The No love Blues

The No love Blues

A Poem by BadlyBruisedMuse

whoa is me...


·          I met prince charming yesterday
today he rides away
leaving me in my lonely shack
to live my lonely days
the time we spent, though short
filled my battered heart
to see  him gallop off in the mist
has made my life quite dark
i do not follow him, oh no..
i've seen this pain before
to many times have i danced with love
to be left heartbroken by the shore
i've cried so many tears
so many tears i did not cry
this well rehearsed tragedy
has made my soul quite dry
and tomorrow i may meet a new love
and he'll sweep me off my feet
and the next day he'll disappear
and i'll be just a little more weak
soon will i wither away

alone, but already dead inside

the cruel fates have forsaken me

and cursed my entire life

accepting it was never easy

but accepting it i have

only then could i let go of hope

that, so often, made me sad

so when i die i'll be a rock

emotionless and unseen

crafted by the runaways

who never stayed & loved me


© 2010 BadlyBruisedMuse

My Review

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A very well written write here.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Very nice flow to this poem, very good work, keep up the excellent writing

Posted 14 Years Ago

crafted by the runaways
who never stayed & loved me....

I very much enjoyed the ending on this one. clever, clever.
viva la

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on December 30, 2009
Last Updated on February 13, 2010
Tags: love, pain, saddness, sad, poetry, hate, forgotten, lost, heartbroken, boys, gay, hope, sorrow, tears, cry, prince, charming, life, truth, broken, forsaken, fate, destiny, poem, tragedy, boyfriend



Los Angeles, CA

(*Below was written ten years ago. For strange sentimental reasons, I haven't been on this site for nearly 10 years as well, I don't want to delete it. suffice it to say I no longer am a 19 year old.. more..
