Survival Sounds

Survival Sounds

A Poem by TonyJustin

A poem about the bitter wisdom of a broken heart.

Season of lies, won't come back around     
Keeping the price of heartache down
leaving you twice makes the first one frown
I'm grieving both tries to my survival-sound

the fog clevers up as time expands our gap
the only thing ours, still left on the map
I lost something of myself back in the trap
I imagine it, brought to you, crudely gift-wrapped 

Should have only known, how trysome the search became
Would have fled my stars and changed my name
Now choice have empowered my every last flame
merely strugling embers, with a survival claim...

I wish you away, endlessly migrating by sea
And then I wish the world flat, like how it used to be
the third one I'd used to desolve the two firsts
Cause naiv me not back and undo every vers

© 2014 TonyJustin

Author's Note

Any and all thoughts are welcomed.

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Added on June 23, 2014
Last Updated on June 23, 2014
Tags: love, hate, destiny, survival, lies, wisdom, heartache, love sickness, inspiration



Odense, Danmark, Denmark

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A Poem by TonyJustin