"Nightmare Land"

"Nightmare Land"

A Poem by Zoe Anne

"Nightmare Land"

Welcome to Nightmare Land!
Oh, careful! You don't want to end up in the quicksand!
Here in Nightmare Land, we know your fears!
Yes, we have known them for many, many years!

We take pride in throwing your dreams away...
And then when they are lost they can't find the way...
So, they just wonder through the evil skies,
And turn into dead carcasses to feed our monstrous flies...

You think that we are crazy?
Well at least we aren't lazy!
What do you do?
Do you just go out and act like a fool?

A fool who just dreams that will never happen in reality?
Well that's just absurd, no creativity!
Get out of here your nonsense is going to make me sneeze!

You are your own nightmare!
I swear!
If there are more like you,
I wouldn't know what to do!

Written by Zoe Anne

© 2010 Zoe Anne

My Review

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Love this!!! Great job and keep up the good work (:

Posted 13 Years Ago

Haha I love it! It's very interesting how the narrator describes Nightmare Land. It's a very awesome write!

Posted 14 Years Ago

wow, nightmare land, actually a unique twistn to bad dreams, i've never thought of it like this., keep up the great work

Posted 14 Years Ago

Awesome poem hopefully Freddy will visit this nightmare land.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on March 24, 2010
Last Updated on August 11, 2010
Tags: nightmare, dead, death, monstrous, dreams, fears


Zoe Anne
Zoe Anne


I like to write a lot of horror, poetry, and lyrics. My inspirations are Edgar Allan Poe, Anne Rice, H.P. Lovecraft, and Stephen King. I hope that someday my name will be next to theirs... more..
