...

Posted 10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 3, 2012
Last Updated on July 3, 2012
Tags: free, rejected, weirdo, shunned, world, unwanted, unloved, different, name, samantha


Theodore Dixen
Theodore Dixen

Miami, FL

Sweet, loving, and kind is what you see when you look at me, but there is something dark, hushed, and secret underneath. A gateway to and from world to world is what you can call me, a messenger for t.. more..
