Stalker or Lover

Stalker or Lover

A Poem by UC Poika

A person possessed by desire comes very close to . . . well you call it for yourself. Love or hate. The first letters spell IM not a maniac OK but is it true just because in the end of it guilt won?


I could not sleep for the longing held me strong
My body was blazing, my soul alone so alone,
No one ever was this alone for long
Or they would have been beyond me unable to moan
The need for you defied reasoning about
As I tried to think the feelings destroyed my will
More over every thought went the same route
A power stranger than any I had known until . . .
Need I say what it was that happened next?
I caressed my pillow and kissed its plain white face
A thrill it was at first until I perplexed
Caught myself driving toward your private place . . .
Overpowered by guilt I sunk in my seat
Knowing how close I had come to attacking you my sweet.

© 2014 UC Poika

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This is powerful in it's form. I wasn't expecting the ending.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Thrilling read...I liked it a lot.

Posted 10 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

UC Poika

10 Years Ago

Thank you ever so much.

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2 Reviews
Added on January 31, 2014
Last Updated on January 31, 2014
Tags: love, sexual longing, physical need, desire, restraint, restrained


UC Poika
UC Poika

Bemidji,, MN

Did you have fun? Intrigue, supposed villains , vulnerable women, outraged family and friends, my breakdowns have the elements that make up a pretty good fiction, not good enough to write about but a.. more..
