

A Chapter by Zack_Rites

We are introduced to the group of teenagers traveling around the entire globe. In this chapter we meet and learn a little about the characters personalities.


“I’m telling you it doesn’t make sense! It just doesn’t. Make. Sense!!” A rough, patchy voice rang through the clearing in the woods.


            “Oh, my god. Shut UP!” another voice, female this time, laced with annoyance called out in close range of the first. “Stop talking!”




            The two of them had been going back and forth like this for quite some time. It sounded like two birds squawking the same lines to each other. ‘Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.’ It had been going on for around an hour, and the rest of the group was getting tired of it. The two fighting were Aliesia and Jueliard. They fought like this constantly, and everyone else in the group thought they were going to end up f*****g in the forest at this point. Their quarrel was interrupted by another;


            “Keeree slushme anp varmeet eerneeru![1]This new voice, obviously foreign, if you couldn’t tell, was angry, abrupt and rock solid. “Keeree koik varmeet eerneeru...[2]


            There was an awkward moment of silence, then;


            “….what did you ju- WHAT? WHAT DID HE JUST F*****G SAY?” Jue’s voice shocked them all. “KARMIE! You’re this freaks translator. TELL ME WHAT HE SAID!”


            “AH! Uhm, o-okay!” Shaking the newly mentioned girl answered the intimidating entity, and now spoke to the one with foreign tongue. “H-hom sotoro?[3]


            The pause following these words was a long, agonizing moment, ending with a simple, little word.


“O-okay. Hnn..” Karmie, the one now translating got ready to speak. “H-he said: ‘You should stop talking.’” She took a pause and a breath. “’You never stop talking’” She closed her eyes tight and balled her hands into fists at her side. “O-okay J-jue? Nhgg…”


“Yea, well…” Jue, muttered in response. “Yea, well, what, WHAT does he know anyway? All HE is a f*****g TREE-LICKER” He spat his words like venom.






All three of the later voices rang out at the same time. The teenage tongues mixing together in a very unusual way.


There were four people sitting around the campfire, and the tension was thicker than the smoke rising up to the darkening red sky.


Jue was the start of this small outburst, as he was the start of ALL the fights in the group. He was a gruff, angry seventeen year old, that was a perfect match for his rough voice. His jet black hair hung down to his eyebrows and gleamed in the fire’s light. His hair was just short of his shoulders and was a layered mess. His face was relaxed, surprisingly for this situation. His chin was loose, and held little emotion in it. Hair danced on his chin in a short patch, black, just like his hair. His side burns added to his dark appearance. His entire, large, body was relaxed. His six foot two figure was covered by a simple black shirt, the sleeves made it down to his elbows and the hem reached all the way to his mid thigh, and the rest of his legs were covered by the black pants he wore. As he sat there, unmoving and calm he kept his eyes closed, his lids, dark from sleep deprivation, moved as his eyes did, almost resembling the R.E.M. cycle. His jaw only slightly clenched when he heard the next voice speak.


“Can you guys please, please, stop fighting?” This was Aliesia, the other one that ignited the short argument. “You’ve been fighting since we picked Axio up! That’s like..” she took a moment to recall the information, “A MONTH!” The words she spoke poured out of perfectly pink, plump shiny lips. They formed a half pout, and she puffed out her cheeks. She was sixteen, but sometimes acted as though she was six. Her shorter stature, she was only around five foot five, added to her childish appearance. The only thing that reminded the group of her age was her large, and visible bosom. The fact she was very large, in that area was highlighted by her dress, which consisted in a dark purple corset and lighter pink toned purple skirt. She was tense and sitting, with Karmie on a large leaf, as big as an area rug. She glared at Jue and pouted, almost asking him to stop fighting with her eyes.


“P-please?” This voice was Karmie. She was a scared timid girl, who, for some reason was always high-strung and twitching.  “Please don’t do that, I really wish that you guys would stop yelling at each other … so often.” Karmie was a very scared creature.  She often kept to herself while in the group and never really stayed with them unless it was to translate.  Her outfit consisted of an orange sweatshirt, and tight black pants.  On her head was a blue hat that was made to look like a rabbit, with a cartoon-like face and two long ears.  Her skin was a dark brown colour and greatly contrasted with the orange of her sweatshirt.  Her entire body shook as she spoke and, trembling, her hands tugged on her hair, which was a bright blue colour and glowed in the light of the nearby campfire. Karmie was from Southern Influasia, a place no one usually visited and because of this no one really understood her culture. She looked over to her left, where Aliesia sat. Ali was the only one that didn’t scare her, and so she usually stayed close to her when she was near the group. “Please?” The group went silent for a minute, but to the trembling girl it felt like hours. The only sound was the crackling of the camp fire.


Jue’s eyes scanned the group that was before him. Karmie, he found her sweet, and easy to talk to. Aliesia, oh how she annoyed the hell out of him. She was like an annoying little sister. Slowly his eyes moved to Axio. He couldn’t stand Axio. Something about him irked his entire being, and, in his childish anger, he spat racist remarks and slander at the younger boy. Jue looked Axio over quickly. His features were soft. A slender neck and chin, piercing black eyes that were glazed over with anger, and a small nose. His hair was tied up in a pony tail, and he wore a headband. Some of his hair spilling out from over the band was tucked behind his ear. His clothes were that of his village. A simple animal skin top and shorts. His sandals were from Jue’s home town. He was forced to buy him new shoes to protect his feet. He grunted at the memory. Axio didn’t speak much of the language used in Noi; Klegish. ‘Klegish is the most popular language in the world. Why doesn’t he speak it too?’ Jue would think to himself. It was something his father had taught him as a child. People that don’t speak Klegish thought they were better than everyone else, and therefore didn’t deserve to speak it. Jue looked back up at Karmie and remembered her pleas. He smiled softly and gave her an apologetic look before looking up at Axio.



[1] You both should stop talking!

[2] You never stop talking.

[3] This is agreeable?

[4] Yes.

[5] Untranslatable curse.  

© 2010 Zack_Rites

Author's Note

There is use of foreign, made up language. Tell me what you think of my usage. Correct all spelling and grammar mistakes please. Thank you gentlemen, and ladies. Also, if anything seems weird, please go ahead and tell me.

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Added on July 20, 2010
Last Updated on July 20, 2010



Staten Island , NY

I am whoever you believe me to be. But does IDENTITY really matter? more..

Amashnia Amashnia

A Book by Zack_Rites