Forever, We Go

Forever, We Go

A Poem by Young Mountain

The 3rd short in the series "Hush"


Today is collapsing around a series of accidents.
Yet, the snow angels she makes every evening are not aware;
Only when she called them by name, would their eyes lighten bright.

The Snowmen grew large, in a perfect row, from small to tall.
She would always make sure they could see everything all around.
It scared the others;
To see the eyes follow them,

everywhere in silence.
But it forever made the dim outside light of #2231 feel safe.

The shadow of the moon glistened in the snow, like a spotlight above her.
With her sleeves rolled, she would finish the final touches, to the angels flight.
The howling wind seemed to whisper back thank you;
And she would smile

She would remember the time when it would all come to life.
When the broken streetlight would comfort her, with a forgiving saving grace
Yet, the raw cold hands of winter, would let her mind wander with thoughts
of chocolate & goodnight kisses.

the smell of coco would send her lips to quiver with thirst.
The crackle of fire, surrendered to her ear the memories of warmth.
Inside the touches always felt real
And the empty bottle always said full
It had to change, if only for the morning

The third floor window continued to be her favorite
For every Christmas she would look out & see the sunshine bright.
Her favorite window continued to fool her eyes,
And take her to a winter wonderland.

© 2010 Young Mountain

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Nice work here. I really like the imagery of this woman in her winter wonderland.

Posted 13 Years Ago

this little movie you have written is amazing , a dreamer in her dreamworld

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 15, 2010
Last Updated on August 15, 2010
Tags: forever, we, go, young, mountain, hush, poem, short, writing