Summer Blackout & Summer Candlelight

Summer Blackout & Summer Candlelight

A Story by VirgoAvatar

Two short stories in the Summer Series Collection


Summer Blackout 


Joe: *Approximately 3:00 PM I was doing interviews finishing up; then I left driving back home* Nick? *I called* I'm home!

Nick: *Comes out of the living room with a bag of potato chips in my hands; crunching while eating* Hey! *Kind of muffled a little*

Joe: *Now its 3:17; smiles* So what's to eat, I'm starved?!

Nick: *Rolls eyes/chukles* When aren't you starved? But any who, I've got some pita bread, labne baladi kefier cheese, pine nuts, mint, & olive oil ... all mixed together & ready to go.

Joe: *Stomach rumbles in response* Sounds awesome, what are we waiting for?! *Runs off towards the kitchen*

Nick: *Laughs again & follows him & joins him eating as well; now 3:30 & they're cleaning up the dishes when all of a sudden, I turned on the light & got nothing* What the?

Joe: *By his side now puzzled* What is it Nick?

Nick: Funny, the light's not working.

Joe: Hmm, its probably out or something. *Returns the labne cheese back in the fridge opening it; gasps*

Nick: *Turns around* What?

Joe: The fridge has no electricity!

Nick: *Eyes widen; quickly runs to my desktop & sees its completely off without me shutting it down; tries other lights & the TV; nothing; then I tried my cell, calling our mom ... but all I got was a ringing sound over & over again* Blackout. *I whispered*

Joe: *Followed him* Don'tcha mean summer blackout?

Nick: *Shoots him a look*

Joe: *Grins* No worries Nick, it'll pass I mean right. We could just- OMG!

Nick: *Startled* WHAT?!


Nick: Now, now, now calm down Joe. We'll just give our guys a call & see what's up. OK?


Nick: What if YOU need to chill out & breathe for a moment. Now sit down & work on that, while I call alright?

Joe: *Sits down @ their dining room table watching Nick call & talk on the phone, after a few min's he hung up with them* Well?

Nick: *Bites lip* Well the good news you can reschedule the concert another time. The bad news is that there's a major blackout from L.A. to Arizona all the way down to Mexico.

Joe: *Stands up* I don't BELIEVE this! Ugh! *Not really happy @ this point*

Nick: Whoa, whoa keep it together man. Its not that bad, & its best we'd stay in y'know for safety reasons.

Joe: Just GREAT Nick! *Folds arms across chest*

Nick: Hey! Don't blame this on me OK?

Joe: I'm not!

Nick: Then stop acting like a kid & try to stay positive!

Joe: *Smiles then*

Nick: Joe?

Joe: I've got an idea!

Nick: And that would be?

Joe: Well, we've got your laptop right & its always charged up, so we can use that to watch a movie, what do you think?

Nick: I see no reason why not, but which film?

Joe: Leave it all to me! *Gets the movie while Nick gets his laptop meeting together in my room laying on my huge CA king bed; gets comfy* Come on Nick!

Nick: *Laughs softly, turns on my laptop, just about to put it in while Joe grabbed my wrist stopping me* What's up?

Joe: *Winks* Turn around, you can't see the title I choose.

Nick: *Puzzled* But why? I'm going to see it anyways when its starts.

Joe: Just do it dude!

Nick: *Shrugs* Alright. *Turns around for a few min's while Joe put the disk in*

Joe: Kay buddy, you're free to watch now. *Taps his shoulder*

Nick: *Turns & sees Joe sprawled out gesturing for me to do the same, so I did & watched as it started; turns out Joe choose Mars Need Moms, in which to this I laughed. Honestly he likes to tease to me cause I actually find the idea of aliens very fascinating. So we watched it & by the time it had ended, my power was down to 44%, so I turned it off to save the remaining power it had left* Well, that was very awesome.

Joe: Completely awesome! *I agreed*

Nick: So now what?

Joe: Hmm, well its 6:30 PM, so what do you say to a little snack, hmm?

Nick: What'd you have in mind?

Joe: Well, I was thinking on terms of a fruit salad.

Nick: Mmm, sounds perfect.

Joe: Uh-huh, I thought you'd think so. Shall we?

Nick: 1st 1 downstairs gets it! *Takes off fast*

Joe: *Smirks, calling & joins him also running* Better hurry up lil bro!

Nick: Or what?!

Joe: Or I'mma get it 1st! *Takes a short cut & beats him there* Oh YEAH!

Nick: *Chuckles loudly* Congrats you got it, there happy?

Joe: Awww, thanks. But of course, I'd be more than willing to share on 1 condition.

Nick: Yeah?

Joe: You get 1/2 or more if you give me a nice bro hug.

Nick: No way!

Joe: Aww, come on!

Nick: Nope!

Joe: Its just a hug dude!

Nick: Just a hug? What about every time you hug me, you tend to squeeze me to death.

Joe: You're exaggerating.

Nick: Am I?

Joe: You are cause y'know I only squeeze you so hard is cause I love you dude.

Nick: *A little too much I thought*

Joe: *Sighs* Tell you what. You give me that hug & promise not to be so rough.


Nick: Swear?

Joe: Swear bud. *Opens arms invitingly waiting*

Nick: *Hesitantly hugs him*

Joe: See? Completely fun right?

Nick: *This time I guess* Yeah. But can I please have my share of the fruit now?

Joe: *Releases him* Go on then. *Joins him letting him eat 1st & then I did 2nd* Mmm, that was GOOD. So whatcha wanna do next?

Nick: Well, 1st off its getting dark dude. I think its time we break out all our spare candles & the flashlights.

Joe: Sounds like a plan to me. You get the candles & matches, & I'll find the flashlights.

Nick: Ready ...

Joe: Set go! *We went off in our own directions completing both our tasks. In that time I was able to find about 3 working flashlights, so I brought them down & found Nick lighting what seems a whole bunch of candles* WOW!

Nick: *Smiles seeing him* IKR? Now we have a little light @ least.

Joe: *Looks around* Exactly how many candles do you got going here?

Nick: *Shrugs* So far just 40, but I still have to get some upstairs.

Joe: Whoa! Need some help?

Nick: Yep. And yeah. So any luck with the-

Joe: Got em right here buddy, 3 of them.

Nick: Awesome! Good work. *Next we went upstairs & finished lighted all the remaining candles & then went back downstairs surveying our work*

Joe: So now what?

Nick: I'm thinking.

Joe: Kay. *Thinks too*

Nick: Ooh! I've got it wanna play a card game?

Joe: Sure! Anything is better than the silence. *Sits down on the carpet in the living room with Nick* So what game's it going to be?

Nick: How about speed?

Joe: Cool! I'm in! *So we played for awhile, which did make the time pass by, but not soon enough. After 5 games in a row, we called it quits. Nick decided to try to read a book, while I just listening to music on my ipod* This is boring! *I whined*

Nick: Well, why don't you read something?

Joe: No, thanks. If I wanted to fall asleep, I would've done so.

Nick: Then do something else.

Joe: Like what?

Nick: IDK, anything you want.

Joe: *Gets an idea* Oh!

Nick: There! You see? You've got your idea, now bugger off.

Joe: Nope, come on & get up. I know for a fact you're over the whole reading thing. Lets go for a walk!

Nick: *Shakes head*  A walk? But we're supposed to stay in!

Joe: We'll only be out for a few min's, come on Nick please. Its getting hot in here, I mean its already 82 degrees & I bet its way cooler outside, now come on!

Nick: *Closes book* OK, fine sheese. *Gets up & grabs a flashlight of my own joining Joe outside coming face to face with pure darkness well minus the moon* Whoa! *I breathed*

Joe: *Whoops*

Nick: JOE! *Hisses* Keep your BIG mouth down!

Joe: *Whispers back* Sorry!

Nick: *Shakes head* Why do I bother?

Joe: Come on Nicky, time to do a little exploring!

Nick: Alright, but we're not going too far remember that.

Joe: Yeah, yeah! *Lighting everything with my flashlight* Y'know this isn't so bad! Kind of fun actually!

Nick: Yeah, thanks to the moon! Yeah sure & spooky.

Joe: *Shines light in his face* What is Mr. President scared?

Nick: *Pushes down on his light* Ha ha, very funny & no.

Joe: Well come on then buster! This is so cool! Its like ... we're the only 2 people.

Nick: You're an idiot! Of course its just us!

Joe: No, I meant like in the world well sort of it, but doesn't it feel like that?

Nick: Maybe.

Joe: Aha! I knew you felt so!

Nick: Whatever, you gonna keep on talking or walking? *Getting ahead of him*

Joe: Walking naturally! *Catches up with him* Gosh the moon's so bright!

Nick: Yeah it is, close to a full.

Joe: Ooh look at that!

Nick: What!

Joe: Aww, its just a bunny. Golly they sure love their grass.

Nick: Yep! *For awhile we walked & walked around our street till we went back inside & I started walking away down the hall*

Joe: Where ya going?

Nick: Bathroom. Alone. *Goes to it & shuts the door*

Joe: *Fine, what's up with him? Well besides the obvious. Hmm, great now what do I do? Its like 8:30 now, guess I'll eat a bowl of cereal, but which 1? Corn Puffs? Frosted Flakes? Oh IK! Honey Bunches Of Oats! Love them! So I eat & just in case made a bowl ready for Nick, if he decided he too wanted 1*

Nick: *Washes hands throughly & returns to find Joe eating in the kitchen* Hungry again?

Joe: Couldn't help it, plus its really GOOD! Want some?

Nick: Sure. *Joins him & begins eating; afterwards they clear the table & wash their dishes starting a little soapy water fight* Thanks a lot, man now I really need a shower.

Joe: Mm-hmm! You wanna take 1 together?

Nick: Joe, we don't do that anymore we're grown up now, we're not little kids.

Joe: IK that, but so what, lets do it.

Nick: Why?

Joe: Cause that way I can mess with your curly hair & stuff.

Nick: No deal.

Joe: Aww, come on, it'll be fun I swear it.

Nick: *5 min's later in the shower with Joe* Remind me again why I listen to you?


Joe: Cause you love me & I love you. *Squishes some shampoo on his hair*

Nick: *Closes left eye keeping 1 still open* Joe, I can shampoo for myself.

Joe: No need, when I can do it for you, dude.

Nick: *Closes eyes letting him wash my hair*

Joe: *Pulls him closer to me, holding him close; now starting to wash his stomach & chest*

Nick: *Opens eyes fast & turns around pushing Joe away slightly* What do you think you're doing?

Joe: Washing your body, what else?

Nick: *Leans back against the wall away from him* I can do it on my own.

Joe: You're acting very weird, what's up?

Nick: No I'm not & nothing.

Joe: Could've fooled me. *Shrugs* Whatever then. *Turns to rinse off & then looks back @ him grinning* You love love me don't you?

Nick: What in the world?

Joe: It makes sense. Its why you're acting different around me. Well lemme set your mind at ease then, I feel the same too Nick. *Leans forward kissing him*

Nick: *Gasps & pushes him away fast; wiping his mouth* Joe-

Joe: *Captures his body wrapping my arms around his waist kissing him again*

Nick: *Tries to push him away, but he's got me locked in his grip; soon I gave in & melted ... parting my lips moaning softly when I felt his tongue collide with mine*

Joe: *Backs him up against the wall; presses more kiss to his lips then withdraws away bumping our foreheads together* I love you like that Nick. *Whispers*

Nick: *Opens my eyes slowly seeing that look ... the 1 of love* Joe- I ... Um ...

Joe: Don't feel the same way as I thought? Need time to think about it more?

Nick: Yes ... to the 2nd option. *Finishes up showering & then wraps a towel around my body not once looking back towards Joe; leaves the bathroom going to my own room to think & get dressed*

Joe: *Nods & lets him go knowing that he needs his space & I guess I can use the time to think about everything too; gets out of the shower & walks to my own room getting dressed & then falling onto my bed. The kiss was so amazing. I wasn't sure if I should've made a move, but the thing about me is that I'm kind of impulsive. And when I really want something, or in this care some1, I go for it*

Nick: *I laid on my right then on my left & then I flopped on my bed on my stomach whining; why couldn't I get comfortable? I sat up leaning on elbows. I got up then & looked out my window, still pitch black illuminated only by the moon. I bit my lip & stared @ it for a long time till I could only hear my clock ticking, seeing it was now 9:30. I thought about Joe's kiss & blushed. It had been ... nice actually & sweet; then before I could change my mind I raced to Joe's room & burst through the door*

Joe: *Looks @ him entering my room so unexpectedly* Whoa what the heck-

Nick: *Slams my lips on his shutting him up*

Joe: *Kisses back; flips him over* Nick .... *After the kiss ended I pulled away looking @ him* You changed your mind?

Nick: *Blushes* I made up my mind. And the answers yes.

Joe: *Confused* Come again?

Nick: *Laughs softly* I. Love. You. Too! *Pecks his lips*

Joe: *Grins then & pecks back* YES!

Nick: *Giggles* I'm guessing you were expecting this.

Joe: *Shakes head pulling back to answer him* No, but I was sure HOPING for it.

Nick: *Smiles* Well, no need to hope any longer cause I feel the same way. Sorry about my reaction before though.

Joe: Don't even worry about it. I'm just so happy you hear you say that & for the record I've always loved you like this.

Nick: Really? Why didn't you tell me sooner?

Joe: Being afraid of what you would've said or done.

Nick: Wow. Never did I thought I'd see the day when the amazing Joe Jonas would be afraid for the 1st time in his life.

Joe: Yeah? Well its true, but now that I have you I think I'm the luckiest person ever!

Nick: Why cause I said yes?

Joe: Naturally, but even more cause I love you so much Nick. *Kisses his lips sweetly*

Nick: *Kisses back moaning softly* And I love you so much Joe. *For the rest of the night we laid together confessing our love over & over again, eventually falling into a perfect state of sleep; the next morning we woke up & found the power back to normal; to this we cheered & made sure to call our parents making sure they were fine, in which they were. After breakfast & meeting with our people, we got confirmation that Joe could do his show tonight & of course when the night arrived, he rocked & owned the stage, which I watched from the back adoringly & counting the minutes till we could be together again. Who knew a summer blackout would bring the 2 of together?*


Summer Candlelight

Black star … Black star

Forever you will be

A shining star … a shining star

Be whatever you can be

A rock star … rock star

You will always be

A Black star … Black star … Black star …

Black star … Black star … Black star …

Nick: *I was reading the inflight magazine currently relaxing beside my brother & boyfriend, Joe, whilst we were flying to Southport, North Carolina for their annual Fourth of July Festival. We'd just finished another amazing concert, so now were seeking a little R&R*

Joe: I'm so excited, are you excited Nick?! *Exclaims enthusiastically elbowing him*

Nick: *Chuckles without raising my eyes to look at him smiling* I'm as excited as you asked me fifteen minutes ago.

Joe: *Sheepishly grins* Sorry I'm just you know ...

Nick: Really excited, I know. *Looks at him then* Its almost the forth, its an exciting time. Its just too bad Kevin & Dani & everyone else had plans.

Joe: I love how you know me so well. And it sure is, you know I've always wanted to go to Southport. *Nods sadly but perks up fast* It is a bummer, but as I'm sure you recall its also an important & special time for us.

Nick: *Smiles again* Me too. *Blushes a little; plays hard to get* Oh yeah?

Joe: *Raises an eyebrow* Say what now, you don't remember? *Narrows eyes playfully* You little tease, yes you do!

Nick: Know what? *Tries my hardest not to laugh but its hard when it comes to keeping a straight face with him*

Joe: You know, now don't make me tickle you cause you know I will. *Warns teasingly & also seriously*

Nick: *Sighs knowing that it would be easier to just to admit defeat for now* Okay, alright I do know ... its our one year ...

Joe: *Finishes his sentence* Anniversary. *Moments of last year floods my mind of how we first got together; chuckles* One of the happiest days of my life.

Nick: Mine too. *Agrees dreamily thinking back too along with him*

Joe: I've got big plans. *Rubs hands together*

Nick: Aw, spoiling me are you?

Joe: You'll see, but I do promise it will be spectacular.

Nick: You always love to all out don't you?

Joe: Yep, go big or go home.

Nick: Thats the only way you roll. *Giggles*

Joe: Can you blame me? *Leans over my seat to peck his lips*

Nick: *Sees this as a perfect opportunity to tease him further by turning my cheek to the side letting his lips land there*

Joe: Aw, I get'cha. *Leans even closer to him snagging his earlobe between my teeth nipping gently*

Nick: *Squeaks instantly* Joe!

Joe: Yes? *Hotly breathes*

Nick: I um *My eyes closed as he silenced any words coming from my mouth as he nipped again this time applying a little more pressure making me moan* Ugh.

Joe: *I pulled back to kiss his neck continuing the sweet torture that I knew he's more than enjoying*

Nick: *I moaned softly forgetting where I was craning my neck to the side offering him more access expecting him to go for it but to my surprise he pulled back as I whined a little in protest*

Joe: Sorry, as much as I could just cave in you're on a little punishment/time-out Mr. Teaser.

Nick: *Pouts* What about five bonus boyfriend points? *Tries*

Joe: I don't know, should I or shouldn't I? *Thinks about it putting my right finger to my lips* Hmmm, oh decisions decisions.

Nick: Yes you should.

Joe: Enlighten me why. *Crosses legs putting both my hands over to my left side of my stomach casually sitting*

Nick: Because you know I was only teasing plus you know as much as I wanted to go further this isn't exactly the kind of spot I'd want to continue our intimacy.

Joe: Ooh so I should count the plane sex as a definite no?

Nick: Joe, hush dude! *Whisper yells at him*

Joe: Oh come on, the stewardess's including the pilot & co-pilots wouldn't hear a thing.

Nick: *Blushes* Says you.

Joe: *Grins mischievously* But you do bring up an excellent point, you wouldn't be able to keep as quiet with those moans.

Nick: You're going to get it now! *Unbuckles my seatbelt to straddle him*

Joe: Oh ho ho *Laughs heartedly* now this I'm lovin'.

Nick: Get your mind off the sex!

Joe: Why? It would be pretty hot. Plus you're all worked up, its even hotter. *Looks at his lips enticingly* Hmm?

Nick: Gah, you're impossible sometimes! *Groans*

Joe: Aren't you forgetting lovable?

Nick: *Sighs* Mm, lucky for you, you are yes.

Joe: Thank you, now back to you. I'll ixnay the plane sex for now due to the fact the more I think about it the more I just want it to be just two of us.

Nick: Save it for when we land & settle in, okay.

Joe: Yes, sir, Mr. President sir. *Grins widely*

Nick: *Laughs. Oh man, when are we going to land?*

Stewardess: Pardon me, sorry for interrupting *Clears throat to capture both of their attentions* but the seatbelt sign has just been turned back on. *Motions a hand in the sign's direction kindly*

Joe: Yes, of course *Nods* & thank you. *Pats Nick's side as she nodded in turn & left us* You heard her Nick, you best get back in your seat. *Scolds teasingly*

Nick: *My cheeks heated up, obviously I was blushing massively out of being pretty much embarrassed. I got off of Joe quickly & fastened my seatbelt*

Joe: That a boy. *I patted his knee affectionately*

Nick: *Just till we land, he'll see. For now I just gave him a side smile. Shortly then we got news of being close to our destination, at last we were approaching. Forgetting about my own plans for Joe, I gazed out of my window watching closely as we bean our descent. The sky was a beautiful aqua blue scattered with cumulus clouds randomly. What caught my attention the most was seeing the water coming into view, surrounded by land & the boats in the marina area*

Joe: Welcome to Southpart, Nick. *I narrated tenderly*

Nick: Welcome to Southpart, Joe. *I said it back to him; smiles excitedly*

Joe: *Leans to stare outside seeing the view same as Nick, smiles equally*

Nick: Wow.

Joe: Yeah *Breathes* thats for sure.

Nick: Its amazing.

Joe: I couldn't have picked a better place than here. *Goes on*

Nick: Thank you, Joe. *Turns to face him*

Joe: Your very welcome. *Pecks his lips* But the best is still yet to come.

Nick: *Pecks back whispering* I look forward to every moment.

Joe: As do I. *Continues to peck his lips missing the landing pretty much. Kissing Nick will certainly make you forget everything else*

Nick: *Chuckles* Okay, okay, okay *Pulls back before we get too serious* we've landed.

Joe: *Looks around still cupping his cheek* So we have, wow that was fast. Dang it I even missed the bumpy part!

Nick: Thats cause there was no bumpy part, silly.

Joe: Oh man. *Whines*

Nick: Remind me again how old you are? *Teases*

Joe: Ha ha ha, we're young we can get away with it.

Nick: True true, now come on lets go. *Starts to stand up unbuckling my seatbelt*

Joe: Hold up. *Unbuckles myself fast standing up too taking a step or two kneeling down* Hop on.

Nick: You wanna give me a piggy back ride seriously?

Joe: Why not?

Nick: You sure?

Joe: Wouldn't be kneeling if I wasn't sure, now come on.

Nick: Okay. *Mounts on top of him as he lifted upwards & supported my weight & his easily walking towards the exit leading out to the stairs. I couldn't help but hug him & giggle from this position*

Limo driver: *Waiting for two Jonas Brothers sees them instantly & walks over to greet them* Welcome guys.

Joe: Hi there & thanks, hey do you mind um taking a picture of us? *Asks our driver; fishes in my pocket with one spare hand giving it to him*

Limo driver: Not at all. *Takes the camera snapping a picture of them*

Joe: *Grinning big*

Nick: *Continues to giggle smiling all the while*

Limo driver: *Takes the picture then looks at it*

Joe: How'd it come out?

Limo driver: Picture perfect. *Hands him back the camera so they could see for themselves*

Joe: Awesome, thanks again. *As I set Nick down, we took a look at the picture making comments. Then we turned to our flight staff & waved at them as they did back & wished us both a happy forth & to them as well. Our driver got our two suitcases & drove us from the airport to past the city a little bit to a more private & secluded area that I thought would be romantic & ideal for Nick & myself. After thanking our driver, we walked into our very own cottage* So ... first impressions?

Nick: *On the outside of the cottage it had a porch perfect for two including a swing, it had plenty of windows & even though it was kind of small to me it was just warm & inviting with a white picket fence & even a rose garden (how ironic). Inside, was everything we needed a kitchen, a dining room, living room, master bedroom & surprisingly an en suite. The walls were painted white & there was some nice crown modeling fitted nicely into the design. I also noticed the high ceilings & open concept, it flowed perfectly well. I pirouetted around to face him* I love this.

Joe: Yeah? *Beams with pure happiness*

Nick: Oh yes.

Joe: I'm glad that you love it & that it meets your seal of approval.

Nick: Its awfully romantic & seclusive.

Joe: Just the way I like it, when I'm with you though as much as I adore showing you off in public ... this here is our time.

Nick: Our time. *I agreed nodding* So guess we unpack first.

Joe: How about we leave that to later? Are you hungry?

Nick: Now that you mention it yes, should we go back into town?

Joe: We will, but I was thinking of eating here. I made sure that everything we usually eat was stocked in the fridge & pantry. So with that in mind, what would you care for?

Nick: Well what are you in the mood for?

Joe: Uh-uh, its all about you. You get to pick.

Nick: Um how about pasta & alfredo?

Joe: *Claps hands together* As you wish, it shall be done. *Goes to the kitchen*

Nick: Do you want me to help you? *Offers*

Joe: Thats very kind of you, but I've got this. *Promises* You go on & relax.

Nick: Alright, I'll be in the bedroom.

Joe: Teasing me again Nicky?

Nick: No, I'm just saying is all.

Joe: Mm-hmm you behave now.

Nick: I will. *Walks into the bedroom taking in the cal-king bed & also noticing a clear glass skylight directly above. Hmm, I smiled. Knowing my brother he specially had that put in for us to look at the stars & moon at night. The room's a good size, very cosy I thought. Even though Joe had said not to worry about packing, I decided to start it anyways, besides I like organization. I started with my suitcase emptying its contents onto the bed putting away the clothes, shoes, & whatnot. I did the same for Joe, by the time I'd finished I heard him calling me. I headed back out & found him standing/leaning on a dining room chair grinning*

Joe: May I present our food. *Gestures to the two plates*

Nick: *Looks at the plates* Mm, smells great. *Goes to sit down while Joe pulls out my chair* Thank you.

Joe: My pleasure. *Sits beside him*

Nick: *We both said grace & began eating, already in the first bite I was humming contently*

Joe: I know, right. *Chimes in* I'm just that good.

Nick: Oui chef. By the way, what's with those? *Nods to the middle of our dining table*

Joe: They're candles, Nick. *Shrugs*

Nick: I realize that.

Joe: Just setting the mood. *Cheekily smiles*

Nick: What a smooth operator I have.

Joe: What a sexy brother I have.

Nick: *Blushes* Thanks.

Joe: Its so true. *Winks as we finished our meal, I then stood up while I began to clear our plates*

Nick: Here let me assist you.

Joe: Its okay, I've got it all.

Nick: What's up with doing everything all on your own?

Joe: I'm catering to you, every wish & need I'm your man of steel.

Nick: *Chuckles at this* Okay, but doesn't even my man *Clears throat* that is my man of steel need some help?

Joe: *Shakes head firmly* Not when you're a man of steel. *Easily clears our plates, putting them into the sink to be rinsed before placing them into the dishwasher* Awesome, now thats done what do say to a little shower hmm? Maybe even a bath or both?

Nick: *Smiles & nods* Sounds nice to me.

Joe: Thats what I like to hear. *Goes to pick him up bridal-style carrying him into our new bedroom into the en suite* Allow me. *Sets him down on the toilet seat while I started the water in the tub for us* Oh by the way, don't think I didn't notice the unpacking.

Nick: Opps. *I innocently smile*

Joe: Lucky for you I know you like everything to be organized, so its fine & thank you for doing it even if I told we'd do it later.

Nick: Well lucky for you, I know "later" means pretty much never.

Joe: Nothing of the means. *Protests*

Nick: Mm-hmm, sure.

Joe: I'll give you "mm-hmm." *Pulls him by his shirt drawing him closer toward me* These clothes need to come off.

Nick: Yours too. *Reminds him*

Joe: Point taken. *Begins removing Nick's first & then my own; helps him into the tub sitting with him at the same time. Once our bodies hit the warmth we moaned in contact* Oh yes.

Nick: Mm, yeah. *Couldn't agree more as we sunk right into the water* So nice.

Joe: But ... *Whispers huskily* what's a tub bat without a little bubbly.

Nick: Joe *Opens eyes* no wine tonight.

Joe: *Laughs* No not that kind, this kind. *Pours the contents of the bottle in adding a little more water to make it expand* See?

Nick: Oh. You meant bubbles. *Blushes*

Joe: Yep. Plus this is better, don't you think? *Puts some bubbles on top of his hear*

Nick: Yeah & naturally you're loving taking advantage of them.

Joe: Only to play with you.

Nick: In that case, you shouldn't be left out of the fun. *Creates a bubble beard for him* Ha!

Joe: Ooh getting even there, love it! *We began using the bubbles to splash & make a mess back & forth getting lost in the fun*

Nick: *Squeals when he dumps water on me* Hey!

Joe: What? Time to give my beautiful guy a little shampoo action.

Nick: *Bursts into laughter* Your ways of seduction are hilarious!

Joe: Yeah? Maybe you'll take this way *Grips his lower backside* more seriously.

Nick: *Yelps suddenly feeling his hands* J-Joe!

Joe: Thats my name, don't wear it out. *Pinches his butt cheeks*              

Nick: *Tries to distract him from my bum by kissing his lips nice & slowly*

Joe: *Takes Nick's invitation without any hesitation moving my lips with his; still groping him knowing well Nick's tactics of distraction. While its very effective ... its not enough for me to remove my hands because in all honesty I can not keep from touching him anywhere & every where*

Nick: *While we continued like this getting hotter & heavier by the second, eventually my rational side spoke up reminding him & myself to finish actually showering. Still of course that didn't stop us from making love, even now my legs are still trembling from the feeling. After our sweet bliss, he dried the both of us off & carried me back to our bed laying me down as we laid together basking in our new place. The next few days we explored the town, harbor & the beaches. Of course we naturally took advantage of our porch swing having a blast on it, also taking the time to tease Joe again & get a little revenge (only the playful kind I swear). Majority, we spent a good amount of our time in the summer sun, acquiring tans & even more time in the water swimming forever it seemed. Southpart was turning out to be the best place Joe & I've ever vacationed. Everyday, he had plenty of surprises in store showering me with love. Naturally, I did the same for him because as much he always telling me how I mean the world to him ... the truth is that he really means the world to me more. Of course we argued over the more part, eventually coming to terms that our love was untouchable. July forth came & went just in a blink of an eye. The festival had been a lot of fun & in the evening the fireworks lit up the sky beautifully. Two weeks later it was the date of our one year anniversary. Joe spoiled me in every which way all the way up till nighttime ... which is also where an unexpected & familiar twist occurred*

Joe: *Currently I was showing my love in a college of our pictures from last year to this years on our TV. We were currently snuggled up together in bed watching our fondest memories*

Nick: *Smiles at every picture recalling each moment happily*

Joe: *Grins along with him; squeezes his hand affectionately* Can't believe how time flies.

Nick: I know, hmm.

Joe: Do you like it?

Nick: I love it. *Looks at him lovingly*

Joe: Happy One-year anniversary Nick. *Kisses him*

Nick: Happy One-year anniversary Joe. *Kisses back warmly*

Joe: *About to go deeper when suddenly the lights when out, including the TV* What the? *Breaks away from the kiss reluctantly no longer to see in the darkness*

Nick: *Eyes widen* Looks like we have ourselves a blackout.

Joe: How very familiar, brings back such memories.

Nick: Just our luck isn't it? *Adds in*

Joe: No worries at all, cause I've got this. You stay here & leave it all to me.

Nick: Okay, but be careful our eyes have yet to adjust to this.

Joe: Careful is my middle name! *Exclaims*

Nick: Uh-huh more like accident-prone, not to mention a klutz!

Joe: Hush mister, those days are way behind me. *Gets up softly walking away from the bed towards the kitchen*

Nick: *Blows air wrapping my arms around my knees sitting awaiting Joe's return*

Joe: *After stumbling for a lot of minutes, I found what I was looking for. Using the newfound flashlight I got one cylinder & carried it to back to the room lighting up Nick's face* Looky what I found here. *Grins playfully; hides the cylinder from him*

Nick: *I closed my eyes for a moment being briefly blinded before reopening them* Thats good. What else though?

Joe: You'll see, but before I do I need to do a little something something first uno momento.

Nick: *Before I could question him further, I felt something cover my eyes then; feels with my hands* Joe what exactly are you up to now?

Joe: I believe its called blindfolding you.

Nick: Okay ... why?

Joe: I've got to work my magic surprise & then you can take it off.

Nick: Why am I not surprised? *Smiles*

Joe: You just hang on there & I'll be back in no time. *Hurries to light each of the six cylinders positioning them all. I chuckled in memory how last year we'd ended up using forty of them. I figured one for the kitchen, one for the dining room, one for the living room, & the remaining three were going to be used for our bedroom & bathroom (at least one in there). After I'd finished, I returned to Nick's side* Alrighty now I'm done.

Nick: Great, now I can I see what all the fuss is about.

Joe: *Snickers* Settle down, Nicky. *Takes the blindfold off;awaits his reaction*

Nick: *Once my eyes were uncovered I opened them to find two candles illuminating our bedroom; a big smile formed on my face* Candlelight.

Joe: That would be summer candlelight. *Pecks his cheek*

Nick: *Giggles* So it is.

Joe: Now we have light at least, but *Looks at the TV screen sadly* I'm sorry about not being able to finish the montage.

Nick: Its alright. *Snuggles into his arms* I like this just as much.

Joe: Enough to ...

Nick: *Leans to whisper into his ear* I'm game.

Joe: *Groans excitedly* So hot. *Tackles him into a kiss climbing on top of him*

Nick: *Kisses him back with just as much excitement. Yep, what can I say between blackouts & candlelight its a special night even more so when I'm with him. Here's to one year going strong & many more to come*

Lonely in bed 

At night 

And it never feels right 

I toss and turn 

Each night 

Till the morning light 

But just the thought of you 

Sends chills up and down my spine 

Just knowing you'll be here real soon 

Makes everything allright 


It makes it special 

Me and you 

On a rare occasion 

Candlelight a special night 

Seeing you is a sweet sensation 


Memories of you 

Your arm baby, 

Squeezing me close to your heart 

Shadows in the dark 


Of you kissing ever part 

And knowing we can share it all 

And still be 

Still be free 

For each and every magic moment 

Will last for eternity 


It makes it special 

Me and you 

On a rare occasion 

Candlelight a special night 

Seeing you is a sweet sensation 


And my love for you 

Will never fade away 

I'll save a special spot 

For you baby always 

Don't you know my heart 

Has made for you 

A special place 

Don't you know 

Call on me 

When you want me 

When you need me 

I'm here for you 


It makes it special 

Me and you 

On a rare occasion 

Candlelight a special night 

Seeing you is a sweet sensation 


© 2014 VirgoAvatar

Author's Note

Summer Blackout (SB) A Joick/Jick Story. A Joick 1shot short story of Joe & Nick spending 1 night together in a well ... summer blackout, what else could happen? Brotherly love thats what.

SC - Summer Candlelight. Joick/Jick oneshot/short story. Stars: Nick Jonas & Joe Jonas. Sequel to Summer Blackout (SB); In this continuation Joe & Nick head to Southpart for the annual forth of July festival celebrating their one year anniversary. While spending time together they experience another blackout.

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Added on July 24, 2013
Last Updated on January 14, 2014
Tags: Joick Jick Joe Jonas Nick Jonas



List of all my stories: MCS - My Chocolate Stalker = Joick/Jick 1shot. Nick is a shy boy in college. Joe is single university student who has 2 jobs. What happens when Nick meets Joe for the 1st ti.. more..

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