The Madam

The Madam

A Poem by YouoweYoupay

But colors are not always what they seem


































The Madam



Sometimes I'd cleave to an arched sword in one hand, its edges tarnished by the melancholy of time. I'd hold it close to the left piece of my chest.


Sometimes I'd glower at a beautiful outline mocking my patience, the light aura around her tangling my concepts, to make me mistake her soft whisper and artificial warmth for the sun.


At first glance, nothing compliments her smile like a violet hat, the autumn sunrays, and a floral white cup of scented green tea. 


Her voice is welcoming, but her forest green eyes threaten to drop what is in her palm, a precious insignia of delicate glass veins streamed with the blood of those I love.


My arched sword aimed at her enticing, half-hearted but ill-intentioned grin, sometimes I'd sprint forward, forcing a deep roar like that of a scarred warrior, racing to shatter her false reflection, her well-spun cocoon, for closed doors frighten me, tease my curiosity of what lies behind.


Barely dodging the venom shooting from the fine strings of her long pineapple-yellow hair the blade swings, slashing the unseen arms circling in the air to reach into my raw core.


Her sadness and fear envelope me, trap me and congeal the vital breath in crest of my lungs.


My eyelids jump open with a gasp vanishing with the silence of the night, the spot where I have been resting dappled with a lukewarm shadow.


Sometimes I'd meet her in my dreams. We would greet one another with conflicting beliefs.


Hers clean white, and mine dimmed silver.


Sometimes I'd meet her in my dreams.

Clashing in a battle where one is meant to fall.

But colors are not always what they seem,

Their false shades victoriously rinsed by the rain after all.

© 2011 YouoweYoupay

Author's Note

This can symbolize many things, including the eternal and internal battle of the righteous and the treacherous. What do you think?

The Madam is a main character in a fantasy, young adult book I'm currently working on, check it out when you've got the time, also, follow the Madam on Facebook, Myspace, or Twitter. No the last sentence was kind of a joke. lol


My Review

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Beautiful! I love the worrding and imagery. Simply brilliant.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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21 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on March 26, 2011
Last Updated on April 27, 2011
Tags: evil, good, poem, magic, love, hate, darkness, light, sadness, fear, story, husky and me



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