How We Exit

How We Exit

A Poem by Young Mountain

The 2nd short in the series "Hush"

I wonder If you hear me?
If you can feel my pulse at dawn;
I wonder If you're happy?
because your time was up ahead of time,
I wonder If you were afraid?
I was.

I wonder If you feel me?
does the touch feel the same?
or is it like pushing your face to the wind,
but full of joy.

I wonder what it's like,
to be on that other side?
I want you to tell me,
but I'm so afraid of your answers.
Can you catch a smile?
Does the innocence return?
or does it all fall by the wayside,
lingering in an abyss of nothing,
you wouldn't have it that way.

I wonder if you see me?
the sadness,
and the never ending laughter that flows inside,
the thoughts of you,
the touch of you,
the love from you,
it's all present
every single day, never forgotten
but I still do wonder,
what if you were still here?

© 2010 Young Mountain

My Review

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This is deep and inquisitive, I love the pondering questions, This seems to have great emotion and insight into the way we think about life and death. This had a steady beat, Bringing back memories and feelings deep within. Beautiful writing style, I think I'll favorite this one. Thank you so much for sharing.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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This is sad, with a real sense of longing and second thoughts. Really powerful write. It really made me feel for the narrator. Nicely done.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 15, 2010
Last Updated on August 15, 2010
Tags: hush, how, we, exit, young, mountain, poetry, poem, writing