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North East Philly!!!, PA
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If you ever wished u lived another life put a frown of your face. If you ever hated someone say that you're a disgrace. If you ever wanted to die take those words back. If you ever believed in lies look at the facts. I could never live without you so don't live another life. I could never hate you so don't say those words you don't mean. You could never die without me so don't suicide. I could never lie to you so don't think twice

I am thirteen years old and have been seriously writing for three years now. I hope to one day become a great author. I do love poetry, and I am working on books. I have been on writers cafe for about two years. I like to thank my mother for showing me this site.

I live in Philadelphia, born and raised. I have once lived in Florida for three years before I was in first grade. My family mainly lives here, some are in Jersey, Puerto Rico, Florida and in Columbia. I have a father who lives just down the street. I only have one brother, who we have a love-hate situation. I went through a lot and going through a lot. I am strong, independent girl who can only rely on my parents. I have a close relationship with my grandmother from my mom's side. I am glad she is still young to hopefully be alive at my one-day wedding. I love her support and her herself.

Thank-you so much for getting to know me better! I hope you enjoy my writings. Some will be quick written others were thoughtful. Thanks again. If you have any questions please message me :)

-For now
Raving Rachel


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Posted 13 Years Ago

I'm sure it's not corny. Send me a read request. Would love to read it.

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hey, I'm doing good. How about yourself?

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Aww thnx for the reviews,, !! Glad you liked the fan fic & the poem :) ♥

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Posted 13 Years Ago

thanks for your review =DD

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Yeah.. that's there.. anyway THNK U :D

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Send kindness

Send a little kindness out into the world today. And it will grow. The kindness you give never goes away. The more you give, the more you have.
Genuine kindness is one of the best investments you can make. For your return on the investment of kindness has no limit.

Even when it seems that others don't appreciate the kindness you offer, it has much value. Though it may not be noticed at first, true kindness cannot continue to be ignored for long.

In kindness, there is a power, a level of confidence and self assurance that is difficult to deny. Even when all else has failed, kindness can make a difference precisely because it speaks with such strength.

Send a little kindness out into the world today. And you'll create real value that cannot be denied.

-- Ralph Marston

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Posted 14 Years Ago

xD it is fine, take your time.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey Rachel, I just got on. Send me a message on Facebook, I'll talk to you on that


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thnx :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thanks for your review.