We Poets Bleed Deeper

We Poets Bleed Deeper

A Poem by Samantha ~virginpoet

We are just mere vessels
that poetry flows through

Poetry is my Mistress and I her poor slave
she loves to use me for her nefarious intentions
by way of ink blood tears and cum
she flows through me
and poetry
my fluid

She is a mighty beast ~ that poetry
when she takes over we are lost
to the words verbs and the
adjectives of the soul

And yet...

When poetry
isn't in our veins
burning singing
and clawing through

We beg and cry and b***h and whine
For another taste of her heroine

Addicted is an understatement

We beg poetry
to kill us

And rebirth us
to live immortal on the page

poets bleed deeper

With a pulsating rhythm
of heated words

Static charged
sparks of thought
cling to the end
of my tongue

We devour the essence
of ones parted thoughts

We thrust into the depth
of the human soul

Poets bleed deeper

She is perpetually here ~ that poetry
Her blood reeks with the scent
of ingenuity

Pure and adulterated
there is no right or wrong
only write

But when poetry is absent
the words evade us
the thoughts spiral
and we can’t grasp one



We scream in frustration
and strangle the pens
and in our vain attempts
at pouring our souls
onto the page that will forever
hold the secrets captive

She will show herself
devour our spiraling thoughts
and one by one return them
spitting them in our faces

Until we cave
under her pressure
finally we are
with poetry

Our blood is
from ink

We flow as one

You see

We poets
bleed deeper

© 2014 Samantha ~virginpoet

Author's Note

Samantha ~virginpoet
This is a collab with http://www.writerscafe.org/MadalynBeck

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"Poetry is my Mistress and I her poor slave
she loves to use me for her nefarious intentions"
Writers depend on the words. The above lines are true. Complete poem told a true story. Some of us must write. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This is wonderful and all so very very true. Very strong write and reminds me of best friends style and she blows me away with bold and honest writes and this is every bit as bold and beautiful but with your own styles. A great collab and great write!

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is amazing.

My hats off to you two on this most excellent collaboration. It reminds me of a line from a favorite song of mine.

"So I know, I can't write these storylines without you, Lady pain..." -The Misery, Sonata Arctica

Well done.


Posted 10 Years Ago

Simply stunning, beautiful, perfect... Everyone who has ever lived needs to read this piece of art. I am in total awe. :0 Bravo. ^.^

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is breathtaking! I'm privileged you two shared it with me. Not only is it VERY articulately and powerfully worded, something about the placement of short centered lines makes me sit up and take notice of the words...And it expresses a feeling I know so well. I may be primarily a fiction writer but I love to learn from poetry and this was a good lesson.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Samantha ~virginpoet

10 Years Ago

Thank you ... I use short lines and placement of words to make an impact and poetry is not just what.. read more
Madalyn Beck

10 Years Ago

Thank you, Jennie! I'm happy this write has touched you and made you take notice! You are very kind,.. read more
Wow...What a deep poem, I mean there's no actual rhyme but it still "flows"- it is very easy to read. You wrote about the truth of writing and I liked how you described the Poetry as someone we all depend on, as someone we can't escape from.
It is a really good poem.
LG (regards) The Secret Writer

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is beautiful you two. Every line drips of your passion for your art.Truly great :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

"Poetry is my Mistress and I her poor slave
she loves to use me for her nefarious intentions"
Writers depend on the words. The above lines are true. Complete poem told a true story. Some of us must write. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow! This is truly an amazing piece.
Great work ladies!

Posted 10 Years Ago

i really love this
you to should right more together.

really really great job!!!

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is a great collaboration and a wonderful description/personification of poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

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26 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on April 21, 2014
Last Updated on April 21, 2014


Samantha ~virginpoet
Samantha ~virginpoet


HAD MY BABY BOY 12/29/2013 at 10:57 he weighs 8 pounds 4oz 19 in long I am married to a fellow poet on this site http://www.writerscafe.org/itz_JuggZ aka Stevo The Poe-t I cant sleep without kno.. more..


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