Who Am I?

Who Am I?

A Poem by J.Truth

A question that most don't have the answer to. Including me.

Who Am I...

I started off, searching for words
to describe myself
For better
for worst

Clearly I'm stumped
Lost; unable to define
[who I am]
I guess, some can describe me
as one who's a Grump.

But is that all there is to it?
A moody girl or a person who's
head's in the clouds-
Preoccupied by her dreams?

Is there really a word out there,
somewhere, for me, that fits?

Hmm.. Maybe I can be known
as the girl who wears skinny jeans.
And, favors graphic tees.

A girl.
That can act how she wants to act;
does what she please.

But, No. That's not me.
Parents' forbid that'd be me.
So who am I?

...Who am I really?

A question I'd like answered
Just 3 simple words.
Why can't I say them?

Because my throat closes up
Every time, it hurts

So always in my mind
I think of those 3 little words,
a question left unanswered
Never to be heard

3 little words.
Hovering, waiting to be spoken.
Serving as a distraction
...always as a distraction

3 Simple, Little Words.


© 2011 J.Truth

My Review

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Beautifully written. Such an articulate way of describing your emotions as this question circles your mind. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Superb work hon! That question swims through the veins doesn't it and just when we think we know...BAM! We are more aware than ever we do not lol I love this...such a mastered flow and natural sounding...great work!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on August 18, 2011
Last Updated on December 22, 2011
Tags: question, poem, who, am, i, words, confusion



Los Angeles, CA

" There are at least two kinds of cowards. One kind always lives with himself, afraid to face the world. The other kind lives with the world, afraid to face himself. " ~Roscoe Snowden I wish to .. more..

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