Back Pocket Love

Back Pocket Love

A Poem by Zall

Walking around with your hand in my back pocket, there's no better way, no other place I'd rather be.



Back Pocket Love
Walking around,
With your hand in my back pocket,
There’s no better feeling in the world,
Like being in your arms,
For just being near you,
Sends my heart into orbit,
It’ll take off and out of sight,
Like it’s on its own flight,
Flying around all on its own,
But not a second too late,
It returns back to your hand,
I gave it to you to keep forever,
For forever and ever,
Because I love,
Walking around,
With your hand in my back pocket.

© 2009 Zall

Author's Note

Sorry if it's bad; just kind of how I feel.

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That is a wonderful piece of happiness and joy! I can only imagine what it's like to be close to a person that one could do that with. But I'm sure it would be a very close and bonding thing to share with eachother.

Simple and elegant!

Tara M Stone

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 11, 2009



Twin Cities, MN

Hey! You really don't need to know anything about me other than I love to write and listen to music and read. :) more..

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