Americans. Fat, Lazy + Stupid?

Americans. Fat, Lazy + Stupid?

A Story by Incognito

I would actually like for somebody to show me up on this one, tell me the rest of the world is just as bad or something of the fact. Because I am an American, and have never left. So I have nothing to compare it to. Comment with your thoughts as always a


Are Americans Fat, Lazy And Stupid?

Now here’s a topic I’m sure everyone can add some insight on.  As an American myself, I’m not claiming to be completely innocent on all counts, but I think this is something we should take a second look into.  As you may have heard on your own by exploring the web, Americans are very widely considered as lazy and often times stupid.  How have we let ourselves sink to this level?  We are Americans, always in a rush to get out of every situation we encounter and tempers always flaring.  

As a photographer in my spare time, I often times go for long walks in random places.  There is an hour long circular walking trail in a state park nearby that I often go to, and there is a specific spot in the trail where you will see no more humans.  The path is pretty busy up until that point, which is about ten minutes in, but it never fails.  When I reach that spot in the trail you see nearly everyone turn and walk back.  I continue along the trail which I can stretch to two hours if I want and on the end of the circle the same thing happens… I know when I’m close to the entrance again because I start seeing people again.  Now im not sure if this sort of thing happens elsewhere but I find it pretty pathetic when I’m on the trail for about a half hour and a trail guide drives by me and stops, asking if I’m lost or not.  Yes, I got lost on this trail which only leads back to one place.  The entrance.  Because it’s circular.  If that isn’t a slap in the face hinting at all three of the proposed accusations I don’t know what is!  

Another time where I have seen evidence of this was when I was at my job a few years back.  I was working at a grocery store doing carriages when I see a guy come from one of the entrance areas and walk all the way back towards the entrance where I was.  He then proceeds to try and open the exit door.  Then he turns to me and he’s like “dude… how do I get in here?”  I just stare at him dumfounded that he was that dumb.  The door which was two feet from the one he was so persistent to enter was the entrance, and was clearly stated in a big green circle at the top of the door which even said “enter”
And speaking of carriages!  People are so lazy when it comes to shopping carts.  The return area is 20 feet from every parking spot, yet they either just send them flying or prop them on the curb… often times they actually stack them in handicap spots if you don’t keep up on them.  That’s just ridiculous.

These could just be some really unintelligent people, or druggies (see Drug usage) but those seem to be the mass population of the US.  I mean don’t even start quoting our own president at times…    there are many people who say “I shouldn’t be eating this, I’m going to get fat”  yet they continue to overeat and not get any exercise and just sit around in the air conditioned homes they own.  

Not to mention how ignorant and inconsiderate half of us are!  Going back to my grocery store days, do you realize how many people completely ignore you when you ask them how they are?  They either don’t say a damn thing no matter how many times you ask, or they just say an automated robotic answer and THEN ignore you for all its worth.  And you can’t even tell me you haven’t encountered anyone on the roads or in other daily life that are just completely rude and ignorant no matter how wrong they are.  I can understand being in a bad mood, but when you get to that point of being angry at somebody, BE ANGRY AT THEM! Not every person who crosses your path.  

That could be an example of being stupid, but how about the fact that you go into the city and people don’t even know their own language well at all.  The sad part is it isn’t their fault!  I knew a person who had a kid growing up in a city, and the child brought home a paper that was nearly incoherent it was so littered with mistakes.  The teacher gave him an A+ regardless though, so he doesn’t even know he made any errors!  Yeah, he’s only in the eighth grade, but I consider that old enough to know the basics of your own language don’t you?

I would actually like for somebody to show me up on this one, tell me the rest of the world is just as bad or something of the fact.  Because I am an American, and have never left.  So I have nothing to compare it to.

© 2008 Incognito

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Hmmm, people are the same everywhere, when it comes down to the small things. Don't fool yourself.

The stupidity that gets me, however, is how the majority of people (here and abroad) have surrendered their brains to the almighty media gods, believing everything they hear. Trust me, if Europeans weren't so taken by the media, they'd view us and themselves in a much different light.

It's trendy to bash Americans, right now. Noting stereotype as fact will only further it.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 1, 2008