

A Poem by ~VertoAtrum~

This is about someone whom I hated and hated me back. We were once lovers. Now he has come back into my life and we are friends again. Feelings for each other seem to still exist a small bit.


The feet that walked away from me,
Now again step inside my property,
I walked beside them, almost with ease,
A sober expression and bendy knees,
The arms that use to reach out for mine,
Reached out to me, not in benign,
Slowly, I sink into that embrace,
A sturdy shoulder to hide my face,
The eyes that made my heart beat fast,
Bring memories back from the past,
When I looked right into them today,  
There was so much I wished to say,
That smile made me, a queen, into a pawn,
Made me remember so much, long gone,
And even though my mind’s quite askew,
I realized, I may just have really missed you

© 2013 ~VertoAtrum~

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Added on November 30, 2010
Last Updated on September 12, 2013
Tags: returned, reappeared, back, friend, enemy, confused




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