Volatile Teeth

Volatile Teeth

A Poem by Young Mountain

The 10th short in the series "Behind The Empty Curtain".


Your bite eats at the soul with a ravenous hunger,
it slowly tears away the patience of a man.
The foundation that was presented to you was translucent,
it was meant to be.
flawed, decayed, tethered,
but awaiting an awakening of a new day.

Searching for that awakening,
the footprints presented before you

were flawed, decayed & tethered 
It's not the way it's suppose to be,
those foundations presented to you where a lie-
and it slowly tore away your trust in everything.
Your heart was misguided, and left with a ravenous hunger
to tear away the pieces that make up you.

© 2010 Young Mountain

My Review

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this is such a great piece of writing , touching our sense of security , of human flaws I like reflection of "were flawed, decayed & tethered" and how its meant in context .

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 15, 2010
Last Updated on August 15, 2010
Tags: teeth, volatile, youg, mountain, behind the empty curtain, short, writing