~ And Still

~ And Still

A Poem by

~ And Still, Elisa Laura, E.L. FreeStyle Poetry, Mejico, Espana, Birds, Blackbirds, Questions



~ And Still




And still, I had so much to ask,

But I was not and am never allowed,

There are flying a thousand questions

Above the temple of my head,


They mostly fly around midnight

And often they land on mornings,

With the pleasure of the transparent

Wind that does turn the

Compass of my heart ~


Let me forget them for a while;

For they bring me headaches;

Like the hot sun can give you too ~


But always they return,

Like little teasing feathers;

When I do not expect them.


For there are so many questions I didn’t ask,

For there are too many; I must bury still,

In full acceptance, of this life ~


Is it right, that we still are wondering why?

And probably forever will?

For there is a way to pain and suffering


Is it fair? I never got the chance?

Or maybe: “I didn't take it”?

It will remain a big question mark

Even I don’t have an answer to.


For now, I think, my lips are sealed

Poisoned with black ink through my mouth;


Silver needles, crossed them,

And did let love bleed silently forever

For it never dies

So fertile it is…


On this moment;

I fly above the dark caves,

Wishing to land,


But I’m learning to enjoy, how hurt can be

A pleasure, for I’m not flying alone.


I'm not flying alone.



~ Elisa Laura

© 2013

Author's Note

Dear readers, and ghost readers,
Enjoy! :)


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You are not alone. Your writing is such a gift. I have missed it so, and like the "Dia de Muerta" we celebrate the past forever with gratitude. I have been trying to settle. Things are well. This is so ingenious. The words are spoken carefully upon the paper, and even with ambiguity, it is still inherited with great intent by the reader. This place is a master of verbal music, much like the video you posted. Amazing work. You are so not in the dark. I have been thinking of you and this much lately. I had a single review after four months of not being active here and could not resist to read you. As I always will. Great work my dear! X

Posted 10 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

You are a true Queen. Thank you for everything! Looking forward to getting back into the swing of th.. read more

10 Years Ago

Totally inspiring you are to me. It's crazy!!! :)

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much deary!! :) So happy you're in my life too X muah!!!


For it never dies
So fertile it is…

I'm not flying alone. : My fav lines.

I can relate to this.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

10 Years Ago

Thank you anxia :)
~"Silver needles, crossed them,
And did let love bleed silently forever
For it never dies
So fertile it is…"~ i love!~
~so creative and talented is your writings-
maybe silence is better than those unknown
kinds of whispers - besides one answer comes
then another question follows~it's a great write!~

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

10 Years Ago

Thank you James, always nice to have you over... :)

10 Years Ago

~welcome of coarse~ ;)
Awesome write dear love your work :) Superb :)
- Singh :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

10 Years Ago

Thank you very much dear Singh :))

10 Years Ago

you're welcome :)
I really like your style of writing :)
I really liked the picture :)
The song is so soothing to mind :)
I felt all these things in my head too...
Very tough to handle...nicely written !!
Keep writing!! Take care :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


10 Years Ago

you are always welcome dear :)
Try to read my poems..I will really appreciate it :)

10 Years Ago

I will dear one, when I have plenty of time... (mostly once a week)

10 Years Ago

its okay...take your time..take care :)
When I am most moved by a poem, I struggle my hardest to capture what it is that touched me so. At first glance, it was the title...then the formatting you gave it, with the delicate font that gave life to your every word.

"They mostly fly around midnight
And often they land on mornings,
With the pleasure of the transparent
Wind that does turn the
Compass of my heart ~"

You are truly gifted!

My best,

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much dear, I'm really glad you're back! :) Thanks for your beautiful words xx
Beautiful words once again, my friend. The heart is a many faceted thing...the mind is the part that plays tricks on us. We innately "need" to know the answers to certain questions, but sometimes the heart is best left alone in terms of figuring things out. It is a unique juxtaposition for those of us who are both "feeling" and "analytical"--you are that, Elisa.

So many beautiful images, i cannot imagine choosing a piece of this one that I like the most. All of your words sing out like beautiful birds!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much Sarah! :)
Life is an endless lesson continually changing or challenging our perceptions with ever new revelation. Very well written, profound and concise.

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much Dale. :) I shall come back for you!
The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

10 Years Ago

My pleasure.
At different times of day, mood swings affect us as we walk through the fog of our naivety. Questions without answers about how we determined our fate in the past bedazzle us, for they are lightening strikes of bright cascading "what if's". Every moment is an opportunity for a new choice, a new path, or a cause for more stress in the future

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

10 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your thoughts Aethereal :)

10 Years Ago

Pain and suffering are what we feel as we bump into sharp unseen guidepost ahead as we walk through .. read more

10 Years Ago

It really is my friend... to embrace pain, is to grow, :)
My dear, I've never related to so much to one of your writings as I do with this one...it feels like something my subconscious would have written...my mind is most frantic after midnight, the sun gives me headaches, I long to find pleasure in pain, and on and on it goes ;) I am so thankful that it ends on a note of optimism, I'm not sure my subconscious would allow me to do that, but your words give me hope that it could happen :) This is a gorgeous piece Eli...stay happy my friend :) xo

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

10 Years Ago

Thank you dear Steve, I'm glad I could give some hope in the end. :) Sometimes we feel so weird, and.. read more

10 Years Ago

I know exactly how you feel my friend...if I haven't mentioned this to you before, I'll probably say.. read more

10 Years Ago

And I value yours dear friend... thanks so much for the conversation, and your good friendship :) ho.. read more
And still, I had so much to ask,
But I was not and am never allowed,
There are flying a thousand questions
Above the temple of my head,

They mostly fly around midnight
And often they land on mornings,
With the pleasure of the transparent
Wind that does turn the
Compass of my heart ~

Let me forget them for a while;
For they bring me headaches;
Like the hot sun can give you too ~

This is my favorite part very beautiful
and the video is breath taking along with your words
I loved it

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Lover Of Words

10 Years Ago

I love the video too... Your a great writer you deserve the compliments :) and i love love love read.. read more

10 Years Ago

I'm so happy you love them. :) thanks for being so kind Kelsey! xx
Lover Of Words

10 Years Ago

No need to thank me for my kindness it is all from love and respect for another one who is spectacul.. read more

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35 Reviews
Shelved in 4 Libraries
Added on July 22, 2013
Last Updated on July 31, 2013
Tags: ~ And Still, Elisa Laura, E.L. FreeStyle Poetry, Mejico, Espana, Birds, Blackbirds, Questions


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