I Hate...

I Hate...

A Story by Anonymous

Not a poem, not a story, not anything, really...

I hate that I'm about to write this piece of junk.
I hate the song that's playing on my playlist.
I hate that I hate answering phone calls.
I hate how afraid I am of talking on the phone.
I hate how I'm looking for an answer as to why I hate phones.
I hate texting.
I hate how I never answer texts.
I hate when people don't answer my texts.
I hate how needy I feel around my friends.
I hate how I'm afraid to talk to my friends.
I hate how I think people hate me.
I hate how I used to hate my weight.
I hate when beautiful, amazing people feel bad about themselves.
I hate how incredible talent in this world can go unnoticed.
I hate how people create bad names for a whole group because of their stupidity.
I hate that racism comes so naturally to every single person on earth.
I hate that the last comment was true for me, too.
I hate that I can't be the saint that I try to be.
I hate that I try to keep everyone happy.
I hate that people need to be hurt badly to learn a lesson.
I hate when I have to be the one to hurt someone.
I hate hurting people.
I hate when people hurt me.
I hate how whiny this stupid thing sounds so far.
I hate how many things that I have listed.
I hate that I keep looking for more to hate.
I hate acting like I care when I really don't.
I hate upsetting nice people.
I hate when trying to keep the peace backfires.
I hate how many intolerant and ignorant people there are.
I hate how I can see all of this hate in the world.
I hate when people try to mash everyone's standards into gray mush.
I hate that it's true when there has to be polar opposites for different people.
I hate that I'm afraid that there will be people who get mad for that last one.
I hate when I'm wrong.
I hate looking like a fool.
I hate failure.
I hate how afraid I am of rejection.
I hate how much my past has actually affected my stupid problems.
I hate how much I complain, when there are good people dying out there.
I hate how people will think that I'm depressed after reading this.
I hate that I could have been listing things that I love until now.
I hate that there's so many things to hate.
I hate how I'm not going to read through any of this.
I hate that I've carried this on so far.
I hate hate.


I love that now I can think of things to love.
I love my friends.
I love my counselors.
I love God.
I love how many beautiful things that there are in this world.
I love thinking of my future and how it will affect people.
I love helping people.
I love going on mission trips and reaching out.
I love my church and its community.
I love my family and all of their little oddities.
I love how I was raised.
I love my old house and what memories it holds.
I love change.
I love mysteries and puzzles.
I love old rusty toy cars.
I love people who love toys.
I love antique shops and the stories that everything inside them carries.
I love art and the feelings that come with it.
I love feeling accomplished.
I love feeling a drawing or a poem and being able to share my love.
I love words.
I love letters and written notes.
I love sweets.
I love how I can't stand sweet things, sometimes.
I love vegetables.
I love the feeling that you get after going on a hike in the woods.
I love forests and nature.
I love animals and trees.
I love talking to trees and listening to their stories.
I love listening to the music of the earth.
I love cellos.
I love people who play instruments.
I love singers.
I love listening to opera.
I love how people can express their passion in any way imaginable.
I love the people that are heroes and are too humble to take credit.
I love the kindness of people.
I love how human emotions work.
I love the rain.
I love the sun.
I love how many more things that I could list here.
I love to dance to any music.
I love dancers.
I love to draw dancers.
I love capturing the moment of any miracle.
I love how many wondrous miracles there are in this world.
I love babies.
I love new mothers and how they never leave their child.
I love how children long for their mothers.
I love children.
I love the wisdom of a child, which sometimes surpasses that of an adult.
I love listening to stories of "when we were young".
I love elder people who have so many tales to tell.
I love imagining that someday, I'll have as many tales to tell as they do.
I love wondering who I'll meet and what I'll do in the future.
I love thinking of baby names so early in my life.
I love how I love the future.
I love how many mysteries that our futures hold.
I love the world.
I love people.
I love love.

© 2011 Anonymous

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I hate that the poem is over...Wow this is some really nice work...I can relate to a lot of this stuff, especially hating failure and loving mysteries...But anyways this is a very damned good poem/list.

Posted 12 Years Ago

wow!~ profound!

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is just amazing. I love it and I can realte, and it's going straight into my favorites. Just amazing (:

Posted 13 Years Ago

Seriously, amazing. I can't think of anything else to describe it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was amazing, I loved it.

Posted 13 Years Ago

wow, really great , I liked it

Posted 13 Years Ago

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This is amazing :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

I hate how the hate part depressed me.
I love how the love part made me happy, and see all the good in life.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Wow! That was quite the poem/list! I'm sorry there are so many things you hate. But I'm happy to see how much you love. I enjoyed reading this. I could relate to some of the things you said and for some, I could tell a story with it. This made a ton of memories and thoughts flood to my head and I loved it. I'm glad you wrote something that's just about you and how you feel about everything. Very interesting...

Posted 13 Years Ago

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10 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on June 15, 2011
Last Updated on June 15, 2011
Tags: hate, love, list, nothing, stupid, pointless, everything, poem, story, life, happiness



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