I Laughed Last

I Laughed Last

A Story by Zenithex

Story about a relationship which was saved at the point of crashing

"Its really not worth it, the suffering i had gone through to sustain our relationship, he never give it a damn thinking, am fed up but who will help me out of these disaster. My family has rejected me ever since i had lure myself into this hell, they really go against our relationship but I fight them to the core . In fact I am fed up, all my friends has deserted me because he talked to them anyhow and never respect any of my relatives. But today is the day i will get out of the bondage today, if I die, its for my freedom, and I will be an heroine I will fight him with the last blood in me, i dont care if he kills me". This is what spread all over my heart before my husband comes in with a flower in his hand, before i could say a word he hugged me and hand over the flower to me, telling me that he is sorry, he promised that henceforth he will be a good husband, trully he fulfilled his promise i really enjoyed marrying him, I laughed last.

© 2012 Zenithex

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What a deeply moving account of love thriving even in what seemed a barren place... Your last lines just make the heart soar.

Posted 11 Years Ago

First one pls! how do you find it

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Mmm it's...not exactly a scene. You were supposed to test your descriptive skills.

11 Years Ago

Thank you pal

11 Years Ago

Thank you master

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2 Reviews
Added on November 9, 2012
Last Updated on November 9, 2012
Tags: Laugh, relationship, short story, last, love



Abeokuta, South west, Nigeria

I love to write but just a beginner more..

If i could If i could

A Poem by Zenithex