

A Poem by Watch Me Scream

Just read it.

This longhand I write shall be the end of my plight
Time to burn out the light and end my fight
I give up! I’m done! Is that so bad?
I’ll stitch myself into the popular fad

I’ll cheat, I’ll lie, pretend I’m all sweet
But when I’m alone I’ll dream of deceit
Create a persona, create my new self
Everyone knows you must destroy yourself

I promised myself I can’t and I won’t.
I promised I’ll be who I am but I don’t
Not anymore, I’ll slam my stone walls down
Take off and chuck away my stolen crown.

Queen of what? Of nothing. Of hate.
Now I’m the girl who all relate
That innocent girl who sells out to the world
Destroyed deep inside and in a corner curled

Destroyed! Derailed! Off the track I was on.
I didn’t like it, so now I’m gone.
So now while I drift down into my stereotype,
I must wonder to myself “Is this worth all the hype?”

To hurt myself and anyone other
To destroy one friend then move to another?
I’m strong, insecure, never less sure
Isn’t there anyway but this to find a cure?

But I know deep inside my heart of my hearts
I must stick with all these stained up parts
That that come with the tedious selling of a soul
The others before me can mend the hole

You see, I’m the classic girl who started in a rage
But is winding down to the ending page
Scorn me down! Believe your so keen!
But when It’s your turn, you’ll see what I mean.

© 2012 Watch Me Scream

Author's Note

Watch Me Scream
I cannot believe I actually wrote this. I am so proud of this.

My Review

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I love the picture to this- it plays beautifully with the poem. The poem... I love it!
You showed what being a mask means, and for a lot of people, that appears to be very hard. Good job.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Putting on masks to impress others, giving people false impressions, all the hurt hidden beneath that mask. I love how you wrote this poem.
Definatley one of my favorites that I have read on this website :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

I like the sense of contradiction to rebellion, as if you are mocking the people who do that.
considering I know you personally I can understand why you wrote this, but I do love your almost sarcastic tone in this poem or maybe that is just how it sounds to me.
Anyway amazing poem. c:

Posted 12 Years Ago

Watch Me Scream

12 Years Ago

Thanks, love
Amazing, so much emotion in this write. I really like this, can relate a bit.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on July 6, 2012
Last Updated on July 6, 2012
Tags: Untitled, You, Don't, Even, Know, So, Try, And, Are, Or, The


Watch Me Scream
Watch Me Scream


Hi everybody! It's just little old me, from Cali I'm a teenage girl, and I love to write and read. Without writing I would have gone insane a long time ago, and without reading I would be so lonesome.. more..
