Chapter One

Chapter One

A Chapter by Wolfwind

           Two days had passed since Croft had snuck into the Royal Palace of Rosethorn and aided the Princess Shyanna in escaping the oppressive control of her mother, the Queen. His blue eyes gazed outward towards the West and then drifted Northward, watching, listening, as the pre-dawn light gave a hint of it’s arrival, as a nimbus of blue. Glancing back towards the small campfire and the sleeping form of the princess, who lay wrapped warmly in several wool blankets, he couldn’t help but feel uneasy.


            Croft had seen no sign of any chase or rescue party coming after them. He walked a few paces to where Andromeda stood nipping at a few choice pieces of dew covered grass. Rubbing the neck of his trusted mare, he whispered his concerns.


            “Even if the Queen b***h hadn’t cared, the head of the royal guard, Dameon would have gathered a search party. I don’t like it. Two days with no problems, is just to easy.”


            “Perhaps it’s a blessing from the fates dear Croft?” Shyanna’s soft voice spoke softly from where she had sat up, hearing Croft’s voice.


            The cavalier turned with a smile, “I hope by the fates that you are right, my lady.” Returning back to the campfire and crouching down next to the young princess, Croft offered her a drink of water, “Now that you’re awake, we should get moving. It’s another day’s travel to the border of Wolfenshire lands and another to Kaitlynn’s Shire.”


            Shyanna placed a hand on Crofts arm, “Why not just go to your keep in Wolfstone? It may be farther away, but it’s far safer.”


            Croft grinned, letting a hand brush up against Shy’s cheek, “That’s because if your Mother finds out that I was the one who took you, it might mean war.”


            “But the Emperor asked you too!” Shyanna spoke with a conviction in her voice.

            “True, my lady, but think of what Rose would do, if she found out her own father wanted her off the throne. It might cause a much larger issue still.”


            Shy pondered what Croft has said and then nodded, “Your wisdom prevails as always Lord Croft.” Smiling the princess wrapped both her arms around his and pulled her self close, “I’m just glad it was you that came to save me.”


            Lord Croft was unable to hold back his own grin, allowing himself a moment of openness, wrapping Shyanna into his arms. “Someday…”


            “Someday…” The princess spoke from where her head pressed closely to the man’s warm chest, “Someday we’re going to have the same last name and live happily ever after.”


            Lord Croft smiled and let his gaze rise to the fading stars in the morning sky. He thought to himself that if the fates could make it happen, he might just be willing to settle down for the young lady whom he held.



One Day Ago


            “What!” The Queen roared. “Where did that brat of mine go?” Rose’s words were filled with anger and malice as she stared down at Dameon, from where she say arrogantly upon her thrown.


            Dameon remained in a half bow, his eyes on the stone dias, “We’re still searching the town. One guard was found unconscious, but he doesn’t remember seeing the princess, only a really large black horse that head butted him.”


            The Queen leaned back in her chair, “A black horse eh?”


            “Yes M’lady.”


            “Have you had the where withal to have had all the cities stalls searched for this black horse?” The Queen’s tone filled with contempt for her underling.


            “Yes M’lady. My men have found several black horses and have rounded up their owners for questioning.”


            “Very well,” Rose spoke obviously displeased that the Royal Guard before her had been so thorough. “Double the knights we have patrolling on the Queens Road, and report back to me when you know more. I want my daughter found Dameon, even if she’s a brat.”


            Dameon bowed lower, “Yes my Queen.” He turned abruptly with a skill full spin on his heels and exited the throne room. Once the door guards had closed the door to the inner chambers he slowed and let out a sigh.


            “Dear fates, how I hate that woman,” The leader of the Royal Guard muttered as he made his way towards the royal stables. “Perhaps Lantrius was right to quit the guard.” Dameon’s words echoed in his own head bringing back the old days when he and his brother would spar in the castles inner training field. Lantrius had been better blade by far than he would ever become, but they had been good times. Time’s before that b***h Rose had taken the throne.

© 2012 Wolfwind

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Added on December 21, 2012
Last Updated on December 21, 2012



Coupeville, WA

Sometimes poet, always an artist, creator of colorful visions, dreamer, and a seeker of things not yet known. more..


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