

A Story by Incognito

This is too big of a topic to think of it all now, but im sure all sorts of veggies will soon come and discuss this with me ^_^


PETA people and vegetarianism.
I almost giggled myself into a stupor when I saw the most recent Wendys commercial.  The woman asks the man if he would like a piece of her salad or something of the sort, and the man proudly and smugly announces that he is a meatitarian!  It brought tiny girlish laughter to my face to imagine the people down at PETA HQ whining their asses off over how it encourages killing animals because people will be enthusiastic to eat meat from the chain.  It has nothing to do with their commercials; I just want some damn dead cow okay!  

I can understand where many of them come from.  They feel bad about the animals…  Well as I said I can understand that, but these animals were brought into the world purely for the purpose of a food substance.  Maybe in your minds this is not true, but people needed food so they grew the animals FOR THAT PURPOSE.  These animals would never have even taken breath besides the fact that they are food, so what’s the deal?  

“But they are being treated so poorly!”  you may complain… but there is still the simple fact you might want to hear… THEY ARE FOOD!  What do you wish for them to do?  Play with them and cuddle them and then lo and behold!  Off with their heads!?  Nope, sorry… I don’t want my whopper to smile.  

Then there’s the ever annoying topic “cows cry”  when you kill them.   F**k! I’d be crying if my head was about to be chopped off too!  I don’t want them grinning up at me when I decapitate their delicious a*s’s!  

As a whole, the whole lot of them b***h about having healthier and longer lives.  Well im very happy eating my unhealthy sheep and pig and cow and chicken and cute little bunny rabbits so if I live a few years less I will die happy and with a nice full stomach.  Screw all the hypocritical people out there too, Kay?

© 2008 Incognito

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Interesting. I'm vegetarian, do you think I'm offended? Actually, i'm not because I don't care. It would be nice to hear your perspective on PETA. They're liars, did you know that? They assert that they defend "Animal rights" but 94% of the animals they've "rescued" are euthenized. Coincidence? No. Justifiable? No. Hypocritical? Hell yes. Good job.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 1, 2008