Charles and Abu

Charles and Abu

A Story by Zenithex

A story about two boys who are in the same classroom

Charles has made it again! He always took the first position in his class, in almost all the subjects, the next in position is Abu who always tried to beat Charles arms down but he never succeeded instead he took second always. One day the headmistress of the school went to their class to pass some information to then holding her purse, on getting to the class he dropped it on one of the children's table. When she's about to left her purse had disappeared, they searched everybody in the class, later the purse was found in Charles's pant. He was punished for stealing.
Later at the end of the session the state government asked for the best pupil to be offered scholarship, Charles supposed to get the offer but he was turned down by the school authority and the offer was given to Abu, Charles cried so much but this offer has gone, then he promised never to steal again.

© 2012 Zenithex

Author's Note

Please make corrections but am a learner and a beginner

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a really good piece...with lesson of reality... once in our life we commit mistakes, so its never to late to learned from them... then on we become better person of the society..

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank u so much
Thank u leslie for your commendation

Posted 11 Years Ago

Good piece of prose - don`t worry about corrections , as my English teacher said,
make it new, make it true,make it you....

Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on November 12, 2012
Last Updated on November 12, 2012
Tags: Stealling, children, story, charles, abu, zenithex



Abeokuta, South west, Nigeria

I love to write but just a beginner more..

If i could If i could

A Poem by Zenithex