The Old man on Love

The Old man on Love

A Story by Wesley V Harney

A short piece I wrote a long time ago, at the time I felt very alone and this it what came out of that feeling.


Its always like this banging feeling the heart that no one seems to have the ability to stop. I mean how does one do this to someone else. Love. How or why would anyone allow someone else to fall in love? Its the demonic style of man to bring his own down into the lowest point of life and somehow cause him to believe that it is the best time of his slow and dull life. At least thats how the old man down the hall sees it. But I secretly believed that way back when he was my age he was unfortunate enough to lose his own love in some array of fireworks and colors and maybe even hint of Shakespearean tragedy. I mean that would make a story. So needless to say when the situation arose again as I passed by the old man’s home with a saddened down hardened look. If you must know I’d just fallen for the most incredible creature to ever grace my eyes. I say creature because there is no way in hell she was human. No human has such grace or move so smoothly or make birds sing when she speaks. However, even though my overactive imagination allowed us to fall in love and dance beautifully in the fields outside of the city and pick flowers until dark and come skipping back home with no care in the world. So when passing the old man’s home with a look that screamed “THIS FOOL IS IN LOVE”.

:You ain’t going to get her boy!” The sharp voice jolted me out of my day dream. “and why not” ? I said. Cuz you just ain’t. There ain’t no way on the green earth that a boy like you could get a girl like her. Shes above you and you ain’t got no know how as it happens. As what happens? The man laughed and simply said thats why. Thats why. Look sir I may not get her but I can always dream. ..DREAM? Naw boy you can’t cuz no amount of dreamin of love will bring you love. Thats the way of the world. Its shows you what could be and then slaps you in the face with reality. Love is not real son. Sir what happened to you? Huh? The hell you mean boy? What happened. You always tell me love ain’t real and…cuz it aint. And I think something happened. Who was she? What was she like? Did you marry her? Tell me.

Boy love ain’t real because there was no such woman. Never was and never will be. Love just don’t exist. And now stop bothering me with your imagination it ain’t worth a no good thing. And with that he went back inside and I stumbled on home wondering if he was right. And I asked momma when I got home. And she simply nodded and looked sadly away. Which to a boy like me means something DID happen. And I was bound to find out. I slipped down stairs and started writing stories about how it happen. And what it was. I thought of romeo and Juliet only with a twist…romeo lived. I thought how maybe he fell in love went to war and came home to find she died and he lived. Or that he married and she ran away with some European to France or Italy or someplace romantic like that. Or maybe that he was right, at least for him. Love doesn’t exist because he never took the time to find out, or because he wanted to but like all men was frail and afraid. This, this is true knowledge.

© 2010 Wesley V Harney

Author's Note

Wesley V Harney
Review as you will, keep in mind this is for you, everything I write has always been for you none of it has EVER been for me.

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Added on April 10, 2010
Last Updated on April 10, 2010


Wesley V Harney
Wesley V Harney

Hagerstown, MD

My name is Wesley, duh. I was born and raised in Senegal, spent a little time in the army and now I am living in Maryland working in a book store of all places. Write because I am drawn to it, I canno.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Wesley V Harney